PSY 101-Chapter 11


Emily  Fox
Quiz por Emily Fox , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily  Fox
Criado por Emily Fox mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The tendency to overeat when food is plentiful...
  • is a recent phenomenon that is associated with the smaller plate sizes that are used today compared to in the past
  • emerged in our prehistoric ancestors as an adaptive response to periods when food was scarce
  • is a way for the body to maintain homeostasis
  • is a symptom of neophobia

Questão 2

Some scientific evidence makes a preliminary link between homosexuality and...
  • late sexual maturation
  • the age of an individual’s first erotic experience
  • atypical prenatal hormones
  • early problems in relationships with parents

Questão 3

Increases in insulin will...
  • lower blood sugar and trigger hunger
  • raise blood sugar and trigger hunger
  • lower blood sugar and trigger satiety
  • raise blood sugar and trigger satiety

Questão 4

According to Maslow’s theory...
  • the most basic motives are based on physiological needs
  • needs are satisfied in a specific order
  • the highest motives relate to self-actualization and self-transcendence
  • all of the above

Questão 5

The text suggests that a neophobia for unfamiliar tastes...
  • is more common in children than in adults
  • protected our ancestors from potentially toxic substances
  • may be an early warning sign of obesity
  • only grows stronger with repeated exposure to

Questão 6

Kenny and his brother have nearly identical eating and exercise habits, yet Kenny is obese and his brother is thin. The MOST LIKELY explanation for the difference in their body weights is that they differ in...
  • their bone structure
  • amygdala activity
  • their settling points and their metabolic rates
  • their differing exposure to carbohydrate-laden foods

Questão 7

Randy has been under a lot of stress lately because he has fallen behind on his responsibilities at work. After a long day at work he has intense cravings for sugary junk foods, which tend to make him feel more relaxed. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for his craving?
  • Randy feels that he deserves to pamper himself with sweets because of the stress he is under
  • the extra ghrelin being produced gives Randy the energy he needs to cope with the demands of his daily life
  • carbohydrates boost levels of serotonin, which has a calming effect
  • the extra sugar tends to lower blood insulin level, which promotes relaxation

Questão 8

Which of the following is NOT true regarding sexual orientation?
  • sexual orientation is neither willfully chosen nor willfully changed
  • some homosexuals struggle with their sexual orientation
  • men’s sexual orientation is more fluid and changeable than women’s
  • women, regardless of sexual orientation, respond to both female and male erotic stimuli more so than men

Questão 9

When asked what makes life meaningful, most people first mention...
  • good health
  • challenging work
  • satisfying relationships
  • serving others

Questão 10

Castration of male rats results in...
  • reduced testosterone and reduced sexual interest
  • reduced testosterone, but no change in sexual interest
  • reduced estradiol and reduced sexual interest
  • reduced estradiol, but no change in sexual interest

Questão 11

Research on genetic influences on obesity reveals that...
  • the body weights of adoptees correlate with that of their biological parents
  • the body weights of adoptees correlate with that of their adoptive parents
  • identical twins usually have very different body weights
  • the body weights of identical twin women are more similar than those of identical twin men

Questão 12

Which of the following is NOT necessarily a reason that obese people have trouble losing weight?
  • fat tissue has a lower metabolic rate than lean tissue
  • once a person has lost weight, it takes fewer calories to maintain his or her current weight
  • the tendency toward obesity may be genetically based
  • obese people tend to lack willpower and lack ability to engage in self-control

Questão 13

Summarizing her report on the need to belong, Rolanda states that...
  • “Cooperation amongst our ancestors was uncommon”
  • “social bonding is not in our nature; it is a learned human trait”
  • “because bonding with others increased our ancestors’ success at reproduction and survival, it became part of our biological nature
  • “our male ancestors were more likely to bond than were our female ancestors”


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