Examen 101 - LPI Chapter 2:Managing Software


Quiz sobre Examen 101 - LPI Chapter 2:Managing Software, criado por Carlos Alberto Jara Alva em 08-01-2018.
Carlos Alberto Jara Alva
Quiz por Carlos Alberto Jara Alva, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carlos Alberto Jara Alva
Criado por Carlos Alberto Jara Alva aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What is the correct syntax to remove mypkg entirely from a Debian GNU/Linux system, including configuration file? Select one.
  • dpkg -r mypkg
  • dpkg --remove mypkg
  • dpkg --kill mypkg
  • dpkh -R mypkg
  • dpkg --purge mypkg

Questão 2

How can you query the RPM database for a list of all installed RPM packages? Select one
  • rpm -q
  • rpm -qa
  • rpm -a
  • rpm -al
  • rpm -qal

Questão 3

What will happen when rpm is launched as follows? #rpm -Uvh file
  • The RPM file will be verified
  • An installed package may be upgraded with the version in file, with verbose output.
  • An installed package may be upgraded with the version in file, with verbose output and hash marks indicating progress.
  • An error will occur because a major mode is not specified
  • An error will occur because no file options were specified.

Questão 4

Which is not a valid dkpg installation command? Select one
  • dpkg -i package_file
  • dpkg -iL package_file
  • dpkg -iR packge_dir
  • dpkg -iG package_file
  • dpkg -iE package_file

Questão 5

Which of the following is not an advantage of a source package over a binary package?
  • A single source package can be used on multiple CPU architectures.
  • By recompiling a source package, you can sometimes work around library incompat- ibilities.
  • You can modify the code in a source package, thus altering the behavior of a program.
  • Source packages can be installed more quickly than binary packages.
  • You may be able to recompile source code for a non-Linux Unix program on Linux.

Questão 6

Which is true of using both RPM and Debian package management systems on one computer?
  • It’s generally inadvisable because the two systems don’t share installed-file database information.
  • It’s impossible because their installed-file databases conflict with one another.
  • It causes no problems if you install important libraries once in each format.
  • It’s a common practice on Red Hat and Debian systems.
  • Using both systems simultaneously requires installing the alien program.

Questão 7

Which of the following statements is true about binary RPM packages that are built for a particular distribution?
  • License requirements forbid using the package on any other distribution.
  • They may be used in another RPM-based distribution only when you set the -- convert-distrib parameter to rpm.
  • They may be used in another RPM-based distribution only after you recompile the package’s source RPM
  • They can be recompiled for an RPM-based distribution running on another type of CPU.
  • They can often be used on another RPM-based distribution for the same CPU architecture, but this isn’t guaranteed.

Questão 8

An administrator types the following command on an RPM-based Linux distribution: # rpm -ivh megaprog.rpm What is the effect of this command?
  • If the megaprog package is installed on the computer, it is uninstalled.
  • If the megaprog.rpm package exists, is valid, and isn’t already installed on the computer, it is installed.
  • The megaprog.rpm source RPM package is compiled into a binary RPM for the computer.
  • Nothing; megaprog.rpm isn’t a valid RPM filename, so rpm will refuse to operate on this file.
  • The megaprog.rpm package replaces any earlier version of the package that’s already installed on the computer.

Questão 9

Which of the following commands will extract the contents of the myfonts.rpm file into the current directory?
  • rpm2cpio myfonts.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories
  • rpm2cpio myfonts.rpm > make-directories
  • rpm -e myfonts.rpm
  • alien --to-extract myfonts.rpm
  • rpmbuild --rebuild myfonts.rpm

Questão 10

Which of the following commands would you type to update the unzip program on a Fedora system to the latest version? (Select all that apply.)
  • yum update unzip
  • yum upgrade unzip
  • yum -u unzip
  • yum -U unzip
  • yum check-update unzip

Questão 11

How should you configure a system that uses Yum to access an additional Yum software repository?
  • Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to include the repository site’s URL, as detailed on the repository’s website.
  • Download a package from the repository site, and install it with RPM, or place a configuration file from the repository site in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory.
  • Use the add-repository subcommand to yum or the Add Repository option in the File menu in yumex, passing it the URL of the repository.
  • Edit the /etc/yum.conf file, locate the [repos] section, and add the URL to the repository after the existing repository URLs.
  • Edit the /etc/yum.conf file, locate the REPOSITORIES= line, and add the new repository to the colon-delimited list on that line.

Questão 12

What option(s) to rpm will instruct rpm to run a verification check on all packages installed on the system?
  • rpm -verify -all
  • rpm -Va
  • rpm -qa
  • rpm -check
  • rpm -c

Questão 13

For distributions that use the Red Hat package management system, what command will list all packages currently installed?
  • rpm -qa
  • rpm -i
  • rpm -Uvh
  • rpm -list
  • rpm -all

Questão 14

for distributions that use the Red Hat package management system, what command will download and update all installed packages to he latest available version?
  • yum update
  • yum install
  • yum config
  • yum list available
  • yum download

Questão 15

To use dpkg to remove a package called theprogram, including its configuration files, which of the following commands would you issue?
  • dpkg -e theprogram
  • dpkg -p theprogram
  • dpkg -r theprogram
  • dpkg -r theprogram-1.2.3-4.deb
  • dpkg -P theprogram

Questão 16

What is it that allows apt-cache to be done?
  • That’s intended solely to provide information about the Debian package database
  • Packet list to be installed by the operating system
  • Install the packages that run certain libraries
  • Install only using the alien converter with current kernel versions

Questão 17

The parameter to unpack a file in tar is:
  • j
  • x
  • z
  • r
  • v

Questão 18

To see a compressed file with gzip format, I use the parameter, with command gzip:
  • -x
  • -r
  • -d
  • -t
  • -w

Questão 19

What is the preferred method of adding a directory to the library path for all users?
  • Modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in a global shell script.
  • Add the directory to the /etc/ld.so.conf file, and then type ldconfig.
  • Type ldconfig /new/dir, where /new/dir is the directory you want to add.
  • Create a symbolic link from that directory to one that’s already on the library path.
  • Type ldd /new/dir, where /new/dir is the directory you want to add.

Questão 20

What programs might you use to learn what your system’s load average is? (Select two.)
  • ld
  • load
  • top
  • uptime
  • la


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