Delivery of Services


Architectural Registration Exam - NCARB A.R.E 5.0 Practice Management Quiz sobre Delivery of Services, criado por Marita Rose em 08-01-2018.
Marita Rose
Quiz por Marita Rose, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marita Rose
Criado por Marita Rose aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What are four important aspects of delivery of services in practice management?
  • How to decide whether or not t o accept a project
  • How to decide on the type of project delivery method to use
  • How to implement each of the possible project delivery methods
  • How to determine what types of practice methodologies will best meet the needs of the client and the selected project delivery method

Questão 2

Which of the following is one of the most important ways an architect can reduce risk for a firm?
  • Deciding when to accept or reject a project (client services request)
  • Hire an appropriate legal team
  • Update insurance plans
  • Include provisions for risk management in contract agreements

Questão 3

Which of the following are factors involved in deciding whether to accept or reject a project?
  • The firm's current workload
  • How well the project matches the type of work the firm is qualified to do or wants to do
  • The feasibility of the project
  • If the client's budget is sufficient enough to cover construction and professional fees
  • The reliability and reputation of the client
  • The client's project management team
  • If the client has a history of litigation with professionals, consultants, & contractors
  • If the client wants to use a nonstandard contract
  • If the client is using bidding as a method of selecting design professionals
  • If the client has made unreasonable requests or shown unreasonably high expectations

Questão 4

Which of the following are the most important considerations in deciding to accept or reject a project?
  • Firm's current workload
  • How well the project matches the type of work the firm is qualified to do or wants to do
  • The feasibility of the project
  • If the client's budget is sufficient to cover construction and professional fees
  • The reliability & reputation of the client
  • If the client wants to use a nonstandard contract
  • If the client is using bidding as a method of selecting design professionals
  • If the client has a history of litigation with professionals, consultants, & contractors
  • If the client makes unreasonable requests or shown unreasonable high expectations

Questão 5

A client requests work that the architect expects will exceed the construction budget, the budget for the professional fees or both. What decisions can the architect make?
  • The architect may decide to accept a lower profit margin on the project, because it will give the firm experience in a project type that the architect wants to pursue
  • The architect may negotiate with the client to reduce the scope of the project, the scope of services or both
  • Decline the request
  • Accept the project but tell the client to increase their budget

Questão 6

A client requests work that will exceed the construction budget, the budget for professional fees, or both. The scope of the project and services is non-negotiable. How should the architect respond?
  • The architect must decline the job
  • Accept the job without negotiation because the architect needs the work in that project type
  • Accept the job but tell the client they need to increase their budget

Questão 7

Which of the following are the most important factors to research in regards to an unfamiliar prospective client?
  • The client's ability to fund the project
  • The client's history with building projects
  • The client's history working with design professionals
  • The client's project management team
  • The location of the client

Questão 8

What are some ways an unfamiliar client's background & history can be researched?
  • Research via internet
  • Reviewing trade journal indexes in the client's line of business
  • Doing a credit check
  • Contacting other professionals who have worked with the client
  • Talking with the client's business associates, vendors, & customers
  • Requesting the client to fill out a survey
  • Looking at employee & customer reviews online

Questão 9

Which of the following are reasons an architect should reject a project?
  • The client wants to use a nonstandard contract
  • The client has a history of litigation with design professionals
  • The client's budget will not cover construction or professional fees and he or she is not open to negotiation
  • The client is using bidding as a method of selecting design professionals
  • The client has unreasonably high expectations

Questão 10

What are the first steps an architect must take after accepting a project and during contract negotiations?
  • Complete a client background check
  • Determine the Scope of Work
  • Determine Fees Required
  • Check the client's credit

Questão 11

When negotiating an agreement, what can an architect do to help determine the project's feasibility & the architect's expected fees before a complete owner-architect agreement is written?
  • Develop a preliminary design
  • Develop a construction schedule
  • Do a charette
  • Have a visioning session

Questão 12

Another architect or design professional has been involved with the prospected client's proposed project, what precautions must the architect make?
  • Determine whether any formal or informal agreement currently exists between the owner and the other design professional
  • Reject the request from the owner unless the agreement with the other architect or design professional has been dissolved
  • None, no precautions are needed prior to accepting the project
  • Create a joint-venture with the other architect or design professional

Questão 13

Select all that apply to Project Delivery:
  • The entire sequence of events that is needed to provide an owner with a completed building
  • The selection of people who will design & construct the project
  • The establishment of contractual relationships
  • Some method of organizing contractors to perform the work
  • Project proposals in response to a client's RFP

Questão 14

Which of the following are important variables that effect the client's choice & an architect's recommendation for the project delivery method?
  • Cost
  • Schedule
  • Project Scope
  • Building Quality
  • Risk
  • Project Location

Questão 15

Which of the follow must an architect confirm with the client prior to finalizing the contract agreements?
  • Project Delivery Method
  • Contractor
  • Furniture Vendors
  • Sub-Contractors

Questão 16

Which of the following define why the Project Delivery Method must be confirmed before the architect's agreement with the owner is made final?
  • Different delivery methods will demand different levels of design & detailing effort from the architect
  • Different delivery methods will determine the extent of the architect's involvement in the project beyond the design phase
  • Different delivery methods will determine the construction budget
  • Different delivery methods will determine the feasibility of the project

Questão 17

Which of the following are negative aspects of the traditional project delivery method Design-Bid-Build?
  • The contractor is put in a role of adversary to the owner & architect
  • To achieve a low bid to win the project, the contractor will underestimate the requirements of the project or base the bid on low-quality materials & labor & then make up costs with change orders
  • The contract may take advantage of discrepancies or ambiguities in the construction documents to force change orders that could be considered errors or omissions & may be charged to the architect
  • Fraught with risks for both the owner & the architect

Questão 18

The traditional Design-Bid-Build project delivery method is fraught with risk for both the owner & the architect.
  • True
  • False

Questão 19

The traditional Design-Bid-Build project delivery method does not guarantee a low price
  • True
  • False

Questão 20

The traditional Design-Bid-Build project delivery method puts the contractor in the role of adversary to the owner & architect
  • True
  • False

Questão 21

In a traditional Design-Bid-Build project delivery method, the contractor often underestimates the project requirements or bases the bid on low-quality materials & labor to achieve a lower bid to win the project. The contractor will try to make up the costs later with change orders.
  • True
  • False

Questão 22

To make up for underestimating the requirements of a project, or basing a bid on low-quality materials & labor the contractor may try to take advantage of discrepancies or ambiguities in the CDs to force change orders that could be considered errors or omissions & may be charged to the architect.
  • True
  • False

Questão 23

Which of the following are needed for the Fast-Track Project Delivery method to actually proceed quickly?
  • Multiple prime contracts
  • Construction Manager as Constructor
  • Permit Expediter
  • Construction Manager as Advisor

Questão 24

Which of the following are recommended for projects with a large complex scope & many unknowns?
  • Design-Bid-Build
  • Design-Build
  • Integrated Project Delivery
  • Multiple Prime
  • Fast-Track Project Delivery
  • Construction Manage who organizes multiple contracts
  • Any of the project delivery methods may be employed using a cost-plus-fixed-fee price from the contractor with or without a GMP

Questão 25

Which of the following project delivery methods would best apply to a low-cost building project?
  • Design-Bid-Build
  • Integrated Project Delivery
  • Construction-Manager-as-Constructor

Questão 26

Which of the following project delivery methods would better apply to a high-quality building project?
  • Design-Bid-Build
  • Construction-Manager-as-Constructor
  • Integrated Project Delivery

Questão 27

Which of the following are methods to reduce risk during both design & construction?
  • Help the owner select the best delivery method for the project
  • Refer to advice of someone with construction expertise, as in using a Design-Build Team
  • Refer to advice of someone with construction expertise, as in hiring a Construction Manager (as either advisor or constructor)
  • Refer to advice of someone with construction expertise, as in creating an Integrated Project Delivery arrangement
  • Use the Design-Bid-Build project delivery method

Questão 28

Which of the following are the 6 main types of project delivery methods?
  • Design-Bid-Build (DBB)
  • Construction Manager as Adviser (CMa)
  • Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc)
  • Design-Build (DB)
  • Design-Assist Contracting
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
  • Single Prime
  • Multiple Prime
  • Fast Track Delivery Method

Questão 29

Which of the following are advantages to the Design-Bid-Build project delivery method?
  • Simple & straightforward roles that are well defined
  • Contractual relationships are straightforward
  • The owner can be quoted a fixed price before proceeding with construction
  • Proceeds in a linear fashion from selection of the architect to final build-out
  • Coordination problems are minimized
  • The design phase must be completely finished before the construction phase proceeds

Questão 30

Which of the following are disadvantages to the Design-Bid-Build project delivery method?
  • The design phase must be completely finished before the construction phase proceeds
  • If not selected by negotiation, the contractor is often put in an adversarial relationships between the architect & the contractor
  • The final cost of the project may result in being greater than the lowest bid in the contractor bidding process due to change orders
  • The owner can be quoted a fixed price before proceeding with construction

Questão 31

Which of the following are advantages to Construction Manager as Adviser (CMa)
  • Acts as the owner's agent without any financial interest in the project
  • Advises on the constructability of the design as it is developed
  • Provides early cost estimating & value analysis
  • Completes project scheduling
  • Assists with contract negotiations
  • Manages multiple construction contracts & fast track construction
  • Makes early material purchases
  • In some cases, gives a guaranteed price & completion date
  • The CM is hired before the design work is finished
  • Simple management structure

Questão 32

Which of the following are disadvantages to Construction Manager as Adviser (CMa)?
  • The CM is hired before the design work is finished so there is no competitive bidding on the cost of building the project, which may mean higher costs for the owner
  • More complicated management structure
  • Hired by the owner, outside of the architect's contract
  • Acts as the owner's agent without any financial interest in the project

Questão 33

With Construction Manager as Adviser (CMa), how can disadvantages be reduced?
  • If the contractor also acts as CM
  • If the CMa has a financial stake in the project
  • If the CMa has a contract with the architect

Questão 34

When the CM acts as an Adviser, What are the 3 common methods for establishing the total construction cost of a project?
  • Fixed-Price Method (aka Stipulated Sum or Lump Sum Method)
  • Cost-Plus-Fee method with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
  • Cost-Plus-Fee method without a GMP
  • Unit costs
  • Percentage of construction costs

Questão 35

Which of the following apply to Fixed-Price Method?
  • Stipulated Sum Method
  • Lump Sum Method
  • The contractor gives the owner a set price for completing the project
  • The owner knows the final cost before construction begins & is not responsible for cost over runs
  • The owner does not share any savings the contractor may realize
  • Encourages the contractor to be efficient
  • Is a common method for establishing the total fee when the CM acts as an Adviser
  • The owner and contractor share any savings
  • The owner knows the final cost before construction begins but is responsible for any cost over runs that may occur

Questão 36

Which of the following apply to Cost-Plus-Fee Method with a Guaranteed maximum price (GMP)?
  • The owner pays the actual cost of construction (direct plus indirect costs) plus a fee that is agreed on before construction beings & the CM guarantees a maximum price
  • If the project is completed for less than this amount the client receives the cost savings
  • If the project is completed for less than this amount only the contractor receives the cost savings
  • Is a common method for establishing total construction fees when the CM acts as an Adviser

Questão 37

Which of the following apply to the Fast-Tracking Method?
  • The construction process can begin before the design process is completed
  • The architectural & engineering documents are issued in stages called Bid Packages
  • Requires many prime contracts & a great deal of coordination
  • Can reduce not only the time but also the cost of a project substaintially
  • Can be used with any project delivery method
  • Most commonly used when a CM is involved
  • The design process must be completed before construction can begin
  • Can reduce the time of a project but not the cost

Questão 38

According to AIA Document A232, Which of the following roles & responsibilities do the Architect & the CMa share?
  • Joint Construction Administration Services in regards to visiting the site
  • Certifying applications for payment
  • Rejecting work
  • Reviewing Submittals
  • Investigating concealed & unknown conditions
  • Determining dates of substantial completion & final completion, as well sa issuing certificates of substantial completion
  • Deciding patters of performance
  • Reviewing requests for information from the contractor
  • Scheduling & coordinating the activities of the contractor & other multiple prime contractors
  • Preparing change orders & construction change directives

Questão 39

Which of the following roles & responsibilities are required by the CMa & NOT the architect
  • Scheduling & Coordinating the activities of the contractor & other multiple prime contractors
  • Facilitating communication between the owner & contractor
  • Preparing change orders & construction change directives
  • Certifying applications for payment
  • Reviewing submittals
  • Rejecting work
  • Investigating concealed & unknown conditions
  • Determining dates of substantial completion & final completion & issuing certificates of substantial completion
  • Deciding matters of performance
  • Reviewing request for information from the contractor

Questão 40

With a CMa project delivery method, which of the following are true regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Architect?
  • The architect must advise & consult with both the owner & CM
  • The architect must report to both the client & the CM any known deviations from the contract documents & the most recent construction schedule as well as any observed defects & deficiencies in the work
  • The architect's decisions on matters relating to aesthetic effect are final if consistent with the intent n the contract documents
  • Schedules and coordinates the activities of the contractor & other multiple prime contractors
  • Facilitates communication between the owner & contractor
  • Prepares change orders & construction change directives

Questão 41

Which of the following best describes CMc
  • The construction manager is part of the contracting firm, which has a single agreement with the owner covering the construction management services as well as the construction services provided
  • The construction manager is part of the contracting firm, which has a single agreement with the owner covering the construction management services
  • Can be either the construction contractor or an independent 3rd party who acts as the owner's agent without any financial interest in the project
  • The construction manager is part of the contracting firm, which has a single agreement with the owner covering the construction services provided

Questão 42

In what circumstance would the 2 phases (Preconstruction & Construction Phases) of a CMc's services proceed concurrently?
  • To Fast-Track the Process
  • To reduce fees
  • In the Design-Bid-Build process
  • To avoid risk

Questão 43

What are the CMc's roles & responsbilities during the Reconstruction Phase?
  • Provide advice to the owner on constructability of the design
  • Cost estimating value analysis
  • Scheduling Contract Negotiations
  • Early Material Purchasing
  • Reviewing submittals
  • reviewing requests for information from the contractor
  • Advise the architect on the cost implications of the architect's work as drawings are finalized

Questão 44

Which of the following are 2 ways to price a project with a Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc)?
  • Cost of the work Plus Fee with a GMP (aka CM@Risk)
  • Cost of the work Plus Fee without a GMP
  • Stipulated Sum
  • Lump Sum

Questão 45

Which of the following describe why the Cost-Plus-Fee with Guaranteed Maximum Price method puts the CM at risk?
  • Cost estimates & GMP are based on partially completed documents, typically after the design development phase is complete
  • A GMP is established before all details, specifications, & drawings are complete
  • The owner & the CMc can monitor cost through periodic review of the original estimate as the project proceeds and the fee to the construction manager can be adjusted accordingly if the scope of work changes
  • The CMc can also advise the architect on the cost implications of the architect's work as drawings are finalized

Questão 46

Which of the following describe why many construction managers prefer the Cost-Plus-Fee Method Without a GMP?
  • The owner & CMc can monitor cost through periodic review of the original estimate as the project proceeds, & the fee to the construction manager can be adjusted accordingly if the scope of work changes
  • The CMc can advise the architect on the cost implications of the architect's work as drawings are finalized
  • The client collects savings if a project is completed under budget

Questão 47

At least 1 of which of the following 3 procedures must occur in order for the architect to assume the roles & responsibilities of a project delivery method with a construction manager as constructor?
  • The Owner Accepts the CMc's GMP
  • The Owner approves the CMc's control estimate
  • The Owner issues a notice to proceed to the CMc
  • The CMc signs a contract with the architect

Questão 48

Which of the following describe the construction manager as constructor's Control Estimate?
  • = (CM's estimate of the cost of work) + (The CM's fee)
  • Establishes the expected date of substantial completion
  • Includes a list of drawings & specifications as well as other items used by the CMc in the preparation of the control estimate
  • Establishes the expected date of final completetion
  • = (CM's estimate of the cost of work) / (The CM's fee) x 100

Questão 49

Which of the following is the most common form of Design-Build entity?
  • Contractor led
  • Architect led
  • Developer Led
  • Integrated design-build firm
  • Joint Venture

Questão 50

Which of the following best describes the Design-Build project delivery method?
  • The owner contracts with on entity to provide both design & construction services; that entity then subcontracts portions of the work to others as needed
  • The architect designs the project & prepares the construction drawings & specifications which are then used as the basis for pricing the project & awarding a construction contract either through competitive bidding or through negotiation with one contractor
  • Requires many prime contracts & a great deal of coordination
  • Includes a construction manager as part of the contracting firm, which as a single agreement with the owner covering the construction management services as well as the construction services provided

Questão 51

Which of the following are true regarding the Design-Build project delivery method?
  • Typically the design-build entity is led by a construction contractor, while an independent architect & engineer act as consultants
  • The architect & engineer would have agreements with the contractor, not with the owner in a contractor led design-build
  • A design manager from the construction contractor led design-build entity, works with the consulting architect to coordinate the efforts of the 2 firms
  • The architect & engineer would have agreements with the owner, not with the contractor in a contractor led design-build

Questão 52

Which of the following are advantages of the Design-Build project delivery method?
  • The design & construction firms are under one contract so there is a single source of responsibility & all the parties work together to give the owner the best value
  • A skilled constructor gives advice early in the design stages of the project when time & cost-saving measures can be implemented
  • The owner receives a fixed price early in the process; this price is generally lower than with other project delivery methods
  • The total time of design & construction is usually less than it would be with more traditional approaches
  • It is an integrated process: overlapping design & construction - typically fast tracked
  • Cost efficiencies can be achieved since the contractor & designer are working together through the entire process
  • This method is widely applicable, well understood, & has well-established & clearly defined roles for the parties involved
  • The absence of construction input into the project design may limit the effectiveness & construct ability of the design

Questão 53

Which of the following are benefits of the contractor & designer working together throughout the entire process under a single design-build entity?
  • Cost efficiencies
  • Fewer changes, fewer claims, & less litigation
  • Earlier knowledge of firm costs
  • Change orders are typically limited to owner changes
  • Ability to reduce project claims
  • The roles & responsibilities are clearly defined

Questão 54

A firm is currently undergoing project negotiations with a client and is recommending a project delivery method. The client is under pressure to complete the project in the shortest schedule possible, at a low cost, & most importantly with the least risk implications. Which project delivery method should the architect recommend?
  • Design-Build
  • Construction Manager
  • Design-Bid-Build
  • Fast-Track
  • Integrated Project Delivery

Questão 55

Which of the following are disadvantages to the Design-Build project delivery method.
  • The client has less control of design & construction than with other project delivery methods. There may be disagreements about what should have been included in the design
  • The client must be experienced with building projects & familiar with the procedures in order to develop a set of performance requirements that will act as a program for the designers & constructors. Must be able to define & state their needs clearly & precisely
  • The design-build entity has control over the quality of the materials & construction methods used, & may substitute lower-quality or less expensive materials or finishes to stay within the project budget
  • Construction cannot begin until after all drawings are completed
  • Since the roles are not as clearly defined, it is riddled with risk & liabilities

Questão 56

Which of the following project payment methods can be used with the Design-Build project delivery method?
  • Contracted Sum
  • Lump Sum
  • GMP
  • Target Cost
  • Cost-plus-fee with or without GMP
  • Unit Price
  • Percentage of construction
  • Stipulated Sum

Questão 57

Which of the following applications are true regarding the Design-Build project delivery method?
  • Can be used for small or large projects
  • Can be used for private works
  • Can be used for public works
  • Can be used for public works but local or state laws & regulations may limit or otherwise control how a public project is completed

Questão 58

A community college district wants to build a new campus, which will be financed through local & state bonds. The most important considerations are controlling costs & sharing in any savings that the contractor may realize as the project progresses. Transparency of costs is also important, as board members will follow the project carefully. State laws have established minimum quality standards for the project. What is the best method of project delivery under these conditions?
  • Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) with a guaranteed maximum price (GMP)
  • Construction Manager as adviser (CMa)
  • Design-Build
  • Design-Bid-Build

Questão 59

Which series of AIA contract documents includes a joint venture agreement between 2 architecture firms?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 60

Which AIA contract document includes a joint venture agreement between 2 architecture firms?
  • AIA Document C101 is Joint Venture Agreement for Professional Services
  • AIA Document C100 is Joint Venture Agreement for Professional Services
  • AIA Document C201 is Joint Venture Agreement for Professional Services
  • AIA Document C200 is Joint Venture Agreement for Professional Services

Questão 61

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Contractor Agreements?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 62

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Owner-Architect Agreements?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 63

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Other Agreements?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 64

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Miscellaneous Documents?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 65

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Exhibits?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 66

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Construction Administration forms?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 67

Which series of AIA contract documents includes Project Management forms?
  • A-Series
  • B-Series
  • C-Series
  • D-Series
  • E-Series
  • G-Series

Questão 68

For a Design-Build project to be successful, which of the following conditions should be met?
  • The owner must be educated in the unique aspects of the design-build method or have experience working with the method
  • The owner's project criteria must be clearly & completely stated and must include building program, objectives for cost, time & design excellence, performance specifications, sustainable criteria, & other project specific requirements
  • Key contractors such as the structural & mechanical engineers should be selected early and should be involved in the design process
  • The contract must allow for adjustments in cost & time as the project proceeds, even when a GMP contract is used based on the owner's original criteria
  • The contract must provide for a method of dispute resolution to solve problems quickly
  • Forms of communication that allow for close working relationships between the parties should be established
  • There must be trust among the parties & willingness to work together
  • It is best if the owner hires a consultant to analyze project needs & develop a building program & statement of performance requirements as well as a request for proposal
  • Competitive bidding should be used to solicit pricing for many parts of the project even though it would delay key contractor selection
  • The contract must allow for adjustments in cost & time as the project proceeds, unless a GMP contract is used based on the owner's original criteria

Questão 69

In a Design-Build, The owner's project criteria must include which of the following?
  • Building program
  • Objectives for cost & time
  • Objectives for design excellence & performance specifications
  • Sustainable Criteria
  • Any other project specific requirements
  • Client's insurance coverage
  • Code requirements specific to the project location
  • Proposal & cost analysis

Questão 70

In a Design-Build, the Design-Builder will use the owner's project criteria to develop which of the following?
  • Proposal
  • Analyze Costs
  • Design the building
  • Project specific requirements
  • Sustainable criteria
  • Performance specifications
  • Objectives for cost, time, & design execellence
  • Building program

Questão 71

In a Design-Build, which of the following can a consultant help the client with in regards to developing project criteria?
  • Analyze project specific requirements / needs
  • Develop a building program
  • Statement of performance requirements
  • Develop & Issue a request for proposal (RFP)
  • Evaluating, interviewing, & selecting a design-build entity
  • Building Design
  • Cost analysis

Questão 72

Which of the following is true regarding the standard agreements (contracts) provided by the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)?
  • These contracts tend to be more neutral for all parties
  • These contracts tend to favor the architect
  • These contracts tend to favor the owner
  • These contracts tend to favor the design-build entity

Questão 73

In addition to project criteria, which of the following are construction contract administration duties normally performed by the architect that the Owner assumes responsibility for in a Design-Build project?
  • Reviewing & approving submittals
  • Approving changes submitted by the design-builder
  • Visiting the site
  • Rejecting nonconforming work
  • Consultant coordination

Questão 74

In a design-build project, which of the following additional construction administration duties must the Owner specifically assume when AIA documents are used?
  • Must certify substantial completion
  • Reviewing & approving submittals
  • Approving changes submitted by the design-builder
  • Visiting the site
  • Rejecting nonconforming work

Questão 75

Which of the following AIA Documents provides the Certificate of Substantial Complete for a Design-Build project that a client can use?
  • AIA Document G744
  • AIA Document D744
  • AIA Document G754
  • AIA Document D754

Questão 76

Which AIA Document includes the provisions for the unit prices, allowances, & assumptions on which a GMP is based?
  • AIA Document A141
  • AIA Document B143
  • AIA Document G744
  • AIA Document C101

Questão 77

Which AIA Document describes the architect's roles & responsibilities in a Design-Build?
  • AIA Document B143
  • AIA Document B143, in which the architect's roles & responsibilities are defined in an exhibit to the agreement
  • AIA Document G744, in which the architect's roles & responsibilities are defined in an exhibit to the agreement
  • AIA Document G744

Questão 78

Which of the following are services that an architect might provide in a Design-Build project?
  • Normal design administration services
  • Design Scheduling
  • Consultant coordination
  • Design presentations
  • Assistance with submissions to governmental authorities
  • Evaluation of the client's project criteria
  • Normal design of the project based on the owner's project criteria
  • Providing construction documents including specifications
  • Leading the design-build entity
  • Providing the project criteria including the project program

Questão 79

The owner of a proposed 5-acre office park is planning to develop the property in phases. A consultant is hired to analyze how the property might be best utilized & to develop a master plan showing where the multiple buildings will be located on the property & how the zoning requirements will be met. The master plan also shows how the buildings could be phased depending on the demands & needs of the ultimate users. The owner has signed an agreement with the first tenant, who will occupy the whole of the first building to be constructed. To control costs & expedite the construction of this building, the owner has selected a design-build delivery method using a GMP. The design-build team will consist of an architect & contractor who have worked with the owner on traditional design-bid-build but not design-build projects. Which of the following topics are most likely to become problems or risks for the architect? (Choose three that apply)
  • The type of agreement used between the architect and contractor
  • The guaranteed maximum price
  • Rejection of nonconforming work
  • Adequate design staff
  • Communication and coordination of documentation with the contractor's staff
  • Certificate of substantial completion

Questão 80

Which of the following correctly describe Bridging?
  • A variation of the design-build approach
  • Based on the idea that the Design-Build firm is in the best position to work with manufacturers, subcontractors, & other suppliers to determine the best way to construct the project at the lowest possible cost while meeting the requirements of the owner
  • Combines an important advantage of design-build (someone to represent the owner's interests throughout the process) with the advantages of competitive bidding, a fixed cost, & a single source responsibility for construction
  • The architect designs the project & prepares the construction drawings & specifications. These documents are used as the basis for pricing the project & awarding a construction contract, either through competitive bidding or through negotiation with one contractor
  • The traditional method of project delivery in which one of the contractors on the project is awarded the contract
  • Documents developed by the criteria architect as pm / adviser are used by the owner to make the project available for bidding by design-build firms

Questão 81

What are the architect or engineer's (AE) aka criteria architect's roles & responsibilities in Bridging?
  • Serves as the project manager (hired by the owner)
  • Acts as an adviser & relieves the owner of the responsibility to develop the project criteria by working with the owner to develop the project requirements that will be used by the selected design-build entity
  • Reviews the final construction documents, produced by the design-build entity, on the owner's behalf to ensure that the owner's design goals have been achieved but the AE is not legally responsibility for them
  • Works with public & private groups to gain the needed approvals for the project
  • Develops preliminary scope drawings & specifications so that the design-build entities interested in bidding for the project can understand the extent of the project & the owner's design intent
  • Produces the final, detailed construction documents
  • Uses the final documents to secure the necessary permits, review submittals, & construct the project

Questão 82

What are the design-build entity's roles & responsibilities in a bridging design-build project?
  • Takes over the AE's responsibilities & produces the final, detailed construction documents
  • Uses the final documents it has prepared to secure the necessary permits, review submittals, & construct the project
  • Is in the best position to work with manufacturers, subcontractors, & other suppliers to determine the best way to construct the project at the lowest possible cost while meeting the requirements of the owner
  • Acts as an adviser & works with the owner to develop the project requirements that will be used by the selected design-build firm
  • Relieves the owner of the responsibility to develop the project criteria
  • Works with public & private groups to gain the needed approvals for the project, & develops preliminary scope drawings & specifications

Questão 83

Which of the following correctly describes Design-Assist Contracting?
  • Specialty subcontractors or trades are included early in the design & construction document phases to help with the development of complex or unique portions of the building
  • A construction manager is hired as either adviser or constructor early in the project process to assist with construct ability, feasibility, & costs
  • Combines the advantages of the traditional design-bid-build process & the design build-approach
  • The owner contracts with one entity to provide both design & construction services

Questão 84

Which of the following describe disadvantages to implementing Design-Assist Contracting?
  • Takes some additional work to make it effective
  • The owner has to develop a clear statement & scope of work, along with a budget & schedule
  • Can potentially raise project costs
  • May delay the project schedule

Questão 85

Which of the following is the owner responsible for in Design-Assist Contracting?
  • Develop a clear statement & scope of work, along with a budget & schedule
  • Coordinate between the supplier of the system & the architect
  • Coordinate between the supplier of the system & the general contractor
  • Coordinate between the supplier of the system & the other subcontractors whose work is affected by the system

Questão 86

Which of the following describe responsibilities of the architect in Design-Assist Contracting?
  • Must help with developing the requirements of the work & then with the selection of the best subcontractor to meet the design, budget, & schedule requirements
  • Incorporate the shop drawings & specifications of the specialty subcontractor or supplier into the architect's construction documents
  • Design, detail, & develop specifications for the specialty system
  • Develop a clear statement & scope of work, along with a budget & schedule

Questão 87

Which of the following best describe the Integrated Project Delivery Method (IPD)
  • All participants collaborate closely from the project's earliest conceptualization to move-in
  • In theory, the best design & most efficient & cost-effective building will be produced when everyone works together throughout the process, without the adversarial positions that sometimes develop in other project delivery mehtods
  • The owner often has multiple agreements with independent design & construction firms
  • Depends heavily on technology, communication, & integrated building information modeling (BIM)
  • Places more design effort earlier in project development when there is a great ability to affect costs & the functional aspects of the building
  • The owner contracts with one entity to provide both design & construction services
  • Specialty subcontractors or trades are included early in the design & construction document phases to help with the development of complex or unique portions of the building
  • A construction manager is hired as either adviser or constructor early in the project process to assist with construct ability, feasibility, & costs
  • Combines the advantages of the traditional design-bid-build process & the design build-approach

Questão 88

Which of the following does the Integrated Project Delivery Method depend heavily on?
  • Technology
  • Communication
  • Shared Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  • A construction manager representing the client
  • The design-assist consultant or specialty supplier / sub contractor

Questão 89

Which of the following are the 7 phases of IPD?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout
  • Schematic Design
  • Design Development
  • Construction Documents

Questão 90

Which of the following is the 1st phase of IPD the equivalent phase for Pre-Design in other methods?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Deisgn
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 91

In which phase of IPD do the owner, building users, architect, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, & others being to work together?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 92

Which of the following is the 2nd phase of IPD, the equivalent phase for Schematic Design?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 93

Which of the following is the 3rd phase of IPD, the equivalent phase for Design Development?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 94

Which of the following is the 4th phase of IPD, the equivalent phase for Construction Documents?
  • Conceptuatlization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 95

Which of the following is the 5th phase of IPD, the equivalent phase for Bidding from participants not included in the integrated team?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 96

Which of the following is the 6th phase of IPD, the equivalent phase for Construction Administration?
  • Conceptualization
  • Criteria Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Implementation Documents
  • Agency Review Buyout
  • Construction
  • Closeout

Questão 97

What does the MacLeamy Curve show?
  • How the IPD places more design effort earlier in the project development when there is a greater ability to affect costs & the functional aspects of the building
  • How the IPD places more design effort later in the project development when there is a greater ability to affect costs & the functional aspects of the building

Questão 98

Which of the following are disadvantages to IPD?
  • Has multiple unique considerations such as compensation, legal responsibilities, & technology standards
  • Because more participants are involved the early design phases may take slightly longer than with traditional approaches
  • Because more participants are involved the later design phases may take slightly longer than with traditional approaches
  • Has multiple unique considerations such as compensation, legal responsibilities, & construction standards

Questão 99

What are the 3 types of agreements for IPD that can be used with AIA documents?
  • Transitional Forms
  • Multi-Party Agreement
  • Single-Purpose Entity (SPE)
  • Bridging
  • Design Assist Contracting
  • A201

Questão 100

Which of the following best describe Transitional Forms?
  • A type of agreement used with AIA Documents for the Integrated Project Delivery Method
  • Are modeled after existing CM agreements
  • A single agreement executed by the owner, architect, contractor, & other key project participants for the design, construction, & commissioning of a project
  • Outlines a collaborative working relationship that encourages the parties to meet the cost & performance goals they jointly established
  • An independent limited liability company newly created for the sole purpose of planning, designing, & constructing a particular project

Questão 101

Which of the following apply to a Multi-Party Agreement?
  • A single agreement executed by the owner, architect, contractor, & other key project participants for the design, construction, & commissioning of a project
  • Outlines a collaborative working relationship that encourages the parties to meet the cost & performance goals they jointly established
  • The IPD project is managed by a project management team as well as a project executive team that provides a second level of project oversight & conflict resolution - each team consists of one representative from each major party to the agreement
  • An independent limited liability company newly created for the sole purpose of planning, designing, & constructing a particular project
  • Provides a complete sharing of risk & reward in a fully integrated collaborative process

Questão 102

Which of the following apply to a Single-Party Entity (SPE)?
  • an independent limited liability company newly created for the sole purpose of planning, designing, & constructing a particular project
  • Provides for a complete sharing of risk & reward in a fully integrated collaborative process
  • Required by AIA Documents to contract with an architect who will become a member of the SPE - for planning, design, construction contract administration, & other services as necessary
  • Normally used for large & complex projects
  • A single agreement executed by the owner, architect, contractor, & other key project participants for the design, construction, & commissioning of a project
  • Outlines a collaborative working relationship that encourages the parties to meet the cost & performance goals they jointly established

Questão 103

What are the advantages to the Integrated Project Delivery Method?
  • The implementation documents, agency review, & buyout phases will take less time & the total project delivery time will be shorter overall because there are more participants earlier in the project and the method places more design effort earlier in project development when there is a greater ability to affect costs & the functional aspects of the building
  • Better Design
  • Shorter project delivery time
  • Lower project cost
  • Quality construction
  • Fewer problems during construction
  • Can potentially improve how projects are designed & built
  • A familiar, mainstream, & straightforward project delivery method
  • The owner contracts with a single entity
  • Clear and well defined roles & responsibilities

Questão 104

Which of the following correctly describes Practice Methodologies?
  • Are the various approaches that an architectural firm may use to complete various aspects of a project, including design, documentation, & coordination
  • The way an architectural firm approaches the design process
  • The methods a firm uses to document a project & generate the needed construction drawings & specifications can affect productivity & profitability

Questão 105

Which are the factors that define the practice methodologies of a firm?
  • The expertise & size of the staff
  • The overall philosophy of the firm
  • How the firm is organized as a business
  • The techniques used to develop designs
  • How the firm produces the drawings & specifications
  • The project type
  • The office location

Questão 106

Which of the following are categories of Practice Methodologies
  • Design
  • Documentation
  • Consultant Coordination
  • Closeout Coordination
  • Construction Administration

Questão 107

Which of the following are types of Design Methodologies?
  • Design-Based
  • Specialty Based
  • Generalist
  • International
  • Domestic

Questão 108

Which of the following describe a Design-Based Firm?
  • Focuses on developing solutions to problems that are unique & easily identifiable with the firm
  • Typically headed by a well-known architect / principal who has a distinctive style & is sought after by clients who want signature buildings
  • The initial conceptual design is developed mainly by the principal & is left to the project managers & production team to develop & implement the concept
  • The time & fees required by this type of practice methodology can be considerable
  • Specializes in complex building types such as hospitals, airports or laboratories
  • Looks for projects that demand expertise in the firm's area of specialization
  • Becomes skilled at delivering one kind of project quickly & inexpensively
  • Efficiencies in design & production can be found, solutions can be repeated, & most of the staff can be less experienced & less costly, though some senior staff are needed to manage projects well

Questão 109

Which of the following describe a Specialization Based Firm?
  • May specialize in complex building types such as hospitals, airports, or laboratories
  • Looks for projects that demand expertise in the firm's area of specialization
  • May focus on less complicated buildings types such as residential, retail, or religious buildings
  • Becomes skilled at delivering one kind of project quickly & inexpensively
  • Efficiencies in design & production can be found, solutions can be repeated
  • Most of the staff can be less experienced & less costly, though some senior staff are needed to manage projects well
  • May pursue projects on its won, or it may team with another more generalist architectural firm that can provide the work force needed for full development of a design concept
  • Needs principals & support staff with a broad range of experience
  • Often use studio organization
  • Often use departmental organization

Questão 110

Which of the following describe a Generalist Firm?
  • Completes a variety of project types
  • Needs principals & support staff with a broad range of experience
  • Is more likely to see wide swings in staff employment due to changes in the marketplace
  • Tends to be better equipped to move quickly from one market to another because its staff is more flexible & less locked into a particular building "formula"
  • Often uses studio organization
  • Sometimes has studios that specialize in certain building types, combining the advantages of expertise with the advantages of close communication & group problem solving
  • Typically wants to maximize efficiency so this firm type often sues departmental office structure
  • Becomes skilled at delivering one kind of project quickly & inexpensively

Questão 111

Which of the following are Documentation Methodologies
  • CAD or BIM, preferred set of software & hardware tools
  • In-house staff to complete CDs renderings & 3D modeling (typically done by junior-level employees)
  • Outsource labor to complete CDs, renderings, & 3D modeling (typically done by junior-level employees)
  • Hire the services of a specification-writing firm
  • Subscribe to a master specification system & use the system software to produce the documents in-house
  • Have an in-house specification writer & a master set of specifications

Questão 112

Which of the following are advantages to outsourcing?
  • An economical way to produce construction drawings
  • Helps manage a firm's fluctuating workloads
  • Reduces production time
  • Allows a firm to take on more work
  • Requires additional management & coordination by the firm

Questão 113

What is a disadvantage to Outsourcing?
  • Requires additional management & coordination by the firm
  • Is a costly way to produce construction drawings
  • May extend production time
  • Quality is unpredictable

Questão 114

Which of the following are imperative to the success of a consultants performance on a team?
  • The consultant who will be involved in a project should be brought in as early as possible
  • The services that are expected form each consultant must be determined with the advice of the consultant & approval of the client
  • Having the consultant create a contract directly to the client rather than through the architect so that the architect may better direct the consultant
  • Pay the consultant regardless of whether the architect has been payed by the client

Questão 115

Assembling & coordinating a team of professional consultants to work on the project is one of the most important tasks an architect has during pre-design (conceptualization)
  • True
  • False

Questão 116

Which of the following are the minimum required consultants included in most project teams?
  • Structural Engineers
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Plumbing Engineers
  • Geotechnical Engineers
  • Civil Engineers
  • Fire protection engineers
  • Permit Expediters
  • Historic Preservation Specialists
  • Security Consultants

Questão 117

Which of the following are advantages to the consultant contracting directly with the client rather than through the architect?
  • The client assumes all responsibility for coordinating the architect's work with the consultant's work
  • The architect avoids any issues with contract provisions & payment
  • The architect gains better ability to direct the consultant

Questão 118

Which of the following are disadvantages to the consultant contracting directly with the client?
  • The architect may lose some ability to direct the consultant
  • May compromise the architects opportunity to comment on any portions of the consultant's design that affect the aesthetic objectives for the project
  • The architect is responsible for the work of the consultant
  • The architect is responsible for the consultant's payment

Questão 119

What are some typical objections that architects have to hiring non-engineering consultants?
  • It is more time consuming & it lessens the control & immediate contact that management would have if the work were being done in house
  • It takes extra time
  • Lessens the architect's control over a project
  • Reduces the amount of immediate contact among all team members

Questão 120

Which of the following are disadvantages to the consultant contracting directly with the architect?
  • The architect becomes responsible for informing consultants about the applicable code requirements & about any design decisions that may have code implications
  • The architect is responsible for understanding any design decisions that consultants make that will affect portions of the architect's work
  • Means more work of the architect
  • The architect is responsible for the consultant's payment
  • The architect is responsible for coordination between the architectural work & the consultants work
  • The architect make lose some opportunity to comment on all consultant work that may affect the aesthetic of the design

Questão 121

What are methods of avoiding or overcoming potential issues with consultants?
  • Proper working procedures
  • Clearly defined agreements
  • Good coordination
  • Include a "pay when paid" clause in the architect's contract with the consultant stating that the consultant will be paid when payments are received from the owner

Questão 122

Which of the following are techniques to practice good coordination to avoid issues with consultants?
  • Develop a list of reliable people in the area who can be called on when needed
  • Be sure to include costs for this work in the initial project budget
  • Research & interview consultants before an immediate need arises so that there will be time to choose the most appropriate one & develop necessary agreements
  • Check references & past work before hiring a consultant
  • Establish a lump sum contract price for the work that is to be outsources; this is usually possible for tasks like creating drawings & specifications; this makes it possible to develop a budget for the project
  • Be explicit in the written agreement about the extent of the work to be done & its quality
  • Set up a strict schedule of progress meetings, methods of communication, & reviews; this is the only way tot catch problems before they become serious & to ensure that deadlines will be met
  • Do not assume that all work is being completed as contracted; the architect must still control overall coordination & review all the work the consultant does
  • Plan & outline the work needed before giving it to the consultant

Questão 123

Which of the following are methods of dispute prevention or resolution?
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Partnering
  • Negotiation
  • Litigation
  • Single Purpose Entity
  • Multi-Party Agreement
  • Transitional Documents

Questão 124

What is the difference between Indemnification Clause and Lack of Privity?
  • The Indemnification Clause is a clause in contract documents in which one party holds harmless the other party where as Lack of privity is the dismissal of liability to parties that have no direct or contractual relationship
  • The Privity is a clause in contract documents in which one party holds harmless the other party where as Indemnification Clause is the dismissal of liability to parties that have no direct or contractual relationship


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