GIT Anatomy Lecture 1


GIT Anatomy Quiz sobre GIT Anatomy Lecture 1, criado por Rachel O' Flynn em 05-03-2018.
Rachel O' Flynn
Quiz por Rachel O' Flynn, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachel O' Flynn
Criado por Rachel O' Flynn mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Label the following image Answers: uvula, palatopharyngeal arch, palatoglossal arch, palatine tonsil, vallate tonsil, fungiform papollae
  • uvula
  • palatopharyngeal arch
  • palatine tonsil
  • fungiform papillae
  • vallate papillae
  • palatoglossal arch

Questão 2

What is the name for the posterior opening of the face
  • oropharyngeal isthmus
  • oropharyngeal foramen
  • oropharyngeal vestibule
  • oropharyngeal hiatus
  • oropharyngeal aperture

Questão 3

Label the following image Answers: philtrum, superior and inferior labial artery, facial artery, vermillon border of lip, oral fissure, buccinator muscle
  • philtrum
  • superior and inferior labial artery
  • facial artery
  • orbicularis oris muscle
  • vermilion border of lip
  • oral fissure
  • buccinator muscle
  • vestibule

Questão 4

Which of the following is not a function of the lips?
  • Oral competence
  • Deglutition
  • Expression of emotions
  • Digestion

Questão 5

Oral vestibule is the area between the lips and the front of the teeth
  • True
  • False

Questão 6

Label the following image Answers; Oral vestibule, oral cavity proper, oral fissure, soft palate, oropharyngeal isthmus
  • oral cavity proper
  • soft palate
  • oropharyngeal isthmus
  • oral fissure
  • oral vestibule

Questão 7

Label the following image Answers; intermaxillary suture, foramne lacerum, posterior nasal spine, jugular foramen, pyramidal process of palatine bone, mastoid process, greater wing of sphenoid, styloid process of temporal bone, pterygoid hamulus, opening to bony part of pharyngotympanic, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, spine of sphenoid, petrous part of temporal bone, carotid canal, scaphoid fossa, stylomastoid foramen, lateral plate of pterygoid process, medial plate of pterygoid process, attachment of levator veli palatini, lesser palatine foramen, greater palatine foramen, horizontal plate of palatine bone, alveolar process of maxilla, palatine process of maxilla, incisive fossa, cartilaginous part of pharyngotmpanic
  • incisive fossa
  • palantine process of maxilla
  • alveolar process of maxilla
  • horizontal plate of palatine bone
  • great palatine foramen
  • lesser palatine foramen
  • medial plate of pterygoid process
  • lateral plate of pterygoid process
  • scaphoid fossa
  • petrous part of temporal bone
  • foramen spinosum
  • opening to bony part of pharyngotympanic
  • styloid process of temporal bone
  • mastoid process
  • jugular foramen
  • foramen lacerum
  • cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic
  • attachment of levator veli palatini
  • stylomastoid foramen
  • carotid canal
  • spine of sphenoid
  • foramen ovale
  • pterygoig hamulus
  • greater wing of sphenoid
  • pyramidal process of palatine bone
  • posterior nasal spine
  • intermaxillary suture

Questão 8

What is the hard palate lined by?
  • serous membrane
  • mesentry
  • mucoperiosteum
  • oroperiosteum
  • mucous

Questão 9

Label the following image Answers; incisive papilla, palatine rugae, soft palate, hard palate
  • incisive papilla
  • palatine rugae
  • hard palate
  • sort palate
  • uvula

Questão 10

Which of the following statements is false?
  • The anterior fauces is also known as the palatoglossal arch
  • The posterior fauces is also known as the palatopharyngeal arch
  • Between these lie the palatine tonsil

Questão 11

Which of the following is not innervated by the vagus nerve?
  • Tensor veli palatini
  • Levator veli palatini
  • Palatoglossus
  • Palatopharngeus

Questão 12

Which of the following are types of papillae?
  • Fungiform
  • filiform
  • vallate
  • fillate
  • fusiform
  • foliate

Questão 13

Label the following image Answers; oral part, inferior surface, terminal sulcus, mandible, pharyngeal part, geniohyoid muscle, root of tongue, mylohyoid muscle, hyoid bone
  • oral part
  • terminal sulcus
  • pharyngeal part
  • root of tongue
  • hyoid bone
  • mylohyoid muscle
  • geniohyoid muscle
  • mandible
  • inferior surface

Questão 14

Label the following image Answers; septum, palatoglossus, superior longitudinal, genioglossus, vertical, styloglossus, inferior longitudinal, hyoglossus, vertical, transverse
  • palatoglossus
  • styloglossus
  • hyoglossus
  • genioglossus
  • superior longitudinal
  • vertical
  • transverse
  • inferior longitudinal
  • septum

Questão 15

Which of the following statements about palatoglossus are true?
  • It's function is elevation of the back of the tongue
  • It moves the palatoglossal arches towards the midline and depresses the soft palate
  • Facilitates closing of the oropharyngeal isthmus
  • Innervated by the vagus nerve

Questão 16

The muscles of the oral floor are sheets of parallel fibers that run from the hyoid bone to the mandible
  • True
  • False

Questão 17

The Parotid gland produces so-called [blank_start]watery[blank_end] serous saliva rich in amylase, proline-rich proteins. It's also called [blank_start]Stenson[blank_end]’s duct Submandibular gland produces more [blank_start]mucinous[blank_end] saliva. Also called [blank_start]Wharton[blank_end]’s duct Sublingual produces [blank_start]viscous[blank_end] saliva. Also called ducts of [blank_start]Rivinus[blank_end]; duct of [blank_start]Bartholin[blank_end]
  • watery
  • Stenson
  • mucinous
  • Wharton
  • viscous
  • Rivinus
  • Bartholin

Questão 18

label the following image Answers; chorda tympani, sublingual gland, postganglionic parasympathetic, mylohyoid, superficial part of submandibular, submandibular ganglion, preganglionic parasympathetic, lingual nerve
  • chorda tympani
  • lingual nerve
  • postganglionic parasympathetic
  • sublingual
  • mylohyoid
  • superficial part of submandibular
  • submandibular ganglion
  • preganglionic parasympathetic

Questão 19

Label the following image Answers; interarytenoid notch, prominence over cricoid cartilage, superior concha, pharyngeal tonsil, pharyngeal recess, fold of the laryngeal nerve, piriform recess, lateral pterygoid muscle, mastoid process, inlet of larynx, aryepiglottic fold, torus tubarius, choana, salpingopharyngeal fold, buccopharyngeal fascia, vallecula, pharyngoepiglottic fold, stylopharyngeus muscle, parotid gland, epiglottis, lingual tonsil, posterior belly of digastric, soft palate, foramen cecum, middle concha, inferior concha, medial pterygoid muscle, circumvallate papillae, uvula
  • pharyngeal recess
  • pharyngeal tonsil
  • superior concha
  • mastoid process
  • lateral pterygoid muscle
  • torus tubarius
  • stylopharyngeus muscle
  • posterior belly of digastric
  • choana
  • salpingopharyngeal fold
  • middle concha
  • inferior concha
  • parotid gland
  • soft palate
  • medial pterygoid muscle
  • submandibular gland
  • uvula
  • circumvalllate papillae
  • foramen cecum
  • epiglottis
  • buccopharyngeal fascia
  • inlet of larynx
  • fold of the laryngeal nerve
  • interarytenoid notch
  • prominence over cricoid cartilage
  • piriform recess
  • aryepiglottic fold
  • vallecula
  • phayngoepiglottic fold
  • lingual tonsils

Questão 20

Label the following image Answers; frontonasal prominence, nasal placode, maxillary prominence, stomodeum, mandibular prominence, cardiac bulge, second and third pharyngeal arches, mandibular arch
  • frontonasal prominence
  • maxillary prominence
  • stomodeum
  • mandibular prominence
  • stomodeum
  • frontonasal prominence
  • nasal placode
  • maxillary prominence
  • mandibular arch
  • second and third pharyngeal arches
  • cardiac bulge

Questão 21

Label the following image Answers; nasal pit, maxillary prominence, mandibular prominence, frontonasal prominence, lateral nasal prominence, medial nasal prominence, nasolacrimal groove, stomodeum
  • frontonasal prominence
  • nasal pit
  • maxillary prominence
  • mandibular prominence
  • eye
  • nasolacrimal groove
  • stomodeum
  • medial nasal prominence
  • lateral nasal prominence

Questão 22

Amniotic Bands fibrous bands which occur due to early rupture of the amnion. They may cause constriction around the developing embryo
  • True
  • False

Questão 23

What are facial clefts though to occur due to
  • amniotic bands
  • embryotic constrictions
  • Foetal malnutrition
  • Genetic mutations
  • All of the above


Noções de Direito Administrativo
Alynne Saraiva
CAE - Cambridge Advanced: English
Luiz Fernando
Curiosidades da culinária
Casa e Jardim
Informática Básica
Neylor Farias Ma
Direito Eleitoral - Cartões para Memorização
Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
Guia - Projeto de Pesquisa e ABNT
Joana Meira
Escala de Coma de Glasgow
Vanessa Palauro
Kamila Vieira
Do DNA à proteína
Maria Eduarda Saladine