Questão 1
When the weather conditions require an alternate
aerodrome to be available on take-off, the latter shall
be located, for a twin-engined aircraft, at an equivalent
distance not exceeding :
1 hour of flight at cruising speed with two engines
2 hours of flight at cruising speed with single engine
2 hours of flight at cruising speed with two engines
1 hour of flight at cruising speed with a single engine
Questão 2
When refueling is being performed while passengers
are boarding or disembarking the aircraft, it is
necessary that: (Annex 6, Part I)
Communications be maintained between ground
personnel and qualified personnel on board.
The aircraft's stairs be completely extended.
Refueling is prohibited while passengers are
boarding and/or disembarking.
All the flight crew be on board.
Questão 3
In the JAR OPS, a runway is considered damp when:
surface moisture gives it a shiny appearance.
it is covered with a film of water of less than 3 mm.
it is covered with a film of water of less than 1 mm.
its surface is not dry, and when surface moisture does
not give it a shiny appearance.
Questão 4
The JAR-OPS is based on :
Questão 5
Flight data recorders must keep the data and
parameters recorded during at least the last :
48 hours of operation.
25 hours of operation.
30 hours of operation.
Questão 6
If obliged to jettison part of the fuel in flight, it would
be better to do so:
under flight level 50 (FL50).
during final phase of approach.
in a straight line and at a relatively high flight level.
in a holding stack, after control clearance.
Questão 7
The regulatory green navigation light is located on the starboard wing tip, with a coverage angle of :
Questão 8
Aircraft using a VFR flight plan in controlled airspace shall be equipped: (Annex 6, Part I)
Only as is necessary for aircraft that make VFR flights.
With more anti-icing and/or de-icing devices (if one
expects icy conditions).
As is necessary for aircraft that make VFR flights, and
such aircraft must also possess indicators of attitude and
course, along with a precise barometric altimeter.
As is necessary for aircraft that operate in accordance
with instrument flight rules.
Questão 9
Information concerning evacuation procedures can be found in the :
operational flight plan.
operation manual.
flight manual.
journey logbook.
Questão 10
According to the JAR-OPS regulations, an IFR flight
with no alternate airfield can be undertaken only if
the minimum weather conditions stipulated in the
regulations are effective for at least :
3 hours before to at least 1 hour after the expected time
of arrival
3 hours before to at least 3 hours after the expected time
of arrival
1 hour before to at least 1 hour after the expected time
of arrival
2 hours before to at least 2 hours after the expected time
of arrival
Questão 11
The Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) defines
the equipment on which certain in-flight failures can
be allowed and the conditions under which this
allowance can be accepted. This MMEL is drawn up
by :
the operator from a main list drawn up by the manufacturer
the manufacturer and approved by the certification authority
the operator and is specified in the operation manual
the operator and approved by the certification authority
Questão 12
The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) defines the
equipment on which certain in-flight failures can be
allowed and the conditions under which this
allowance can be accepted . The Mel is drawn up by :
the operator and may be less restrictive than the Master Minimum equipment List (MMEL)
the manufacturer and may be more restrictive than the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
the operator and may be more restrictive than the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
the manufacturer and may be less restrictive than the Master Minimum equipment List (MMEL)
Questão 13
A category III C precision approach (CAT III C) is an
approach with :
no runway visual range limits
a runway visual range of at least 50 m
a runway visual range of at least 200 m
a runway visual range of at least 350 m
Questão 14
A category III A precision approach (CAT III A) is an
approach which may be carried out with a runway
visual range of at least :
Questão 15
For twin-engined aircraft, the take-off alternate shall
be located at a distance that : (Annex 6, Part I)
Does not exceed the equivalent of two hours of flight time,
at cruising speed with only one engine operative.
Does not exceed the equivalent of one hour of flight time
at cruising speed all engines operating.
Does not exceed the equivalent of two hour of flight time
at cruising speed all engines operating.
Does not exceed the equivalent of one hour of flight time,
at cruising speed with only one engine operative.
Questão 16
The M.E.L. (Minimum Equipment List) is drawn up by :
Questão 17
A category III B precision approach (CAT III B) is an
approach which may be carried out with a runway
visual range of at least :
Questão 18
A category I precision approach (CAT I) has :
a decision height equal to at least 100 ft.
a decision height equal to at least 50 ft.
no decision height.
a decision height equal to at least 200 ft.
Questão 19
When a LIGHT aircraft is landing behind a MEDIUM
aircraft, the wake turbulence non-radar minimum time
approach separation, according with DOC 4444
(ICAO), shall be :