Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Al Haqqah


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Al Haqqah
Reshma B
Quiz por Reshma B, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Criado por Reshma B mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Al Haqqah is another name of ____ Choose the right answer
  • Night of Judgement
  • Day of Misunderstanding
  • Day of Judgement

Questão 2

The word Haqqah is from the word Haq and it means that Choose the right answer
  • Which is to surely happen
  • Which is an inevitable reality
  • Which is the truth

Questão 3

What is meant by the inevitable as mentioned in ayah 1, 2 & 3? Choose the right answer
  • The Day of Resurrection
  • The Day of Demise
  • The Day of Destruction

Questão 4

Who is Allah(swt) referring to in ayah 4? Choose the right answer
  • People of Ad
  • People of Samud
  • People of Nuh AS

Questão 5

Why did the disasters descend upon them? Choose the right answer
  • They denied the coming of the truth
  • They believed this worldly life was the only one to be lived in
  • There was no accountability or justice in the Hereafter

Questão 6

Describe the nation of Samud? Choose the right answer
  • They were rebellious
  • They transgressed their limits
  • They were obedient

Questão 7

What is the name of the nation of Salih (AS)? Choose the right answer
  • Ad
  • Samud
  • Saba

Questão 8

For how long were the people of Ad punished by a violent wind? Choose the right answer
  • 7 nights & 8 days
  • 8 nights & 8 days
  • 7 days & 8 nights

Questão 9

Describe the destruction of people of Lut AS? Choose the right answer
  • Their cities were turned upside down
  • They were showered with stones
  • They were showered with flowers

Questão 10

What does the term EARS signify in ayah 12? Choose the right answer
  • The ears that hears the stories of past nations should take heed
  • It does not forget the dreadful fate that the unbelievers met
  • Internalize such past stories inside the heart

Questão 11

What is the sign that the Hour has come? Choose the right answer
  • The Trumpet will be blown
  • The whistle will be blown
  • The flute will be blown

Questão 12

Israfeel is the angel responsible for signaling the coming of Qiyamah by blowing the trumpet (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Questão 13

How will the Day of Judgement start? Choose the right answer
  • It is severe smashing that breaks something and levels it to the ground
  • Both the earth and the mountains will be smashed into each other and will be turned into dust
  • One smashing and everything will turn into small particles

Questão 14

What is an other event described in ayah 16? Choose the right answer
  • The sky which is above our heads like a canopy, will split apart
  • The sky will be fragile, weak & feeble
  • The sky will fall off

Questão 15

Who will carry the throne of Allah on the Day of Judgement & what are they called? Choose the right answer
  • The throne of Allah will be carried by 8 angels
  • They are called as Hamalatul Arsh
  • The throne of Allah will be carried by 4 angels

Questão 16

What will the person who is given His book in his right hand, say? Choose the right answer
  • Here! Read my Record!
  • Surely I did believe that I shall meet my Account
  • Here! Don't Read my Record!

Questão 17

List the delights of Jannah mentioned in ayah 21 - 24? Choose the right answer
  • A life of pleasure in Jannah
  • The fruits in trees will be close enough for the people of Jannah to reach them
  • They can eat & drink comfortably as the food is perfect & delicious

Questão 18

What will the person who is given His book in his left hand, say? Choose the right answer
  • I wish that I had not been given my Record & that I had never known how my Account is
  • Would that it had been my end, the death
  • My wealth has not availed me
  • My power has gone from me

Questão 19

What will be fastened to the person who is thrown into the Hellfire? Choose the right answer
  • A chain whose length is 70 cubits
  • A chain whose length is 70 inches
  • A chain whose length is 70 meters

Questão 20

What will the disbelievers be handed on the Day of Judgement? What will that signifies? Choose the right answer
  • The disbelievers will receive their book in their left hand
  • This signifies that they are bound to stay in Jahannum forever
  • This signifies that they are bound to stay in Jannah forever

Questão 21

What is the reward of the disbelievers in the Hereafter? Choose the right answer
  • The disbelievers will enjoy the pleasure of Jannah in the Hereafter
  • The disbelievers will suffer with the torments of Jahannum in the Hereafter
  • The disbelievers will never suffer with the torments of Jahannum in the Hereafter

Questão 22

List few characteristics of disbelievers while in duniya? Choose the right answer
  • He did not establish the right of Allah (swt) upon him & was heedless
  • He did not give poor & needy their rights
  • He never remained in hudud of Allah (swt)

Questão 23

What is the punishment imposed on the disbeliever in Jahannum when he did not help a poor or needy while in duniya? Choose the right answer
  • He will have no rehma of Allah (swt)
  • No close friend will be able to save him from Jahannum
  • His food will be nothing but the body secretion, blood & pus from the wounds of the people in Jahannum

Questão 24

"None will eat ghisleen except the Khati’oon". Explain the word khati’oon [الْخَـطِئُون] (ayah 37)? Choose the right answer
  • Khati’oon means to do wrong or commit a sin
  • It is that sin where you feel guilty about your mistake
  • It is that sin where you will not wish that people should know about it

Questão 25

How is Allah (swt) negating Mushrikeen e Makkah by swearing an oath? Choose the right answer
  • Allah (swt) is swearing an oath on His entire creation which is visible & that which is hidden
  • Allah (swt) is swearing that the Qur’an is His Speech which inturn is the Speech of His Messenger salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
  • Allah (swt) also swears that His Messenger is a noble, honourable & most trustworthy person

Questão 26

Fill in the blanks Umar radhiAllahu ‘anhu said, “Before embracing Islam one day I came out of my house with a view to causing trouble to the Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. But he had entered the __1__ before me. When I arrived I found him reciting __2__ in the prayer. I stood behind him and listened. As he recited the __3__ I wondered at its literary charm and beauty. Then suddenly an idea came to my mind that he must be a __4__. Just at that moment he recited the words, إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ – وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَاعِرٍ ۚ “That this is verily the word of an honored Messenger. It is not the word of a poet,”. I said to myself: Then he must be a __5__, if not a poet. Thereupon he recited the words: وَلَا بِقَوْلِ كَاهِنٍ ۚ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ – تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ “Nor is it the word of a soothsayer, little is that you remember! This is the Revelation sent down from the Lord of the ‘Alameen,”. On hearing this __6__ entered deep into my heart. Choose the right answer
  • 1. Masjid al Haram ; 2. Surah al Haqqah ; 3. Qur'an ; 4. Poet ; 5. Soothsayer ; 6. Islam ✅
  • 1. Islam ; 2. Soothsayer ; 3. Poet ; 4. Qur'an ; 5. Surah al Haqqah ; 6. Masjid al Haram
  • 1. Qur'an ; 2. Soothsayer ; 3. Masjid al Haram ; 4. Islam ; 5. Surah al Haqqah ; 6. Poet

Questão 27

How is Allah (swt) defending the noble status of the Messenger salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? Choose the right answer
  • If the Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam fabricated something against Allah (swt), then Allah (swt) would have seized him with the right hand
  • Allah (swt) would have cut off his artery
  • Had Allah (swt) planned to punish the Messenger, none of the other created beings could have prevented it from happening

Questão 28

What are the benefits of Qur'an for a Muttaqi person as described in ayah 48? hoose the right answer
  • Qur'an is a reminder & guidance for him
  • He extracts lesson from Qur'an & is benefited
  • He will be conscious of Allah & be away from disobedience

Questão 29

Describe the Qur'an as described in ayah 51? Choose the right answer
  • Qur'an is the truth
  • Qur'an is the reality based on proofs & evidences
  • Qur'an is the falsehood

Questão 30

How is Allah comforting Messenger salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in ayah 52? Choose the right answer
  • Praise and glorify Allah (swt)
  • Continue Dawah Ilallah
  • It is Allah to decide & deal with the disbelievers


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