Systems Architecture 101


Quiz sobre Systems Architecture 101, criado por Chris Lee em 02-02-2015.
Chris Lee
Quiz por Chris Lee, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chris Lee
Criado por Chris Lee quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What are the six basic elements of Distributed System Architecture?
  • Information, Cancelation, Presentation, Processing, Innitialization, Failure Management
  • Information, Communication, Presentation, Processing, Protection, Failure Management
  • Information, Communication, Prejudice, Processing, Protection, Failure Distribution
  • Annotation, Communication, Presentation, Processing, Capacity, Failure Management

Questão 2

Which of these is a good definition of a distributed system?
  • A system in which multiple autonomous computers communicating across a network act in such a way that the user can perceive them as a single unified computational facility.
  • The internal brain of a computer, where actual computer operations take place.
  • A mathematical structure which allows for two separately processed functions to be coalesced.


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