mechanical ventilation


Adult health test 3 Quiz sobre mechanical ventilation, criado por Esmeralda Espitia em 26-02-2020.
Esmeralda Espitia
Quiz por Esmeralda Espitia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Esmeralda Espitia
Criado por Esmeralda Espitia aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The low tidal volume alarm on a client's ventilator keeps sounding. What is the nurse's first action?
  • A) Manually ventilate the client.
  • B) Put air into the endotracheal tube cuff.
  • C) Check ventilator connections.
  • D) Call the physician.

Questão 2

A client has just been intubated for placement on a mechanical ventilator. What is the first assessment of the tube placement?
  • A) Chest X-Ray
  • B) Auscultation of breath sounds
  • C) Pulse oximetry reading of 95%
  • D) End tidal CO2 monitoring

Questão 3

What are strategies to prevent Ventilator-associated Pneumonia? select all that apply
  • A. Oral care every 4 hours,
  • B. HOB elevated 30-45 degrees unless contraindicated by the patient's condition
  • C. HOB elevated 10-15 degrees, unless contraindicated by the patient's condition
  • D. Allow family to suction patient as needed to remove secretions

Questão 4

A Client has been intubated and placed on a volume-cycled mechanical ventilator. The nurse carefully assess the client for findings associated with a risk associated with this type of ventilator. What is the risk?
  • a. Hypoventilation
  • B. Hypercapnia
  • C. Respiratory acidosis
  • D. Barotrauma

Questão 5

A patient is placed on volume-cycled ventilation. The nurse plans care for this client based on which characteristic of this method of ventilation?
  • A. Delivers a set volume, which will help overcome the client's airway resistance changes.
  • B. The mechanism by which the phase of the breath switches from inspiration to expiration.
  • C. Provides a consistent tidal volume.
  • D. Delivers a preset volume of gas to the lungs to generate high pressures.

Questão 6

The client is on CPAP for weaning from a mechanical ventilator. Assessment reveals a respiratory rate of 32/min, oxygen saturation of 88 percent, and use of accessory muscles. What should the nurse anticipate will occur?
  • A. The FiO2 will be increased.
  • B. Weaning will continue.
  • C. The client will be placed back on full ventilatory support.
  • D. The client will be extubated.


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