Тренировка навыка транскрибирования


English (Transcription) Quiz sobre Тренировка навыка транскрибирования, criado por Artem Glushko em 28-10-2020.
Artem Glushko
Quiz por Artem Glushko, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Artem Glushko
Criado por Artem Glushko mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

In the mountains [blank_start]['maʊntɪnz][blank_end] you can see amazing [blank_start][ə'meɪzɪŋ][blank_end] animals [blank_start]['ænɪməlz][blank_end]. Golden [blank_start]['ɡəʊldən][blank_end] eagles [blank_start]['iːgəlz][blank_end] live in the mountains in Asia [blank_start]['eɪʒə][blank_end], North America [blank_start][nɔːθ ə'merɪkə][blank_end], Africa [blank_start]['æfrɪkə][blank_end] and Europe [blank_start]['juərəp][blank_end]. They make nests [blank_start][nests][blank_end] on high [blank_start][haɪ][blank_end] rocks. Golden eagles have big wings [blank_start][wɪŋz][blank_end]. They can fly very [blank_start]['verɪ][blank_end] high. They can see very well, too [blank_start][tuː][blank_end]. They eat small animals. From high in the sky they can see small [blank_start][smɔːl][blank_end] animals on the ground [blank_start][graʊnd][blank_end]. Many [blank_start]['menɪ][blank_end] mountain animals have thick [blank_start][θɪk][blank_end] fur. Their fur [blank_start][fɜː][blank_end] helps them to stay warm [blank_start][wɔːm][blank_end]. Snow [blank_start][snəʊ][blank_end] leopards [blank_start]['lepədz][blank_end] live in the mountains in Asia. They have big paws [blank_start][pɔːz][blank_end] with lots of fur. This fur helps them to walk [blank_start][wɔːk][blank_end] on snow and ice [blank_start][aɪs][blank_end].
  • ['maʊntɪnz]
  • [ə'meɪzɪŋ]
  • ['ænɪməlz]
  • ['ɡəʊldən]
  • ['iːgəlz]
  • ['eɪʒə]
  • [nɔːθ ə'merɪkə]
  • ['æfrɪkə]
  • ['juərəp]
  • [nests]
  • [haɪ]
  • [wɪŋz]
  • ['verɪ]
  • [tuː]
  • [smɔːl]
  • [graʊnd]
  • ['menɪ]
  • [θɪk]
  • [fɜː]
  • [wɔːm]
  • [snəʊ]
  • ['lepədz]
  • [pɔːz]
  • [wɔːk]
  • [aɪs]

Questão 2

Do you like noodles [blank_start]['nuːdlz][blank_end] or chocolate [blank_start]['tʃɒklət][blank_end]? Do you know how people [blank_start]['piːpəl][blank_end] make this food [blank_start][fuːd][blank_end]? People make noodles from grains [blank_start][ɡreɪnz][blank_end] like rice or wheat [blank_start][wiːt][blank_end]. To make rice noodles, people grind [blank_start][ɡraɪnd][blank_end] rice into flour [blank_start][flaʊə][blank_end]. Then they mix [blank_start][mɪks][blank_end] flour with [blank_start][wɪð][blank_end] water [blank_start][wɔːtə][blank_end] to make dough [blank_start][dəʊ][blank_end]. In factories [blank_start]['fæktərɪz][blank_end], machines [blank_start][mə'ʃiːnz][blank_end] push [blank_start][pʊʃ][blank_end] dough through [blank_start][θruː][blank_end] holes [blank_start][həʊlz][blank_end] to make noodles. Some people make noodles by hand [blank_start][hænd][blank_end]. They pull [blank_start][pʊl][blank_end] the dough between [blank_start][bɪ'twiːn][blank_end] their fingers [blank_start]['fɪŋɡəz][blank_end]. To make chocolate, people take seed [blank_start][siːd][blank_end] pods [blank_start][pɔdz][blank_end] from cacao [blank_start][kə'kaʊ][blank_end] trees and leave [blank_start][li:v][blank_end] them in the sun [blank_start][sʌn][blank_end]. Then [blank_start][ðen][blank_end] they throw [blank_start][θrəʊ][blank_end] away the outside and keep the seeds. Machines grind and heat [blank_start][hi:t][blank_end] the seeds, and then the seeds become a liquid [blank_start]['lɪkwɪd][blank_end]. Then people cook [blank_start][kʊk][blank_end] this liquid with sugar [blank_start]['ʃʊɡə][blank_end] and sometimes milk. They put the liquid in molds [blank_start][məʊldz][blank_end] to make chocolate bars [blank_start][ba:z][blank_end].
  • ['nuːdlz]
  • ['tʃɒklət]
  • ['piːpəl]
  • [fuːd]
  • [ɡreɪnz]
  • [wiːt]
  • [ɡraɪnd]
  • [flaʊə]
  • [mɪks]
  • [wɪð]
  • [wɔːtə]
  • [dəʊ]
  • ['fæktərɪz]
  • [mə'ʃiːnz]
  • [pʊʃ]
  • [θruː]
  • [həʊlz]
  • [hænd]
  • [pʊl]
  • [bɪ'twiːn]
  • ['fɪŋɡəz]
  • [siːd]
  • [pɔdz]
  • [kə'kaʊ]
  • [li:v]
  • [sʌn]
  • [ðen]
  • [θrəʊ]
  • [hi:t]
  • ['lɪkwɪd]
  • [kʊk]
  • ['ʃʊɡə]
  • [məʊldz]
  • [ba:z]

Questão 3

You breathe [blank_start][briːð][blank_end] through [blank_start][θruː][blank_end] your nose [blank_start][nəʊz][blank_end] and mouth [blank_start][maʊθ][blank_end]. Your nose and mouth take air [blank_start][eə][blank_end] into your body [blank_start]['bɒdɪ][blank_end]. You breathe about 15 times every [blank_start]['evrɪ][blank_end] minute [blank_start]['mɪnɪt][blank_end]. After exercise [blank_start]['eksəsaɪz][blank_end], people breathe fast. They can breathe 40 times every minute! Your nose helps you to smell things [blank_start][θɪŋz][blank_end]. Your mouth helps you to talk [blank_start][tɔːk][blank_end] and eat. Your teeth [blank_start][tiːθ][blank_end] bite [blank_start][baɪt][blank_end] food so you can eat [blank_start][iːt][blank_end] it [blank_start][ɪt][blank_end]. Your body uses [blank_start]['juːzɪz][blank_end] food to live and grow. Protect [blank_start][prə'tekt][blank_end] your teeth! Brush [blank_start][brʌʃ][blank_end] your [blank_start][jɔː][blank_end] teeth after breakfast [blank_start]['brekfəst][blank_end] and after dinner, and don't eat lot's of candy [blank_start]['kændɪ][blank_end].
  • [briːð]
  • [θruː]
  • [nəʊz]
  • [maʊθ]
  • [eə]
  • ['bɒdɪ]
  • ['evrɪ]
  • ['mɪnɪt]
  • ['eksəsaɪz]
  • [θɪŋz]
  • [tɔːk]
  • [tiːθ]
  • [baɪt]
  • [iːt]
  • [ɪt]
  • ['juːzɪz]
  • [prə'tekt]
  • [brʌʃ]
  • [jɔː]
  • ['brekfəst]
  • ['kændɪ]


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