Questão 1
Which statements about Extbase controllers are correct? (2)
Extbase controllers are always interfaces
Every controller must directly extend the basis controller
The visibility of all properties should be protected
All method names in a controller must end in Action()
The logic implemented in controllers should be kept to a minimum
Questão 2
What are the characteristics of the methods redirect() and forward() in a controller? (2)
The redirect() method requires the controller name of the target as an argument
The redirect() method initiates a new HTTP request
The forward() method transfers the request to the target action automatically
The forward() method changes the URL in the way that the action name appears
The redirect() and forward() methods both clear the cache
Questão 3
What are the differences between the controller methods forward() and redirect()? (2)
There are no differences
Method $this->forward() is set as $this->request->setDispatched(false)
Method $this->redirect() initiates a new HTTP request; method $this->forward() does not
Method $this->forward() does not accept any arguments, $this->redirect() does
Method $this->redirect() renders a template by default; method $this->forward() does not
Questão 4
How can you generate a HTTP status code 400? (2)
die(400, null, 'Bad Request.')
$this->addError(400, null, 'Bad Request.')
new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Error\Error(400, null, 'Bad Request.')
$this->throwStatus(400, null, 'Bad Request.')
Instantiate a response object and set the status code as \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response(400)
Questão 5
What are the characteristics of controllers? (2)
Controllers are the control and central processing unit in the MVC stack
Controllers are responsible for initialising domain models
The logic implemented in controllers should be kept to a minimum
All business logic should be implemented in controllers
Controllers validate all objects
Questão 6
Which statements about “actions” in Extbase’s controller/action concept are correct? (3)
Action methods are always static functions
Actions are public methods of a controller class
Names of action methods always end in Action, for example listAction()
Each action must be stored in a separate PHP file under Classes/Actions/
To be able to request an action of a plugin, the action has to be registered by using
Action methods must always return a string (this is the content shown in the frontend)
Questão 7
How can a fallback to the default action be achieved, in order to prevent an error if a non-configured action is
called? (1)
This is the default behaviour of Extbase
An appropriate configuration in file ext_localconf.php is required
The TypoScript setting callDefaultActionIfActionCantBeResolved can be configured
An errorAction() method can be implemented in the controller
The key routing can be used in TypoScript
Questão 8
How can a “Page Not Found” error message be displayed – HTTP code 404 – if a non-configured action is called? (1)
This is the default behaviour of Extbase
An appropriate configuration in the ext_localconf.php file is required
The TypoScript setting exceptionHandler can be configured
An errorAction() method can be implemented in the controller
The TypoScript setting throwPageNotFoundExceptionIfActionCantBeResolved can be configured
Questão 9
Which approach is officially recommended to get an object in a controller? (1)
use \Vendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\TagRepository;
use \Vendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\TagRepository;
new \Vendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\TagRepository
use \Vendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\TagRepository;
use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use \Vendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\TagRepository;
Questão 10
Where is the Object Manager available as $this->objectManager by default? (2)
In repositories
In ViewHelpers
In Fluid templates
In controllers
In domain models
Questão 11
Which statements about the view in a controller are correct? (2)
You can access the output of a view by using the method render()
The view can only be rendered at the end of an action method
The view is available in the action as $this->view
To prevent rendering the view, the action must return false
It is not possible to render a different view than the default one
Questão 12
How do you prevent an action from being executed? (2)
The action can be omitted from the TypoScript key switchableControllerActions
The action can be omitted from the first array of the plugin configuration in file ext_localconf.php
The action can be omitted from the second array of the plugin configuration in file ext_localconf.php
By setting the attribute deactivate in file tables.php
By configuring the action in the page TS key deniedActions
Questão 13
How can an invalid domain object $blog be accessed in an action new? (2)
This is always possible
Via the initializeNewAction() method
Via the errorNewAction() method
Via the newAction() method if the annotation @ignorevalidation $blog is set
Via the __destruct() method
Questão 14
What is the purpose of the method errorAction() in a controller? (1)
This method is executed if an error in the controller occurs
This method is executed if an error in the view occurs
This method is executed before the primary action
This method is always executed after the primary action
This method is executed if a validation error in the controller occurs
Questão 15
How can validation errors of an object $blog be accessed in a controller? (1)
Questão 16
How can a non-persisting object be created from a GET request? (1)
This happens automatically if the object is passed to the method as a parameter in the action
By using the “Object Type Converter”
By manually executing convertArrayToObject() in the Property Mapper
By setting the property mapping in TypoScript
Questão 17
What is the purpose of the following method in a controller? (2)
use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility;
public function initializeAction()
$settings = [
FlexForm settings are merged with TypoScript settings
Custom settings are merged with TypoScript settings
All empty values in the arrays, both $settings and $this->settings, are removed
Keys with a value __UNSET in the array $settings unset array keys with the same name in the array $this->settings
Questão 18
How do you retrieve the data of the current content object in Extbase? (1)
By accessing getContentObject()->data of the ConfigurationManager
By accessing $this->request->getContentObjectData()
By accessing $this->cObj->data
By accessing $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle()
Questão 19
In which file are custom Type Converters registered? (1)