Types of texts


Quiz sobre Types of texts, criado por Nancy Meza em 10-07-2021.
Nancy Meza
Quiz por Nancy Meza, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nancy Meza
Criado por Nancy Meza mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

1. We’re having a brilliant time in Scotland. You get such a feeling of space. The hills seem to go on forever. The only trouble is the weather. It hasn’t stopped raining since we arrived!
  • persuasive
  • informative
  • descriptive
  • instructive

Questão 2

2. You should not park where you see these signs and markings: ‘No Parking’, ‘Clearway’, double yellow lines beside the kerb, double white lines in the middle of the road.
  • persuasive
  • informative
  • descriptive
  • instructive

Questão 3

3. Visit Rome, capital of Italy and ancient capital of the Roman Empire, which is blessed with splendid ruins, delightful markets and intriguing narrow streets that beckon the adventurous explorer.
  • persuasive
  • informative
  • descriptive
  • instructive

Questão 4

4. This car has an aluminium body to resist rust and bumper shields that can absorb an impact of up to 7 mph without distortion.
  • persuasive
  • informative
  • descriptive
  • instructive


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