Chapter 19 Practice Test


NCLEX Nursing (N14 Health Promotion) Quiz sobre Chapter 19 Practice Test , criado por N R em 14-07-2021.
Quiz por N R, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por N R aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The nurse is about to administer prescribed medication to a 4 year old. The medication is renally excreted. Which of the following statements is correct concerning this scenario?
  • The dosage reflects the status that kidneys are not fully matured until after age 5.
  • The dosage reflects the status that kidneys have reached full maturity
  • The dosage reflects the status that kidneys are hyperactive from birth to age 5.
  • Renally excreted meds are contraindicated for children under 5 years. The nurse needs to call the physician for clarification

Questão 2

A nurse is discussing genetic disorders with a local community group. Which of the following statements would the nurse make during the presentation?
  • Down syndrome is most likely to appear during the preschool years
  • Hemophilia is most likely to appear during the preschool years
  • Cystic fibrosis is most likely to appear during the preschool years
  • Multiple sclerosis is most likely to appear during the preschool years

Questão 3

A mother comments to the school nurse that her child has poor hygiene habits and asks the nurse for suggestions as to how to teach her child to improve on his hygiene. Which of the following recommendations would the nurse give the mother?
  • Have him learn it at school
  • Model the behavior at home
  • Lecture him about hygiene
  • Punish him when he forgets to brush his teeth

Questão 4

A 5-year-old is consuming a daily caloric intake of 1400 calories. Approximately what portion of the diet should be comprised of carbohydrates?
  • 300 calories
  • 700 calories
  • 900 calories
  • 1200 calories

Questão 5

A nurse is determining caloric needs for a preschooler who weighs 18 kg. Which of the following represents the daily caloric needs for this child?
  • 1360 calories
  • 1540 calories
  • 1620 calories
  • 1800 calories

Questão 6

Which of the following foods will a 5-year-old child need help eating?
  • Pudding
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Chicken
  • Jelly sandwich

Questão 7

A 2-year-old child has hives. Of the following items ingested, which is most likely to have caused the allergic reaction?
  • Apple juice
  • Oatmeal-peanut cookies
  • Jelly sandwich
  • Banana

Questão 8

A 4-year-old boy had an episode of enuresis. Which of the following actions should be taken by the parents?
  • Have him change his own pajamas before returning to bed.
  • Take away one video game
  • Tell his 6-year-old sister about the incident
  • Make him wear his diaper to bed.

Questão 9

A nurse is working with a local day care center to develop appropriate outdoor play activities for 5-year-old children at the center. Which of the following activities would the nurse most likely recommend?
  • Having the children bring their bikes to the center so they can go for bike rides in the neighborhood
  • Drawing outdoor scenes using portable easels and chalks or crayons
  • Taking the children swimming at the neighborhood pool
  • Playing on the outdoor preschool equipment while being supervised by day care personnel

Questão 10

A 4-year-old girl asks her mother for a second cup of yogurt before starting to eat the first cup she was given. What will the child most likely do with the extra helping?
  • Eat it herself
  • Ask her brother if he wants it
  • Feed it to her dog
  • Give it to her imaginary friend.

Questão 11

Which sleep ritual is age appropriate for a preschooler?
  • Asking for every light in the home to be turned on at bedtime
  • Saying good night to all 20 stuffed animals in the room before going to sleep
  • Going right to sleep
  • Asking the parent to read multiple books on the bookshelf before going to bed

Questão 12

During a well-child visit, a parent tells the nurse that their preschooler occasionally wakes up during the middle of the night and tells them about “scary things.” He is fully awake when the parents enter the room. The child often recalls the incident the following morning. Based on growth and development, which of the following would be the most common reason for the preschooler to wake up?
  • Nightmares
  • Night terrors
  • Enuresis
  • Hunger

Questão 13

Which of the following is a hallmark of Piaget’s preconceptual substage?
  • Using language to function symbolically
  • Using concrete thought processes
  • Using mental abstracting
  • Using transductive reasoning

Questão 14

A preschooler and her school-age brother both have received the same swimming tube as a gift. The brother accidentally took his sister’s swimming tube. The sister protested that she needed her swimming tube to go swimming. Which of the following is being demonstrated by this behavior by the sister?
  • Abstract thinking
  • Concrete thinking
  • Jealousy
  • A temper tantrum

Questão 15

A school nurse is planning to assess the visual acuity of the preschool students at the school. Which of the following tests would be used?
  • Snellen Screening test
  • Denver Eye Screening test
  • Ishihara’s test
  • Cover test

Questão 16

A nurse is reviewing the chart of a preschool child who has been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. Which of the following findings is the nurse most likely to discover?
  • Eating finger foods at 10 months old
  • Absent crawling at 10 months old
  • Separation anxiety at 10 months old
  • Saying “ma-ma” at 10 months old

Questão 17

A 4-year-old child tells the school nurse that he invented a new song. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse?
  • Congratulate the child on a job well done
  • Tell the child that he is too young to invent anything
  • Nicely tell the child that it does not sound like a song
  • Ask the child to come back later when there is more time to listen to the song

Questão 18

Autism disorder is common and is invariably encountered by nurses providing care for children. Which of the following statements is correct concerning this disorder?
  • It is caused by maternal drug abuse especially cocaine during the in utero period
  • It is caused by child vaccines
  • It is considered as a genetically determined disorder
  • It is more common with children who had high Apgar scores as newborns

Questão 19

A nurse is using primary prevention strategies to prevent child abuse in the community. Which of the following interventions would the nurse implement?
  • Educate the public about violence and the potential for abuse
  • Remove a child who has been abused from the home
  • Report a case of child abuse.
  • Refer a parent who abused their child to counseling

Questão 20

During a well-child visit, a father tells the nurse that the preschool-aged child has been enjoying their “road trips” that they take together. On such occasions, the child gets to sit in the front seat of the car with him. Which of the following actions should the nurse take next?
  • Report the father to the local child protective agency
  • Encourage the father to have the child sit in the back seat instead
  • Instruct the father on the dangers of having small children in the front seat
  • Provide the parent with educational materials about car seat safety

Questão 21

A nurse is discussing with parents how to prevent burns in a preschooler. Which of the following recommendations is the nurse most likely to give the parents?
  • Do not read to the child while sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace
  • Do not cook on a gas grill until the child is a teenager
  • Do not leave cigarettes and matches on the kitchen counter
  • Do not cook with the child in the kitchen.

Questão 22

A mother thinks her 2-year-old child drank Drano. What should the nurse tell the mother to do next?
  • Call the pediatrician on call
  • Give ipecac syrup
  • Call the Poison Control Center
  • Wait to see if the child will vomit

Questão 23

Which of the following is the most common intraocular tumor in young children?
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Wilms’ tumor
  • Retinoblastoma
  • Leukemia

Questão 24

The nurse suspects a 5-year-old child has asthma. Which information garnered from the child’s medical history would be a risk factor for asthma or for exacerbating asthma?
  • The child was breast-fed
  • The child sleeps every night with the family dog in his bed.
  • The child was born via a C-section
  • The child had pressure equalizer tubes as an infant

Questão 25

The nurse makes a home visit to a child who has recently been diagnosed with asthma. Which environmental finding has the potential to trigger an asthma exacerbation?
  • Radiator heating system
  • Air conditioner
  • Hardwood flooring
  • Wall-to-wall carpeting

Questão 26

The nurse is conducting a physical exam on a 3-year-old child. Which of the following would be the best way for the nurse to approach the child during the exam?
  • Let the child listen to the nurse’s heart with the stethoscope
  • Tell him to sit quietly while the nurse examines him
  • Ask his parents to leave the room to minimize distractions
  • Ask another nurse to hold him while the nurse examines him.

Questão 27

A nurse is using the Healthy People 2020 health promotion and disease prevention objectives for preschoolers when planning for health policy development in the community. Which of the following health policies would the nurse support?
  • Increased regulation of WIC programs to insure compliance
  • Decrease the number of children exposed to pet dander
  • Regulation of the paint allowed for use with toys
  • All of the above

Questão 28

The nurse is observing the development of gross motor skills of young children at a community recreation center. The nurse is watching a particular child who alternates feet when descending stairs and uses a pencil with good control. On average, what is the youngest age this child is likely to be?
  • 3 years old
  • 4 years old
  • 5 years old
  • 6 years old

Questão 29

On average, how old is a preschooler with a receptive vocabulary of up to 5600 words?
  • 42 months old
  • 48 months old
  • 54 months old
  • 60 months old

Questão 30

Which of the following signs may be indicative of childhood cancer? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
  • Bruises
  • Pale skin
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Hives

Questão 31

Which of the following statements are correct concerning testing of developmental level? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY).
  • The various approved screening tools serve as valid diagnostic tools
  • The Parent’s Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) is valid for ages 5 to 12 years
  • Positive findings on screening tests warrant referral to developmental and medical specialists.
  • The Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Tool is commonly used in the primary care setting

Questão 32

Which of the following behaviors by a preschooler indicates use of an effective coping mechanism? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
  • The preschooler walks away from the situation
  • The preschooler blames a friend for causing the problem
  • The preschooler states what he is upset about
  • The preschooler has a temper tantrum


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