Chapter 25 Practice Test


NCLEX Nursing (N14 Health Promotion) Quiz sobre Chapter 25 Practice Test, criado por N R em 22-07-2021.
Quiz por N R, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por N R aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

A nurse is encouraging members of the community to advocate for the prevention of premature deaths in children under the age of 5 at the international level. Which of the following interventions would most likely be discussed by the nurse?
  • Using mosquito netting in sleeping areas
  • Participating in international vaccination programs
  • Implementing accident prevention programs
  • Providing nutritional supplements

Questão 2

A nurse is working at a clinic in a third world country and suspects a child has severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Which of the following assessment findings would be expected?
  • Distended abdomen
  • Bulging eyes
  • Large tears when crying
  • Lethargy

Questão 3

A nurse is determining if children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) should receive facility-based or community-based care. Which of the following children should receive care in the community?
  • 3-year-old male who has a history of dehydration
  • 9-month-old male with a poor appetite whose family has adequate resources to obtain the recommended treatment
  • 4-year-old female who has sensitivity to milk products
  • 6-month-old female who has a good appetite and no underlying medical conditions

Questão 4

A nurse working on a post-partum unit of a large urban hospital has received a grant to begin a “Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative” developed by WHO. Which of the following statements would the nurse most likely make when explaining the major premises of the initiative to the unit manager?
  • “This program is meant to encourage sibling visits in the early postpartum period, so the adjustment to a new baby is a smooth process.”
  • “A major goal of this program is to ensure that all infant/pediatric units have implemented basic safety initiatives.”
  • “Improving nutrition by promoting breastfeeding of newborns through four months of age is what this program is all about.”
  • “The purpose of this program is to make sure that all health care providers who care for newborns and children up to the age of 18 really understand basic principles of growth and development.”

Questão 5

Which of the following projects would most likely be administered by International Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control (IMMPaCT) Program?
  • Researching best methods to preserve the freshness of foods
  • Monitoring and evaluating intervention systems concerning micronutrients
  • Comparing the effectiveness of vitamin pills versus fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Analyzing the relationship between BMI and cardiovascular disease

Questão 6

The school nurse has been asked to present a workshop on CA-MRSA for high school teachers. Which of the following information would the nurse most likely include?
  • CA-MRSA is a common viral infection that responds well to antiviral meds.
  • CA-MRSA is a serious bacterial infection that does not spread easily
  • CA-MRSA is a fungal infection common in school settings
  • CA-MRSA is a potentially fatal skin infection that is difficult to treat

Questão 7

The school nurse has been asked to present a workshop on how to prevent CA-MRSA spread in the school. Which of the following interventions should be emphasized?
  • Completing prophylactic antibiotic therapy for those in close contact with an infected person
  • Using correct handwashing technique
  • Requiring those infected stay home from school until the infection has resolved
  • Disinfecting all classrooms on a daily basis

Questão 8

A nurse is providing care to HIV positive care recipients living in sub-Saharan communities in Africa. Which of the following statements is correct concerning HIV/AIDS as viewed from an international perspective?
  • The greatest number of people living with HIV disease are in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Cultural practices are not a factor in contributing to HIV infection
  • The majority of the new cases in Africa are caused by IV drug abuse
  • HIV incidence refers to the percentage of all cases (old and new) at a certain time point

Questão 9

A nurse is working with UNAIDS to fight against HIV/AIDS at the global level. Which of the following activities would the nurse most likely be involved in?
  • Determining prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS in African countries
  • Analyzing stats regarding which medications are most effective in raising T cell counts
  • Providing treatment access for all HIV-positive individuals who need medication
  • Reporting confirmed cases of HIV to the World Health Organization

Questão 10

A nurse is using the four-step public health approach to address violence in the community. Using the four-step public health approach designed by WHO, which of the following actions would the nurse take first?
  • Analyze a variety of data sources to determine the extent and cause of the problem.
  • Examine risk factors that have contributed to the violence
  • Develop an evidence-based program to address the problem
  • Train community members to discuss the problem within their neighborhoods.

Questão 11

A nurse using the four-step public health approach to respond to violence. Which of the following actions would occur as the nurse identifies risk and protective factors?
  • Planning a community-based educational program to respond to violence
  • Reviewing police reports and population-based surveys
  • Interviewing local community members about their experiences with violence
  • Examining characteristics in the community where violence has not occurred

Questão 12

The school nurse is planning a workshop for high school students about interpersonal violence (IPV). Which of the following information would the nurse discuss as risk factors for IPV?
  • Cultural norms
  • Family support
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Depression

Questão 13

The nurse is working at a crisis hotline center. Which of the following callers would be most at risk for suicide?
  • A 16-year-old girl who broke up with her boyfriend and is distraught
  • A 26-year-old male with a large college loan who has been laid off from his job
  • A 50-year-old female who has a history of alcohol abuse and depression
  • A 40-year-old male whose father has died suddenly from an MI

Questão 14

Which of the following age groups is experiencing the greatest increase in suicide rates?
  • 15 to 24
  • 25 to 39
  • 40 to 59
  • 60 to 70

Questão 15

Which of the following information about anthrax is correct?
  • Anthrax is a viral infection
  • Anthrax can cause skin lesions or pneumonia
  • Anthrax is spread by person-to-person contact
  • Anthrax is treated by IV penicillin for 10 days.

Questão 16

Which of the following statements about smallpox is accurate?
  • Smallpox results in a rash that looks similar to the chickenpox rash.
  • Side effects from a smallpox vaccine include acute renal failure
  • The last case of smallpox occurred in 1997
  • The rash associated with smallpox is most prominent on the face and extremities

Questão 17

A nurse is working in the emergency department (ED). Which of the following situations would cause the nurse to suspect bioterrorism?
  • When two people out of twenty who ate at a restaurant come to the ED with nausea and vomiting
  • When a worker in a lab comes to the ED complaining of a severe headache
  • When thirteen people, aged 24 to 33, come to the ED with ascending flaccid muscle paralysis
  • When five people come to the ED with an upper respiratory infection

Questão 18

Which of the following statements are correct concerning natural disasters?
  • Infections and undernutrition are common sequela of natural disasters
  • Natural disasters occur primarily in developing countries.
  • PSTD caused by natural disaster tends to have a short duration
  • Natural disasters are primarily caused by disastrous effects of excess water

Questão 19

A nurse states that many community members are concerned about the increasing number of natural disasters that have been occurring in the United States. Which of the following would the community members be referring to?
  • Massive fires from large-scale civil unrest within an inner city
  • A hurricane making landfall
  • Twenty-five multi-vehicle pileup from a winter storm
  • Food poisonings affecting hundreds of people aboard a cruise ship

Questão 20

A hurricane has just caused extensive damage within a local community. Which of the following are community members at risk to experience?
  • Unequal access to health care
  • Exposure to community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  • Increased incidence of suicide
  • Outbreaks of acute respiratory infection

Questão 21

A primary care clinic is being established in a rural county that recently experienced a hurricane severely damaging its infrastructure for medical care. Which of the following considerations would be the priority when planning for this clinic?
  • The ability to provide mental health services to community members
  • The ability to deliver preventive care screening services to community members
  • The ability to refer community members to other services
  • The ability to supply community members with daily necessities

Questão 22

A nurse is advocating for improved disease prevention and health promotion within the local community. Which of the following interventions would the nurse most likely implement?
  • Educate community members about the violence rates that exist within the community
  • Administer flu shots for elderly at a local senior citizens center
  • Participate in a disaster planning committee within the community
  • Talk with a state legislator about improved access to health care for the uninsured and underinsured

Questão 23

Which of the following are classifications within the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of malnutrition? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
  • Obesity
  • Micronutrients deficiencies
  • Protein–energy malnutrition
  • Water insufficiency

Questão 24

Which of the following individuals would be susceptible to CA-MRSA? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
  • 16-year-old student who plays football
  • 48-year-old person who has taken antibiotics for sinus infections
  • 36-year-old man serving 12 months in jail for robbery
  • 22-year-old woman who shares a towel after a swimming meet

Questão 25

A nurse employed by the World Health Organization is working with HIV positive clients in Africa and is teaching them about ways to reduce transmission of this disease. Which of the following barriers should be considered when planning this education? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
  • Culture-specific practices
  • Unavailability of antibiotic therapy
  • Lack of understanding about the transmission process
  • Overcrowded living areas

Questão 26

A school nurse is planning an educational presentation for high school students about violence. Which of the following statements would be included in the presentation? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
  • “Violent behavior happens when someone bullies another person.”
  • “Withholding food from a child as a punishment is violent behavior.”
  • “Collective violence occurs during an argument between two people.”
  • “Painting a racial slur on a building is violent behavior.”

Questão 27

Which of the following individuals assessed by the nurse is experiencing interpersonal violence? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
  • A 16-year-old female who hides in her apartment due to civil unrest in the country
  • A 32-year-old male whose co-worker sends him insulting e-mails at work
  • A 19-year old male who has attempted suicide
  • A 78-year-old female living in a nursing home who is force-fed by aides

Questão 28

A nurse is participating in disaster preparedness planning for the local community. Which of the following would be an appropriate responsibility for the nurse? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
  • Completing a risk assessment in the community
  • Implementing strategies to decrease posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Coordinating meetings among multiple agencies and disciplines
  • Evaluating the economic impact of the disaster


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