History Multiple Choice


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Austin Tran
Quiz por Austin Tran, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Austin Tran
Criado por Austin Tran mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The United States and the Soviet Union became rivals after World War II because
  • The Soviet Union began developing nuclear weapons.
  • The Marshall Plan failed to rebuild war-torn Europe.
  • Communists and Western capitalists distrusted each other.
  • The United States threatened to invade Soviet satellite states

Questão 2

The Truman Doctrine promised to
  • Restore control of satellite states to the Soviet Union.
  • End the civil war in Greece and rid the country of communism.
  • Give economic aid to countries threatened by communism.
  • Use military force to fight Communist expansion in Asia.

Questão 3

The Marshall Plan was based on the idea that
  • North and South Korea should be unified.
  • Military force was the best way to contain communism.
  • Nations should maintain large arsenals of nuclear weapons.
  • Communism succeeded only in countries with economic problems.

Questão 4

The Berlin Wall was erected in order to
  • Protect Soviet military supplies.
  • Retaliate against U.S. aggression.
  • Prevent the spread of communism.
  • Stop the flow of refugees from East Germany.

Questão 5

The Warsaw Pact was a
  • development of trade agreements amongst the Western European states.
  • A military agreement between the United States, France, and Great Britain.
  • U.S. policy to rebuild war torn Europe.
  • military alliance of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European states.

Questão 6

NATO was formed to provide
  • Mutual help to the Soviet Union and its allies around the Atlantic ocean.
  • Economic relief to East Germany.
  • Military support for Brazil.
  • Mutual help to the United States and its allies around the Atlantic ocean.

Questão 7

Which war sparked an expansion of United States' military alliances around the world?
  • The Korean War.
  • The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
  • The War in Vietnam
  • Russia's war with Ukraine

Questão 8

The United States policy of containment was designed to
  • Keep communism within its existing boundaries and prevent Soviet aggression.
  • Limit political discussion in the United States.
  • Limit the loss of American troops around the world.
  • Stop biological warfare from damaging the United States.

Questão 9

What was the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States?
  • The United States nationalized their economy to better beat the Soviets.
  • Both countries built up their armies and increased their weapons arsenals.
  • A reduction of traditional armed forces in favor of nuclear weapons.
  • The Soviets started a free market economy to better beat the United States.

Questão 10

What was the policy of deterrence?
  • The United States needed to become allies with every country in the world to prevent Soviet aggression
  • A policy that led to a reduction of nuclear weapons.
  • The Soviets believed they could stop U.S. aggression by expanding their industrial capacity.
  • The policy held that huge arsenals of nuclear weapons on both sides prevented war.

Questão 11

After Mao's forces claimed victory in the civil war...
  • The Chinese people voted overwhelmingly to follow Chiang Kai-Shek
  • The communists overturned Mao and took away his leadership.
  • Mao gave up the presidency and invited the south to join his forces.
  • Chiang Kai-Shek and his 2 million followers fled to Taiwan.

Questão 12

The purpose of Mao's Great Leap Forward program was to
  • Allow more people to work in industry.
  • Encourage workers to start new businesses.
  • Increase the governments aid to individuals.
  • Force more people to farm private plots of land.

Questão 13

The Red Guards consisted of people who were
  • Eager to help others.
  • Traditional.
  • Future capitalists.
  • Unhappy and discontented.

Questão 14

Why did the people of China ultimately reject the Cultural Revolution?
  • The Red Guards' actions horrified them.
  • Its ideas were rooted in old culture.
  • It stood for change.
  • Mao did not believe in it.

Questão 15

Why did the United States fear the spread of communism to China?
  • The United States worried that communists would dominate the world.
  • The United States believed China was poised to launch a military attack on the U.S.
  • The United States feared China's growing industrial power.
  • It interrupted United States' plans to invade China.

Questão 16

The primary purpose of the Red Guards was to
  • Encourage western thought and tradition in China.
  • Protect members of the intellectual class in China.
  • Force the Chinese people to obey the new ideas and eliminate the old ones.
  • Preserve Chinese tradition.

Questão 17

Who was the leader of the Chinese Communist Party when they won the civil war following World War II
  • Premier Nikita Krushchev
  • People's Republic Leader Sun Tzu
  • Chairman Mao Zedong
  • President Chiang Kai-Shek

Questão 18

Why did the huge communes in China fail?
  • The peasants were unwilling to work on farms.
  • Russia invaded China interrupting the switch to communes.
  • Bad weather and the peasants hatred of the new system.
  • The huge communes in China did not fail, they were successful.

Questão 19

What was Mao's idea of a permanent revolution?
  • An ongoing violent conflict between the government and its people.
  • An atmosphere of constant revolutionary fervor enabling China to achieve the final stage of communism.
  • A state of freedom in which every member of society was able to vote on every decision the government made.
  • A cultural shift from devotion to the government to devotion to the family and tradition.

Questão 20

What was the Little Red Book?
  • A pamphlet instructing Communist Party members in urban combat.
  • A journal recording Western thoughts on the Chinese Civil War.
  • A collection of Mao's thoughts and an important source for Chinese communists.
  • A collection of famous Chinese artworks for preservation.

Questão 21

The United States sent troops to Vietnam to
  • Drive the French out of Vietnam.
  • Stop the North from controlling the South.
  • Gain the support of the American public.
  • Stop the South from controlling the North.

Questão 22

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba if the United States would
  • Not invade Cuba.
  • Send aid to Cuba
  • Stop the blockade of Cuba
  • Remove missiles from Florida.

Questão 23

The United States considered Cuba a threat because
  • Cuba, which is 90 miles from Florida, had ties with the Soviets.
  • The Cuban government had been overthrown and was unstable.
  • Cuban exiles had informed the United States about missiles in Cuba.
  • Castro and Kennedy did not trust each other.

Questão 24

The United States government believed that if they lost South Vietnam to communism.
  • United States citizens would turn against the war
  • North Vietnam would become communist too.
  • Other Asian countries would come to the aid of South Vietnam.
  • Other Asian countries would also fall to communism.

Questão 25

Which government allied with North Korea in its attempt to take over South Korea?
  • United States
  • France
  • Vietnam
  • Soviet Union

Questão 26

At the end of World War II, which country refused to end its colonial rule of Vietnam?
  • Japan
  • Britain
  • China
  • France

Questão 27

What military action began the Korean War?
  • China attempted to conquer the Korean peninsula.
  • With the approval of Stalin, North Korean troops invaded South Korea.
  • Japan deployed gunships to rebuild their imperial empire.
  • Vietnam started sending troops to other communist countries in Asia.

Questão 28

What political theory was used to justify United States military involvement in Vietnam.
  • The policy of deterrence, a belief that possessing huge arsenals of nuclear weapons?
  • Mutually Assured Destruction, a military doctrine that guaranteed absolute destruction to all sides if nuclear weapons were used.
  • The cultural revolution, the idea that only through radically transforming a country's culture could communism be stopped.
  • The domino theory, an idea that if one country fails to communism neighboring countries will also fall.

Questão 29

The Bay of Pigs Invasion was the result of a CIA plan
  • To liberate North Korea from communist rule.
  • To win the Vietnam War.
  • The use exiled Cuban fighters to invade Cuba.
  • To launch a surprise attack on the Soviet Union.

Questão 30

When the United States and the Soviet Union used substitutes to fight each other, they became involved in
  • the construction of massive public works projects
  • Economic sabotage
  • Proxy wars.
  • a naval arms race

Questão 31

British India was divided along religious lines into which two countries in 1947?
  • Punjab and Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh and Pakistan
  • India and Punjab
  • India and Pakistan

Questão 32

Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated as a consequence of
  • Violence following the creation of Bangladesh.
  • The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Violence following the independence of Pakistan from India.
  • Conflict surrounding Punjab independence.

Questão 33

Jawaharlal Nehru modeled the new Congress Party in charge of the independent Indian government after
  • The socialists ideals of the British Labor Party.
  • The communist ideas of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Traditional Indian monarchies
  • The Russian oligarchies.

Questão 34

How did Indira Gandhi's government react to militant Sikhs demand for independence of the Punjab region?
  • The government cut off all financial aid to the region.
  • The government used military force to crush the rebellion, killing more than 450 Sikhs.
  • The government granted independence to the Punjab region.
  • There was an increase in the number of Sikh representatives in the national government of India.

Questão 35

What is the significance of Kashmir in India's history?
  • Its independence brought about peace between India and Pakistan
  • For decades, India and Britain fought over who would control it.
  • The United States and the Soviet Union used it as a political pawn in the Cold War.
  • Religious differences contributed to India and Pakistan fighting for its control.

Questão 36

How did the principle of nonalignment influence India's foreign policy?
  • India overthrew the governments of Bangladesh and Pakistan.
  • India refused to take sides in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • The United States placed an embargo on Indian goods.
  • Nonalignment led to a war with the Soviet Union.

Questão 37

Why did the United States pressure the Netherlands to grant independence to Indonesia?
  • The Netherlands wanted to colonize all of Southeast Asia.
  • The United States supported Achmed Sukarno's non-Communist National Party.
  • The Indonesian Communist Party was close to collapse.
  • The United States wanted to trade with the Netherlands.

Questão 38

After the Vietnam War the country of Vietnam was unified under what syle of government?
  • Khmer Rouge
  • Communism
  • Democracy
  • Monarchy

Questão 39

Which European country refused to grant independence to it colonial possessions in Southeast Asia?
  • Spain
  • France
  • Great Britiain
  • The United States

Questão 40

Who has controlled Myanmar since the 1960s?
  • Aung San Suu Kyi
  • Ferdinand Marcos
  • Pol Pot
  • The military

Questão 41

Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser promoted Pan-Arabism, the idea that
  • Arabic culture needed to be preserved in museums.
  • Syria should be the leaders of the Arabic people
  • Arab countries needed to develop independently from each other.
  • Arabic people around the world should unify

Questão 42

Which of the following was one result of the 1947 UN resolution that sought to divide the Palestine Mandate?
  • The issue of a Palestinian homeland was finally settled.
  • Many Palestinians fled to refugee camps in neighboring Arab countries.
  • All Israeli's came under Palestinian rule.
  • All Palestinians came under Israel rule.

Questão 43

The basic religious difference between Iran and Iraq is
  • Iraqis are mostly Hindu and Iranians are mostly Sunni Muslim.
  • Iranians are mostly Shia Muslims, while Iraqi leaders under Saddam Hussein were mostly Sunni Muslims
  • Iranians are mostly Sunni Muslims, while Iraqi leaders under Saddam Hussein were mostly Shia Muslims
  • Iraqis are mostly Hindu and Iranians are mostly Shia Muslim.

Questão 44

One result of the Six Day War that caused the Arab-Israeli conflict to continue for years to come was
  • A million Israelis now lived in Arab-occupied territory.
  • Arabs now occupied the Sinai Peninsula.
  • A million Palestinians now lived in areas under Israeli control
  • Arab states doubled the size of territory under their control.

Questão 45

During the 1980s, some militant Palestinian Arabs
  • Signed a cease-fire agreement with Egypt.
  • Created an organization called the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
  • Overthrew the shah in Iran.
  • Led an intifada, or "üprising," in the territories occupied by Israel.

Questão 46

How did Israel respond to Arab armies assembling in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt?
  • Israel surrendered territory to Egypt and Jordan.
  • Israel asked the United Nations for help.
  • Israel launched air strikes against Egypt and Jordan.
  • Israel attacked Saudi Arabia.

Questão 47

The meeting at Camp David hosted by President Carter between Prime Minister Begin and President Sadat resulted in an Israeli Egyptian peace treaty and
  • Renewed bombing of Jordan by Israel.
  • A new alliance between Egypt and the United States.
  • A complete withdrawal of Israel from the Sinai peninsula.
  • Additional attacks Israel by the Egyptian Air Force.

Questão 48

The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Which groups fought back against the Soviets?
  • The Taliban supported by the European Union.
  • The PLO supported by Israel.
  • The Khmer Rouge supported by the France and Spain.
  • The Mujahideen supported by the United States and Pakistan.

Questão 49

Why did many Iranians under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini oppose the Shah of Iran?
  • They wanted to become allies with Iraq.
  • They believed the new Iranian culture was influenced by the United States and was based on greed and materialism.
  • They believed that a new communist government would provide more opportunity for the people to access the oil wealth of Iran.
  • The Iranians believed that they needed to expand their military and become closer allies with the United States.

Questão 50

What event began the Persian Gulf War?
  • Israel bombed the Egyptian air force.
  • The United States invaded Afghanistan
  • Saddam Hussein sent troops into Kuwait to seize oil fields.
  • Iran invaded Saudi Arabia


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