John Fenik said last weekend that the death of a 15-year-old and the fact another teen had been charged with murder had left him — like many of his town's residents — in shock and "emotionally numb." Which town was Fenik previously the mayor of?
Melanie Chisamore has made it her goal to share her story of her great-great-great-great-grandmother Jane Elizabeth Martin Barnes, a 19th-century fortune teller who came to be known by what nickname?
At a summit this past week in Ottawa, Brad West, the mayor of Port Coquitlam, B.C., presented a joint declaration calling for a "new deal" with the federal government on funding for WHAT?
That the line's launch would be "almost imminent" by mid-November.
That there had been delays getting regulatory approvals from federal officials.
That the line failed to meet the benchmarks set in the first test run phase.
That the tunnel beneath Dows Lake was dealing with flooding.
Questão 9
Crown prosecutors withdrew assault and harassment charges Thursday that had been laid against a 74-year-old woman who'd been filmed in May doing WHAT outside Ottawa City Hall?