Medical OSCE quiz - epipen, medical and social histories, CAGE, medical emergencies, vital signs


4th year dentistry
Rachael Eleanor Alexandra
Quiz por Rachael Eleanor Alexandra, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachael Eleanor Alexandra
Criado por Rachael Eleanor Alexandra mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Label the epipen correctly
  • This end away from patient
  • This end into thigh
  • This end away from patient
  • This end into thigh

Questão 2

During a medical history, you must take note of a patient's previous dental history. This includes any previous r[blank_start]estorations[blank_end] (eg. crowns, fillings, bridges), dentures, and [blank_start]periodontal[blank_end] treatment. You should make a note of the reason for any [blank_start]extractions[blank_end] and if they have had any [blank_start]orthodontic[blank_end] work. Ask the patient about their pattern of [blank_start]attendance[blank_end], their [blank_start]availability[blank_end] for appointments, and if they have ever had any problems with [blank_start]local anaesthetic[blank_end]. Also ask if they have had any [blank_start]oral hygiene[blank_end] advice.
  • estorations
  • periodontal
  • extractions
  • orthodontic
  • attendance
  • availability
  • local anaesthetic
  • oral hygiene

Questão 3

Social history A[blank_start]ppointments[blank_end] at the dental school take a [blank_start]long time[blank_end] and treatment courses may continue for months. It is important to ask the patient if they are ok with this. You should ask the patient about their o[blank_start]ccupation[blank_end] and their mode of [blank_start]transport[blank_end] to the dental school. In social history you should ask the patient about any [blank_start]dietary[blank_end] habits (e.g. snacking, fizzy drinks, tea, coffee etc) and their [blank_start]oral hygiene[blank_end] regime. Asking about smoking; - [blank_start]Do[blank_end] they smoke? - If so, [blank_start]how much[blank_end] do they smoke? [blank_start]What[blank_end] do they smoke? [blank_start]How long[blank_end] have they smoked for? Have they ever [blank_start]quit[blank_end]? Have they any [blank_start]desire[blank_end] to quit? Asking about drinking: - Ask patient if they drink, and continue to [blank_start]CAGE[blank_end] questions, you can assess any risk from there.
  • ppointments
  • long time
  • ccupation
  • transport
  • dietary
  • oral hygiene
  • Do
  • how much
  • What
  • How long
  • quit
  • desire
  • CAGE

Questão 4

If a person has smoked half a pack a day for the last 20 years, what is this is pack years?
  • 40 years
  • 10 years
  • 20 years
  • 5.5 years

Questão 5

If a person has smoked 3 packs a day for 8 years, how many pack years is this?
  • 24
  • 48
  • 11

Questão 6

How many cigarettes are usually in a standard "pack"?
  • 10
  • 20
  • 40
  • 5

Questão 7

What does the C stand for in the CAGE questionnaire?
  • Have you ever cried from drinking too much?
  • Have you ever thought of cutting down on your alcohol?
  • How many centilitres of alcohol do you drink a day?
  • Can you go a day without drinking?

Questão 8

What does the A stand for in the CAGE questions?
  • Have you ever avoided work from drinking too much?
  • Have you ever felt annoyed by someone criticising your alcohol intake?
  • Have you ever been angry as a result of drinking?

Questão 9

What does the G stand for in the CAGE questions?
  • Have you ever felt guilty about your alcohol intake?
  • Have you ever felt good about your alcohol intake?
  • Have you ever gotten ill from your alcohol intake?

Questão 10

What does the E stand for in the CAGE questions?
  • Do you ever empty your stomach from excessive alcohol intake?
  • Do you ever have an eye opener or a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves?
  • Does everyone at home drink?

Questão 11

True or false? A pint of beer can range from 2.3-4.5 units depending on the ABV
  • True
  • False

Questão 12

What does a large glass of wine usually contain in units of alcohol?
  • 2.0 units
  • 4.0 units
  • 1.6 units
  • 3.3 units

Questão 13

A unit of alcohol is measured as...
  • 10ml of vodka or similar spirit
  • 25ml of pure alcohol
  • 70ml of vodka or similar spirit
  • 10ml of pure alcohol

Questão 14

How long after someone stops breathing do brain cells start to die?
  • 10 minutes
  • 6 minutes
  • 3 minutes
  • 5 minutes

Questão 15

This poor lady is unconscious in the road after collapsing on her bike from not having breakfast. Daft girl. Label the diagram correctly with the dropdown menu to show what you need to do with an unconscious casualty.
  • DANGER - check area is safe
  • CHECK response - shake shoulders, shout
  • AIRWAY - open and maintain
  • BREATHING - look, listen, feel
  • BREATHING - look, listen, feel
  • AIRWAY - open and maintain
  • DANGER - check area is safe
  • CHECK response - shake shoulders, shout
  • CHECK response - shake shoulders, shout
  • DANGER - check area is safe
  • AIRWAY - open and maintain
  • BREATHING - look, listen, feel
  • BREATHING - look, listen, feel
  • AIRWAY - open and maintain
  • DANGER - check area is safe
  • CHECK response - shake shoulders, shout

Questão 16

Label the image to show the stages of placing someone in the recovery position
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angles
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Lift furthest leg up & roll
  • Support head whilst rolling
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Support head while rolling
  • Lift furthest leg up & roll
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angles
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angles
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Lift furthest leg up and roll
  • Support head whilst rolling
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Lift furthest leg up and roll
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angle
  • Support head while rolling
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angles
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Lift furthest leg up and roll
  • Support head whilst rolling
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angle
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Lift furthest leg up and roll
  • Support head whilst rolling
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angle
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Lift furthest leg up and roll
  • Support head whilst rolling
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Bring leg up at right angles
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Turn every 30 minutes
  • Place nearest palm up, at right angles
  • Bring furthest arm over to cheek
  • Lift furthest leg up and roll
  • Support head whilst rolling
  • Tilt head back to maintain airway
  • Bring leg up right angles
  • Check circulation in lower arm
  • Turn every 30 minutes

Questão 17

The recovery position is adopted to prevent the unconscious person from [blank_start]inhaling[blank_end] any v[blank_start]omit[blank_end], and should be done [blank_start]before[blank_end] you go for help if you are by yourself. If the casualty has a [blank_start]neck injury[blank_end] you should only turn if the airway is [blank_start]compromised[blank_end]. You should check the casualty thoroughly for other injuries or [blank_start]bleeding[blank_end] whilst you are observing them. They should ideally be covered with a [blank_start]blanket[blank_end] and [blank_start]reassured[blank_end] constantly. Should you find an unconscious casualty that isn't breathing, you must [blank_start]call 999[blank_end] immediately, ensure the casualty is on a [blank_start]flat[blank_end] surface, and begin [blank_start]CPR[blank_end]
  • inhaling
  • omit
  • before
  • neck injury
  • compromised
  • bleeding
  • blanket
  • reassured
  • call 999
  • flat
  • CPR

Questão 18

If a patient faints, they may show signs of...
  • Cold/clammy
  • Dizziness
  • Pallor
  • Slow weak pulse
  • Nausea
  • Hot to touch, sweaty
  • Rapid, strong pulse
  • Widened pupils
  • Lucidity

Questão 19

Should a person faint in the chair, which position should they be placed in?

Questão 20

If a person faints in the chair, you should: - [blank_start]Elevate[blank_end] legs above the heart to improve [blank_start]blood flow[blank_end] - [blank_start]Loosen[blank_end] clothing (if restrictive!) - Monitor [blank_start]breathing[blank_end] and [blank_start]pulse[blank_end] The patient should recover in a [blank_start]few minutes[blank_end]. It may be a good idea to give them a [blank_start]glucose drink[blank_end]. Reassess patient for ABC and c[blank_start]onsciousness[blank_end]
  • Elevate
  • blood flow
  • Loosen
  • breathing
  • pulse
  • few minutes
  • glucose drink
  • onsciousness

Questão 21

A patient presents with rapid shallow breathing, fast heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and nausea - what are they likely experiencing?
  • Syncope (fainting)
  • Hyperventilation
  • Hypoventilation
  • Angina

Questão 22

If a person is hyperventilating, you should: - [blank_start]Encourage[blank_end] patient to [blank_start]control[blank_end] their breathing - Explain what is happening and [blank_start]reassure[blank_end] - Guide patient to [blank_start]slow[blank_end] breathing - Assess and [blank_start]monitor[blank_end]
  • control
  • Encourage
  • reassure
  • slow
  • monitor

Questão 23

If a patient presents with crushing chest pain, radiating to arms, greyish pallor, sweating and nausea, what are they most likely experiencing?
  • Angina
  • Hyperventilation
  • Syncope
  • Asthma attack

Questão 24

Where would you spray glyceryl trinitrate 0.4mg spray in an angina patient?
  • Buccal sulcus
  • Eye
  • Sublingual
  • Cheek

Questão 25

How long after administering a nitroglycerin spray or tablet should symptoms resolve in an angina patient? After this time an ambulance should be called.
  • 5 minutes
  • 20 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • 15 minutes

Questão 26

Should a patient experience an acute attack of angina, you should: Administer [blank_start]oxygen[blank_end] - 15L over 10 minutes [blank_start]Glyceryl trinitrate[blank_end] spray (0.4mg) or tablet (0.5mg) Check [blank_start]pulse[blank_end] for regularity Monitor and r[blank_start]eassess[blank_end] Refer to hospital if attack lasts longer than [blank_start]15 minutes[blank_end]
  • oxygen
  • Glyceryl trinitrate
  • pulse
  • eassess
  • 15 minutes

Questão 27

If a patient presents with crushing retrosternal pain, weak irregular pulse, loss of consciousness, pallor, breathlessness vomiting, what are they likely experiencing?
  • Hyperventilation
  • Angina
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Asthma attack

Questão 28

If you suspect someone is suffering a myocardial infarction, what is the first thing you should do?
  • Shout for help
  • Call an ambulance
  • Clear space for danger
  • Check breathing
  • Put in recovery position

Questão 29

If a patient is suffering a myocardial infarction, you should do the following: - [blank_start]Call 999[blank_end] IMMEDIATELY - Deliver [blank_start]oxygen[blank_end] - Maintain [blank_start]airway[blank_end] - Give [blank_start]glyceryl trinitrate[blank_end] spray sublingual - Aspirin [blank_start]300mg[blank_end] crushed or chewed for [blank_start]anti platelet[blank_end] effect - Monitor and reassess
  • Call 999
  • oxygen
  • airway
  • glyceryl trinitrate
  • 300mg
  • anti platelet

Questão 30

When you are checking for signs of life of a casualty; L[blank_start]OOK[blank_end] - for chest [blank_start]movement[blank_end] L[blank_start]ISTEN[blank_end] - for [blank_start]breathing[blank_end] F[blank_start]EEL[blank_end] - [blank_start]breath[blank_end] on cheek L[blank_start]OOK[blank_end] AGAIN - signs of [blank_start]coughing[blank_end], limb [blank_start]movement[blank_end], perfusion F[blank_start]EEL[blank_end] AGAIN - body [blank_start]warmth[blank_end] Can you palpate a [blank_start]carotid pulse[blank_end] for more than [blank_start]10[blank_end] seconds? Do this whilst you check the other things. If the patient is breathing and you've put them in recovery position you should constantly asses [blank_start]ABCDE[blank_end] whilst you are waiting.
  • OOK
  • movement
  • breathing
  • EEL
  • breath
  • OOK
  • coughing
  • movement
  • EEL
  • warmth
  • carotid pulse
  • 10

Questão 31

If a patient is experiencing an effective cough you should...?
  • Begin back blows x5 and abdominal thrusts x5
  • Encourage pt to cough

Questão 32

If a patient is experiencing an ineffective cough, you should...?
  • Begin back blows x5 and abdominal thrusts x5
  • Encourage cough

Questão 33

Pyrexia is defined as...
  • More than 38 degrees
  • More than 38.5 degrees
  • More than 37.5 degrees
  • More than 37 degrees

Questão 34

Hypothermia is defined as...?
  • Less than 25 degrees
  • Less than 27 degrees
  • Less than 37.5 degrees
  • Less than 35 degrees

Questão 35

You are taking an oral temperature from a patient. 1. [blank_start]ICE[blank_end] - i[blank_start]ntroduce[blank_end], consent, [blank_start]expose[blank_end] 2. Ensure patient hasn't undertaken any activity that might lead to a [blank_start]false reading[blank_end], like e[blank_start]xercise[blank_end], hot or cold drink) 3. Place patient in [blank_start]comfortable[blank_end] position 4. Apply disposable cover if necessary 5. Place sensor in [blank_start]floor[blank_end] of mouth between [blank_start]lateral[blank_end] aspect of tongue and [blank_start]lingual[blank_end] aspect of m[blank_start]andible[blank_end] 6. Get patient to [blank_start]close their lips[blank_end] so the oral temperature is not altered by intake of air 7. Leave thermometer for [blank_start]60 seconds[blank_end], reassure patient 8. Remove thermometer, [blank_start]record[blank_end] in notes.
  • ICE
  • ntroduce
  • expose
  • false reading
  • xercise
  • comfortable
  • floor
  • lateral
  • lingual
  • andible
  • close their lips
  • 60 seconds
  • record

Questão 36

The pulse rate in a healthy individual should range between....
  • 50-80bpm
  • 100-120bpm
  • 90-110bpm
  • 60-80bpm

Questão 37

Tachycardia is defined as...
  • More than 100bpm
  • More than 80bpm
  • Less than 80bpm
  • Less than 100bpm

Questão 38

Bradycardia is defined as...
  • More than 100bpm
  • More than 60bpm
  • Less than 100bpm
  • Less than 60bpm

Questão 39

True or false: the most likely cause of an irregular rhythm in the heartbeat is ventricular fibrillation
  • True
  • False

Questão 40

The normal respiratory rate in adults is...
  • 12-20 breaths per minute
  • 18-22 breaths per minute
  • 22-28 breaths per minute


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