Maniac Magee- Chp.41-46 comprehension check


Quiz sobre Maniac Magee- Chp.41-46 comprehension check, criado por Shannon Rauh em 26-05-2016.
Shannon Rauh
Quiz por Shannon Rauh, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shannon Rauh
Criado por Shannon Rauh mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

How is the Pickwell family like the Beale family.
  • Both families live in a dirty house.
  • Both families are kind and loving families.
  • Both families live in the East End.
  • Both families live in the West End.

Questão 2

Why does Maniac take Mars Bar to the party at the McNabs?
  • Maniac wants the family to see a real black person and stop inventing stories about them.
  • Maniac wants the family to see a real black person so they can test out using their pillbox.
  • Maniac wants Mars Bar and Russell and Piper to become best friends.
  • Maniac wants the family to get angry at him for bringing a black person so he has an excuse to leave their house.

Questão 3

Why does Maniac take Mars Bar to the Pickwells' house before going to the McNabs' house?
  • Maniac knew Mars Bar was hungry and they could get a free dinner at the the Pickwells' house.
  • The Pickwell children had been asking Maniac to bring a black person over to their house.
  • Maniac wants Mars Bar to see the best of the West End (soften Mars Bar), before he sees the worst.
  • Maniac wanted Mars Bar to show the Pickwell children how good he is at playing basketball.

Questão 4

If a person in Two Mills had gone out to the street on a July morning, what scene would have probably surprised him or her?
  • They would have seen the children were splashing in the water spilling from the fire hydrant.
  • They would have seen Maniac and Mars Bar running together, but never talking.
  • They would have seen the children lining up to hit John McNab's fastball.
  • They would have seen Maniac kissing the baby buffalo at the zoo.

Questão 5

Why couldn't Maniac go up on the trestle to save Russell?
  • Maniac was mad at Russell for the way he treated Mars Bar.
  • Maniac was afraid of heights and couldn't bear to climb up on the train trestle.
  • Maniac's parents had died on the trestle, and he could not go up there.
  • Maniac wanted to see if Mars Bar would be the hero and go up and rescue Russell.

Questão 6

Mars Bar is confused about why Maniac would not save Russell.
  • True
  • False

Questão 7

After Mars Bar saves Russell, where does he take him?
  • Mars Bar takes Russell to the buffalo pen at the zoo.
  • Mars Bar takes Russell to church so he can thank God for being saved.
  • Mars Bar takes Russell home to his own mother.
  • Mars Bar takes Russell to Cobble's Corner for free pizza.

Questão 8

Why doesn't Maniac feel he can go to Mars Bar's house?
  • Maniac is afraid Mars Bar will hurt him if he goes to his house.
  • Maniac is afraid of getting comfortable in a home and then losing that home again.
  • Maniac is allergic to Mars Bar's cat.
  • Maniac is afraid of Mars Bar's mother because she called him 'Fishbelly'.

Questão 9

Why does Maniac go with Amanda Beale?
  • Maniac is afraid Amanda will hurt him if he doesn't go home with her.
  • Maniac now truly believes he will be able to stay at the Beales' home forever.
  • Hester and Lester were pleading with Maniac and Maniac could not say no to those two.
  • Mrs. Beale came and dragged him home to her house.

Questão 10

Mars Bar becomes Maniac's good friend.
  • True
  • False


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