GCSE Human Geography Case Study Quiz


AQA GCSE Geography A: Population, Tourism and Globalisation case studies
Anna Wolski
Quiz por Anna Wolski, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anna Wolski
Criado por Anna Wolski aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Population: When was China's One Child Policy introduced?
  • 1969
  • 1979
  • 1989
  • 1999

Questão 2

Why was the One Child Policy Introduced?
  • Government was bossy
  • China hates children
  • Heading into famine and growth was unsustainable
  • Communism

Questão 3

Which of the following is NOT an original rule/incentive/punishment of the policy?
  • Couples must only have one successful pregnancy
  • Second children were forcibly killed at birth
  • Couples received a 5-10% salary rise for having child
  • A 10% salary cut was imposed if another child was born

Questão 4

Which of the following is NOT a problem caused by the One Child Policy?
  • The country is now facing the problem of having too many young people
  • Women were forced to have abortions as late as 9 months
  • A gender imbalance in favour of boys was created because of Chinese society’s preference for boys
  • Chinese only children have been spoilt, creating ‘Little Emperor’ syndrome

Questão 5

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the One Child Policy?
  • The previously forecast famine was avoided, people have enough food and jobs
  • Approximately 400million fewer children have been born
  • Standards of living have been improved
  • There has been an increase in skilled workers

Questão 6

Which of the following is NOT a change to the One Child Poilcy brought about since the 1990s?
  • Young couples who are both only children were allowed two children
  • Women have been able to concentrate on their careers because of fewer childcare responsibilities
  • Some families in rural areas have been allowed to have three children
  • The policy was stopped in October 2015

Questão 7

Where is Kerala?
  • China
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Mongolia

Questão 8

Which of the following is NOT a strategy implemented as part of Kerala’s policy?
  • Improving education standard and treating girls equal to boys
  • Promoting abortions to women in health clinics
  • Educating people about the benefits of having smaller families as well as providing free contraception
  • Land was redistributed so that no family had more than eight hectares

Questão 9

Which of the following is NOT an impact of Kerala’s policy?
  • There are now more girls than boys in the state
  • More women go to university than men
  • Kerala’s fertility rate has fallen to 1.8 per 1000 (much lower than the national average)
  • GDP/capita has risen far above the national average to £2950

Questão 10

Which of the following is NOT an incentive put in place in France to encourage births as part of its pro-natal policy?
  • Three years of paid parental leave for mothers or fathers
  • Contraception has been made unavailable in shops and clinics
  • Free, full-time education from the age of three
  • The more children a woman has, the earlier she can retire on a full pension

Questão 11

Which of the following correctly describes France’s birth rate since 1960?
  • It has slowly risen because of the pro-natal policy
  • It has fallen quickly despite the pro-natal policy
  • Its decline has been slowed down by the policy but it is still falling
  • It has stayed the same the whole time (14 per 1000)

Questão 12

Which of the following is NOT a reason why people from Poland have been migrating to the UK?
  • To flee conflict in their homeland
  • To find work
  • To earn more money (five times as much as in Poland)
  • To get a better standard of living

Questão 13

Which of the following is NOT an impact of Polish migrants living in the UK?
  • There has been some conflict between migrants and natives
  • The migrants have boosted the economy through paying taxes
  • They have cost the government money through the use of health and education services
  • Overall, the UK has not benefitted from the migrants

Questão 14

Which year holds the record for the highest level of global forced displacement (60 million)?
  • 1984
  • 1994
  • 2004
  • 2014

Questão 15

Which of the following is NOT a push/pull factor explaining migration into the EU?
  • Conflict/civil war in countries such as Syria and Afghanistan
  • Human rights abuses in countries such as Eritrea
  • A better climate
  • A better quality of life and more jobs

Questão 16

Which of the following is NOT a benefit/problem caused by migration into the EU?
  • Thousands of people have drowned in the Mediterranean trying to reach Italy/Greece
  • Strain put on local authorities/the economy when trying to supply accommodation/education for migrants
  • Immigrants can fill gaps in the working age population in countries, such as Germany, experiencing ageing populations
  • Immigrants and natives mix well and create interesting cultural fusions

Questão 17

Tourism: Which of the following is NOT an attraction of tourism in Italy
  • The Alps - winter sports
  • Volcanoes - Mount Pinatubo
  • Cities - Venice
  • Coasts - Vernazza

Questão 18

Which of the following is NOT an attraction of tourism in Dubai?
  • Duty-free malls
  • Sightseeing
  • Local markets
  • Glacier walking

Questão 19

Which of the following is NOT true about Blackpool?
  • It became a major tourist centre in the 19th Century
  • It was successful in its bid for the supercasino
  • It boomed in the first half of the 20th Century
  • Blackpool has gone into decline following the growth of overseas tourism and the package holiday

Questão 20

When did the Peak District become a National Park?
  • 1951
  • 1961
  • 1971
  • 1981

Questão 21

Which of the following is NOT an attraction of vising the Peak District?
  • Unique wildlife, e.g. harebells; short-eared owl
  • Excellent coastal walks, e.g. The Jurassic Coast
  • Historic buildings, gardens and parks, e.g. Chatsworth estate
  • Easy accessibility from surrounding areas, close to major cities, e.g. Manchester, Sheffield

Questão 22

Which of the following is NOT a problem/benefit of tourism in the Peak District?
  • More tourist related jobs and contribution to the economy
  • Footpath erosion
  • Tourists leaving gates open and farm animals escaping
  • A lot of the money spent in the park is taken out by big TNCs

Questão 23

Which of the following is NOT a management strategy used in the Park?
  • The Hope Valley Community Rail Partnership aims to encourage the use of buses and trains within this popular valley. 
  • The Peak District Ranger Service provides information and advice to visitors and local communities and resolves immediate problems created by visitor pressure.
  • An animal sanctuary has been built near Castleton to protect vulnerable species.
  • The Pennine Way has been paved for most of its length within the Park. 

Questão 24

Which of the following is NOT an attraction of tourism in Jamaica?
  • Caves in Kingston Town
  • Beaches at Montego Bay
  • Deep-sea fishing at Port Antonio
  • Botanic gardens in the Blue Mountains

Questão 25

Which of the following is NOT an advantage/disadvantage of tourism in Jamaica?
  • Tourism contributes 20% to Jamaica’s GDP
  • Jobs are created in the tourist sector
  • Jobs created are low-paid for locals
  • All of the money that is spent in Jamaica remains in the country

Questão 26

Which of the following is NOT an attraction of tourism in Antarctica?
  • Magnificent scenery
  • Ice landing
  • Swimming
  • Wildlife, e.g. penguins

Questão 27

Which of the following is NOT a problem cause by tourism in Antarctica?
  • Sea pollution
  • Ice caps melting
  • Damage to flora and fauna (plants and animals)
  • Littering

Questão 28

Which of the following is NOT a tourism management strategy used in Antarctica?
  • Tourists do not go within 5 metres of penguins or other wildlife
  • Take all litter and waste away with you
  • No more than 100 people can land at any one time
  • People are not allowed to shout at any point in case they scare animals

Questão 29

Which country owns the Galapagos Islands?
  • Ecuador
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • Australia

Questão 30

Why are the Galapagos Islands so special?
  • The islands make the shape of a bird when viewed from above
  • No one lives on the islands so they are unspoilt
  • They are home to a range of endemic (unique) plant and animal species
  • They aren’t special

Questão 31

Which of the following is NOT a strategy used to ensure that tourism remains eco-friendly?
  • Tourists can only visit on small boats owned by local people, 10 to 16 people at a time
  • Tourists are not allowed to wear shoes at any time
  • Tourists can only visit a small number of places so most of the islands are unaffected
  • Visitors are educated on how to conserve the island before visiting

Questão 32

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of ecotourism on the islands?
  • Local people make a living from the tourism
  • The environment remains stable because of the strict rules put in place to protect them
  • The environment is 100% sustainable
  • Local businesses benefit tourism, instead of large TNCs

Questão 33

Globalisation: Which of the following is NOT reason why call centres are being located abroad in India?
  • 10% of the population speak fluent English
  • Phone signal is better in India than anywhere else in the world
  • Salaries are lower than in the UK but higher than the salary for a teacher in India
  • Development of ICT allows fast and clear communication

Questão 34

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Motorsport Valley has developed in the Midlands?
  • It is situated near major economic hubs, e.g. London and Birmingham
  • Development of ICT has enabled quick and easy communication with home country
  • It is located near several major airports and universities
  • It is located near a major Scalextric factory

Questão 35

Which of the following is NOT a reason why China has experienced rapid economic growth?
  • The Olympics was a great advert for the country
  • Three Gorges Dam has supplied a lot of power for houses and factories
  • The Chinese have the best technological expertise in the world
  • Government legislation has seen the introduction of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

Questão 36

Which of the following is NOT a location that UK wind farms are found?
  • Off-shore in the sea, e.g. The Channel
  • In upland areas, e.g. The Lake District
  • In urban areas, e.g. London
  • In rural, open spaces, e.g. The Peak District

Questão 37

What was the aim of the scheme that wind power was a part of?
  • To improve the image of UK countryside and coastal areas
  • To generate 10% of power by renewable energy sources
  • To create new habitats for birds
  • To increase the UK’s carbon footprint

Questão 38

Which of the following is NOT a problem/benefit of wind farms?
  • Wind farms are more expensive than traditional methods
  • Wind farms produce energy more sustainably
  • Wind farms kill birds
  • They are quieter than busy offices

Questão 39

Which of the following is NOT a political issue between India and Pakistan over the River Indus?
  • There were concerns in Pakistan that India could build dams and cut off water supplies
  • There is resentment in Kashmir, India that their water is being deprived, affecting farming
  • The Indus Water Treaty (1960) states that Pakistan has westward rivers whilst India has eastward rivers
  • Civilians from India and Pakistan have been found using the water from each other’s rivers in Kashmir

Questão 40

Which of the following is NOT a social impact caused by the flower industry in Kenya?
  • Fertile land is used for growing flowers instead of food
  • The population in the area used for flower growing has decreased
  • Water levels are falling due to their use on flowers
  • Chemicals sprayed on the flowers can cause rashes/chest problems


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