[Notes Test] Civics 4 - July Exam (L5 - L6 Phil Location & Climate)


Grade 4 (July Exams) Quiz sobre [Notes Test] Civics 4 - July Exam (L5 - L6 Phil Location & Climate), criado por Jocelyn Bernales em 10-07-2017.
Jocelyn Bernales
Quiz por Jocelyn Bernales, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jocelyn Bernales
Criado por Jocelyn Bernales aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Lesson 1.5 Movement of Earth 1. R[blank_start]otat[blank_end]ion – earth movement around its ax[blank_start]is[blank_end] in counter-clockwise direction, takes [blank_start]24[blank_end] hours 2. Re[blank_start]volu[blank_end]tion – movement of the earth around the sun, in counter-clockwise direction, takes [blank_start]365[blank_end] ¼ days * Rotation Effects 1. day and n[blank_start]igh[blank_end]t 2. t[blank_start]im[blank_end]e difference in various places – 24 different time z[blank_start]one[blank_end]s, 1[blank_start]5[blank_end] degrees longitude per time zone, time in e[blank_start]ast[blank_end]ern hemisphere is always ahead * Air Temperature 1. [blank_start]Sea[blank_end] Breeze – during day time, cool air over the water moves to the warm air in the land 2. [blank_start]Lan[blank_end]d Breeze – during night time, cool air over the land moves to the warm air over the water
  • otat
  • is
  • 24
  • volu
  • 365
  • igh
  • im
  • one
  • 5
  • ast
  • Sea
  • Lan

Questão 2

Lesson 1.5 Movement of the Earth Revolution • O[blank_start]rbi[blank_end]t – earth’s path around the sun • 2[blank_start]3[blank_end].5 degrees – earth’s tilt from its orbit * 4 seasons 1. S[blank_start]umme[blank_end]r – June, d[blank_start]ay[blank_end]s are longer than nights in northern hemisphere 2. A[blank_start]utum[blank_end]n – September, day and night are equal length 3. W[blank_start]inte[blank_end]r – December, n[blank_start]igh[blank_end]ts are longer than days in northern hemisphere 4. S[blank_start]prin[blank_end]g – March, nights are day are equal length Cl[blank_start]imat[blank_end]e – atmosphere condition over a long period of time * Climate Factors 1. Sun’s r[blank_start]ay[blank_end]s angle 2. Large bodies of w[blank_start]at[blank_end]er presence 3. Location sur[blank_start]fa[blank_end]ce difference * Climate groups 1. Tr[blank_start]opi[blank_end]cal climate zone – near equator, warm climate 2. Po[blank_start]la[blank_end]r climate zone – near the poles, cold climate
  • rbi
  • 3
  • umme
  • utum
  • inte
  • prin
  • ay
  • igh
  • imat
  • ay
  • at
  • fa
  • opi
  • la

Questão 3

Lesson 1.6: Philippines Location and Climate • Philippines – an ar[blank_start]chipe[blank_end]lago with 7,[blank_start]10[blank_end]7 islands, located in S[blank_start]ou[blank_end]th[blank_start]ea[blank_end]st Asia, with total land area of 3[blank_start]4[blank_end]0,000 square kilometers, and has a Tr[blank_start]opic[blank_end]al Climate. • Vi[blank_start]cin[blank_end]al Location – helps find a place base on neighboring countries • Ma[blank_start]rit[blank_end]ime or Insular Location – helps find a place base on different water forms surrounding it Philippine Neighbors: 1. Br[blank_start]une[blank_end]i 2. Mal[blank_start]ays[blank_end]ia 3. Ind[blank_start]one[blank_end]sia 4. Sing[blank_start]apo[blank_end]re 5. Vie[blank_start]tna[blank_end]m 6. Th[blank_start]ail[blank_end]and 7. My[blank_start]anm[blank_end]ar 8. Ca[blank_start]mbo[blank_end]dia Philippine Waters: 1. South C[blank_start]hi[blank_end]na Sea – north & west 2. P[blank_start]aci[blank_end]fic Ocean – east 3. Ce[blank_start]leb[blank_end]es & S[blank_start]ul[blank_end]u Sea – south Philippine Boundaries: 1. Y’[blank_start]am[blank_end]i – northernmost island 2. Sal[blank_start]ua[blank_end]g – southernmost island 3. Bala[blank_start]ba[blank_end]c Island – farthest point in the west 4. Pu[blank_start]sa[blank_end]n point – farthest in the east
  • chipe
  • 10
  • ou
  • ea
  • 4
  • opic
  • cin
  • rit
  • une
  • ays
  • one
  • apo
  • tna
  • ail
  • anm
  • mbo
  • hi
  • aci
  • leb
  • ul
  • am
  • ua
  • ba
  • sa

Questão 4

• Ty[blank_start]pho[blank_end]on B[blank_start]el[blank_end]t – where the Philippines is located, the reason why it experiences at least 2[blank_start]0[blank_end] typhoons every year • Tr[blank_start]opi[blank_end]cal Cy[blank_start]clon[blank_end]es – low pressure areas in the tropics, usually occurs in the P[blank_start]aci[blank_end]fic Ocean. • E[blank_start]ye[blank_end] of the S[blank_start]tor[blank_end]m – center of the typhoon • M[blank_start]onso[blank_end]on – seasonal wind flow between northern and southern hemisphere Factors affecting Philippine Climate: 1. Lo[blank_start]cat[blank_end]ion 2. W[blank_start]in[blank_end]d System 3. Ar[blank_start]chi[blank_end]pelagic Nature 4. To[blank_start]po[blank_end]graphy Philippine Seasons: 1. [blank_start]Wet[blank_end] – May to October 2. [blank_start]Dry[blank_end] – November to April Monsoons: 1. North[blank_start]eas[blank_end]t monsoon 2. South[blank_start]wes[blank_end]t monsoon – or Ha[blank_start]baga[blank_end]t Air Movement: 1. [blank_start]Sea[blank_end] Breeze – sea to land, at daytime, cooler air from the sea moves to the land 2. [blank_start]Lan[blank_end]d Breeze – land to sea, at night time, land air cools fa[blank_start]ste[blank_end]r than water and moves to the sea.
  • pho
  • el
  • 0
  • opi
  • clon
  • aci
  • ye
  • tor
  • onso
  • cat
  • in
  • chi
  • po
  • Wet
  • Dry
  • eas
  • wes
  • baga
  • Sea
  • Lan
  • ste

Questão 5

Lesson 1.6: Philippine Climate • PA[blank_start]GAS[blank_end]A – government agency that gives warning when a typhoon is coming • Do[blank_start]mes[blank_end]tic Bulletin –warnings issued by PAGASA Tropical Cyclones Classification: 1. Tropical Dis[blank_start]turba[blank_end]nce – poorly developed wind 2. Tropical De[blank_start]pres[blank_end]sion – weak low pressure 3. Tropical St[blank_start]or[blank_end]m – moderate tropical cyclone 4. Ty[blank_start]pho[blank_end]on – storm that brings heavy rains, hits places with destructive forces Storm Signals (Wind speed) 1. Signal No. 1: 30 – [blank_start]6[blank_end]0 kph 2. Signal No. 2: 60 – [blank_start]1[blank_end]00 kph 3. Signal No. 3: 100 – kph 1[blank_start]8[blank_end]5 4. Signal No. 4: > 185 kph
  • GAS
  • mes
  • turba
  • pres
  • or
  • pho
  • 6
  • 1
  • 8


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