30. The More Uncertain People are, the More they Defend their Ideas


Slides sobre 30. The More Uncertain People are, the More they Defend their Ideas, criado por Julie Mastbrook em 28-03-2018.
Julie Mastbrook
Slides por Julie Mastbrook, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Julie Mastbrook
Criado por Julie Mastbrook quase 7 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

Slide 2

    Definition: Cognitive Dissonance Denial
    The act of completely denying or ignoring certain facts because they conflict with our own beliefs whether accurate or not.  

Slide 3

    How Cognitive Dissonance Affects Beliefs
    If people are not forced to agree with something they don't believe in, then they actually tend to deny any new or different information presented to them.   If unconfident about their beliefs, they tend to dig in even harder to defend their position.   If people are forced to agree with something they don't believe in, the more it occurs the more they begin to change their beliefs.
    Rubrica: : Image compliments of: https://imgur.com/gallery/lzaMR

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