Zdjęcia zrobione przez A. Kacyzne (YIVO)


Zdjęcia zrobione przez A. Kacyzne - ze zbiorów YIVO w Nowym JOrku http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem
Miroslawa Bulat
Slides por Miroslawa Bulat, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miroslawa Bulat
Criado por Miroslawa Bulat quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Alter Kacyzne - zdjęcia ze zbiorów YIVO

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    A brushmaker and his family, Międzyrzec Podlaski, Poland. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (Forward Association/YIVO)   http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem
    Rubrica: : A brushmaker and his family, Międzyrzec Podlaski, Poland. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (Forward Association/YIVO)

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    Young women embroidering, Kozienice, Poland, 1920s. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. Kacyzne often suggested captions for the photographs he sent to the Forverts (The Forward) in New York. On this one, he wrote: “Embroidery is a widespread trade in the city.” (Forward Association/YIVO)     http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem
    Rubrica: : Young women embroidering, Kozienice, Poland, 1920s. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. Kacyzne often suggested captions for the photographs he sent to the Forverts (The Forward) in New York. On this one, he wrote: “Embroidery is a widespread trade in the city.” (Forward Association/YIVO)

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    Crowd of emigrants in the shipping office of the Red Star-American Line, Warsaw, 1921. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne for the American organization HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). (Forward Association/YIVO)     http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem
    Rubrica: : Crowd of emigrants in the shipping office of the Red Star-American Line, Warsaw, 1921. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne for the American organization HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). (Forward Association/YIVO)

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    Rubrica: : A teacher known as “Binyomin Hersh the Beard,” Biała Bielec, Poland, 1920s. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. The photographer’s inscription: “The longest beard in Biała, which students have more than once nailed to the table while he dozes off. That’s why he has such wonderful, sad eyes.” (Forward Association/YIVO)
    A teacher known as “Binyomin Hersh the Beard,” Biała Bielec, Poland, 1920s. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. The photographer’s inscription: “The longest beard in Biała, which students have more than once nailed to the table while he dozes off. That’s why he has such wonderful, sad eyes.” (Forward Association/YIVO) http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem

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    Rubrica: : Jewish street in the shadow of a church, Luts’k, ca. 1926. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (Forward Association/YIVO)
    Jewish street in the shadow of a church, Luts’k, ca. 1926. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (Forward Association/YIVO)   http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem  

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    Street in the Jewish neighborhood, Białystok, Poland, ca. 1920s. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (YIVO)     http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kacyzne_Alter-Sholem
    Rubrica: : Street in the Jewish neighborhood, Białystok, Poland, ca. 1920s. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (YIVO)


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