How People Think


Section 33-38 Under How People Think. 100 Things every Designer Needs to Know About People.
Natasha Feliciano
Slides por Natasha Feliciano, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natasha Feliciano
Criado por Natasha Feliciano mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    33. Processing Information Best
    People Process Information Best in Story Form Let me tell you a story! ... how people best process information             Beginning (introduce your setting, characters, and situation/conflict)             Middle (obstacle or conflict)             End (obstacle comes to climax and is resolved) The best stories create emotion and engage  the reader.   Stories can make dry information more memorable and interesting.   Stories can lead to casual leaps...and may fill in causation when none is there. If not all the information is given within a story our brains tend to fill in the gaps creating a causation. "Once there was a young boy helping his mother cook dinner. She stepped away for just a minute and when she returned the mixing bowl had fallen on the floor."

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    34. Learn Best From Examples
    People Learn Best From Examples Don't just tell people what to do...Show them!   Combined text with images and screen shots to show examples.   Follow along process, it's easier to remember a topic/learn if you work through the actions. Example: Step by step instruction are best combined with image examples of the information being explained. Video examples are the most effective ways to give an example online. They use movement, sound, and visuals (with no reading) leads these examples to be more engaging and memorable.  
    Rubrica: : This YouTube video, visually shows you with easy step by step instructions how to create quizzes on GoConqr.

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    35. Driven to Create Categories
    People are Driven to Create Categories People naturally put things into categories.          With a lot of information not organized, people will tend to          organize it on their own. Create an organization strategy based on who it needs to be designed for.          Get input from people about what organization makes the          most sense to them.         **keep in mind of the four-item rule from "How People       Remember". Break your categories into 4 or less chunks.
    Rubrica: :

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    36. Time is Relative
    Time is Relative The more mental processing you do, the more time you believe passes.   Provide progress indicators so people know how much time a task is going to take. This allows individuals to mentally prepare for a task and budget time accordingly.   Break up a task into steps to make it seem shorter and people can think less.
    Rubrica: : Progress indicator

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    37. Four Ways to Be Creative
    There are Four Ways to Be Creative Deliberate and Cognitive Creativity          You must have a pre-existing body of knowledge about          one or more particular topics. One must also be given          enough time to work through a topic/problem. Deliberate and Emotional Creativity          Requires quiet time to think and ponder. Step away from          the problem. People tend to have an a-ha moment having          to do with feelings and emotions. Spontaneous and Cognitive Creativity          Conscious part of the brain stops working on the problem          and gives the unconscious part a chance to work instead.          *Step away and do a different unrelated activity. Spontaneous and Emotional Creativity          Often one must have a skill (such as musician, artist,          writer) to create something from spontaneous and          emotional creativity. **Allow yourself time to work on a design solution and when you get stuck take a step back (sleep on it).**
    Rubrica: : Image retrieved from

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    38. Flow State
    People Can be in a Flow State When one is totally engrossed in some kind of activity. (Their sense of time changes)           If you are trying to create a flow state:            minimize distractions            give constant feedback            break up difficult stages into smaller tasks (feeling of a challenge and achievement to keep going gives a positive experience)            


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#39. Culture affects how people Think