Point 15: Pattern Recognition helps people identify letters in different fonts


Slides sobre Point 15: Pattern Recognition helps people identify letters in different fonts, criado por Georgina Burton em 21-01-2020.
Georgina Burton
Slides por Georgina Burton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Georgina Burton
Criado por Georgina Burton quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Point 15: Pattern Recognition helps people identify letters in different fonts

Slide 2

    Sans Serif VS Serif Fonts - Research shows there is no difference in comprehension, reading speed, or preference between serif fonts and sans serif fonts.  

Slide 3

    Issues with decorative fonts - Fonts that are too decorative make it hard to read and making it harder for our brains to identity the letters. Our brains can't identity the letters which interferes with the brains ability to recognize patterns. - If a font is difficult to read the meaning of your text can be lost or misinterpreted. - Hard to read fonts can make your reader misconstrue your text seeing it as difficult to read or negative.  

Slide 4

    This video talks about a specific example decorative fonts and easy to read fonts. Please watch it below as it further explains my point that decorative fonts can be used to your advantage or against you.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea8dXxFVTY4


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