Making Predictions


Diplomatura Slides sobre Making Predictions , criado por Claudia Uribe em 08-06-2020.
Claudia  Uribe
Slides por Claudia Uribe , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Claudia  Uribe
Criado por Claudia Uribe mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Rubrica: : Image taken from
    Making predictions is a reading strategy to improve reading comprehension. When making predictions, readers use informations from:  -Titles -Headings -Pictures -Diagrams   This exercises is done to anticipate what comes next.     
    Making Predictions

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    Making Predictions
    Rubrica: : Image taken from
    Predicting encourages the readers to -think ahead -ask questions -understand the story better -make connections -interact with the text -improve reading comprehension

Slide 3

    Making Predictions
    What do you need to do? Use clues the author provides in the text. Use what you know from personal experience or knowledge (schema). Predictions help readers justify their thinking.
    Kinds of predictions Predict what the book is about (based on titles and cover) Predict the author´s purpose (is the author trying to convince the reader about something?  Does the author want to teach something?) Predict future events in the book (use events and characters words and actions) Predict why an author include a specific text feature (what does the event teach to the readers?) Predict what you will learn from the text or section (use titles, heading, subheadings) Predict what would happen next at the end of the book.

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    Rubrica: :
    When predicting the reader needs to look for evidence; reread the text, recall information given in the text, infer and draw conclusions. Predicting is good to learn to monitor own comprehension. motivate to continue reading verify if the thinking ideas were accurate.     Improve reading comprehension.
    Making Predictions

Slide 5

    Making Predictions
    The following video shows the process of reading when making predictions. Watch and take notes.  References:  Reading Comprehension Strategy Series: How to Teach Students to Make Predictions While They Read Prediction Reading Strategy   Material prepared by Claudia Uribe Hoyos Departamento de Idiomas 2020    
    Rubrica: : Prediction Reading Strategies taken from


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