82. People Overestimate Reactions To Future Events


Slides sobre 82. People Overestimate Reactions To Future Events , criado por Jermiah Evans em 27-10-2020.
Jermiah Evans
Slides por Jermiah Evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jermiah Evans
Criado por Jermiah Evans aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Lower Your Expectations
    People tend to overestimate their own reactions to future events, whether that event is either good or bad. If the event is bad, people say they’ll be upset and depressed for a long period of time. If the event is good, people say they’ll be unbelievably happy for a long period of time. What usually happens is that no matter if it’s good or bad, you’ll have about the same amount of happiness or unhappiness you normally would. Either way, the reaction you expect is never the reaction you get.


Processo Administrativo Federal - Quiz I
tiago meira de almeida
2. Poderes administrativos
Simulado Geografia
Marina Faria
Equações estatísticas
Luiz Fernando
Equações do 1o grau
Rosana Guimarães Brito
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Fernando Monteiro
Glossário de Direito Empresarial
Daniella Paulino
Brasil: Primeiro Reinado e Período Regencial
Professor Junior
Cálculo estequiométrico
Alice Sousa
Vanguardas EUROPEIAS
Metodologias Ativas
Jussara Seidel