What you need to know about the SAT


Before you get down to studying for the SAT, here is some of the essential information you'll need to know before you begin.
Ali Kane
Slides por Ali Kane, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ali Kane
Criado por Ali Kane mais de 9 anos atrás

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    The SAT essentials
    It's probably safe to say that few people actually enjoy doing exams. Which is hardly surprising, given the fact that they present a high-pressure situation in which your powers of memory, reason and concentration are tested to their limits.And in this respect, the SAT is no different. However, it needn't be a painful experience once you've prepared yourself to the best of your ability. In fact, when you've put in the work it's even possible to view the SAT as a fantastic chance to show what you can do and open doors in the process.But before you get down to studying for the SAT, here is some of the essential information you'll need to know before you begin.

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    What is the SAT used for?
    CollegeIf you're going to college, you will have to take a college entrance exam like the SAT if you're attending a school that requires one (not all of them do). All major universities in the United States accept the SAT as a college entrance exam.JobsSome entry-level jobs will also have a look at your SAT scores to gauge your suitability for the position you're applying for.ScholarshipsIf you do really well on your SAT, then you may find the scholarship offers rolling in. Check your college of choice's SAT scholarship requirements, and then practice, practice, practice. If you manage to get a really high score then you can probably kiss school loans goodbye.

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    The real purpose of the SAT is to test your skills of reasoning and logic. You won't need to enter the exam knowing everything about World War 2 or being able to recite full-length monologues from Hamlet.The SAT is broken into 10 sections: 3 Critical Reading sections 3 Mathematics sections 3 Writing sections 1 Unscored section Each section receives a score on the scale of 200–800. The test lasts for 3 hours and 45 minutes. Most of the questions you will be asked will be multiple choice, aside from the essay section and grid-in math answers.

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    SAT Scoring
    Since each section of the SAT is worth between 200 and 800 points, the lowest possible score you can get is a 600 and the highest possible score is a 2400.The average overall score in the United States for 2013 was 1509. The 2015 average was slightly lower at 1490 out of a maximum 2400.Typically, scholarships are awarded to students with much higher scores.

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    Registering for the SAT
    SAT exam dates are offered in September, October, November, December, February, April and May. If you want to sit the SAT then you will need to register.You can do this online, but make sure you register in time and that you don't turn up to do it on the wrong date as you'll have to pay the registration fee all over again.And speaking of fees, the SAT costs are as follows: Reasoning Test are $52.50; the SAT Subject Tests are $26 (base price, with additional expenses added depending on which type of test you take).To register online, go to http://www.collegeboard.com.


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