online communication


Slides sobre online communication, criado por jenkinsb44 em 12-10-2015.
Slides por jenkinsb44, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jenkinsb44 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Online communication
    In this presentation I will define with, examples key terms used within community network of friendsvirtual worldnetiquettechatchat roomblogsmicroblogswiki

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    Online community
    Online community is a place where you can share, learn and discuss. These often exist in a virtual world. This is an unreal world which is created by the computer and does not exist in the real world.Some communities need users to be involved at the same time, such as some online gaming, whereas others can have users interacting at different times, such as a forum or a virtual learning environment ( VLE ).

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    Netiquette is the set of rules to which users should conform when online. I it short for net etiquette. This would include not using capitals (as it means shouting), appreciating privacy and not making unkind comments.

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    An exchange of messages, often typed, between users at the same time( in real time )

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    A place on the web where users can communicate, usually through typed words ( users online at the same time )

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    A web log - an online journal or diary.

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    A website or app where short messages are exchanged ( e.g. twitter )

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    A website where anyone can add and edit information.


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