TRM Important


Taken from LC 25 Class Notes.
Lauren Neuburger
Slides por Lauren Neuburger, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lauren Neuburger
Criado por Lauren Neuburger mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Technical Requirements Manual (TRM)
    Classified as an LBD, but revision requires review by SORC and Plant Manager approval, as long as the changes meet 10CFR50.59 screening criteria. Otherwise, NRC approval would be required.  LCO Applicablility is the same in the TRM except there is no 3.0.3 or 3.0.6 in the TRM. TRM should either have the applicable action in those circumstances, or direct user to TS In the event the TR LCO does not provide actions or actions not applicable then generate a CR, but shutdown is not required, as outlined in TS LCO 3.0.3. Two Boration injection subsystems are defined as: 1) Two of the following three injection flow paths: a) the flow path from the boric acid storage tanks via either a boric acid transfer pump or a gravity feed connection and a charging pump to the RCS, and, b) two flow paths from the RWST via a CCP to the RCS, and, 2) Two CCPs (PDP can be used in Mode 4), and 3) One borated water source (BAT or RWST as required to support the injection flow paths of #1 above.

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    13.1.32 With the RWST credited as the borated water source in Modes 5 and 6, the RWST is required to be operable with a min water level of 24% (15% in Mode 6 with vessel head removed and SIP as injection path), a min boron concentration of 2400 ppm and min solution temp of 40 deg F. Once AFD monitor alarm inoperable: monitor and log AFD to verify AFD is within limits for each OPERABLE excore channel once in the first 30 min and each hour thereafter. 13.2.34. Power Distribution Monitoring System, only applicable when greater than 25% RTP and using PDMS to 1) recalibrate excore NIs, 2) Monitor QPTR, 3) Measure hot channel factors 13.3.31. Seismic instrumentation establishes the requirements of Operability for Seismic Monitoring. 1. Entry into higher operational mode is allowed while the condition of this LCO is not met and required actions have been initiated.  13.4.34. Pressurizer, contains heat up and cooldown rate requirements. Heat up is limited to 100 deg F, Cooldown is limited to 200 deg F in any 1 hour period.  13.6.7. Spray Additive System is a support LCO for TS 3.6.7. It contains surveillance requirements for ensuring the Spray Additive System meets operability requirements with 2 major requirements: 1) Spray additive tank solution level >= 91% and <= 94%, 2) NaOH solution concentration is >= 28% and <= 30% by weight. 

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    TRM TO REMEMBER (con't)
    13.7.32. S/G Pressure/Temp limitations establishes the temp limits for primary and secondary coolants in the S/Gs when the pressure of either coolant is greater than 200 psig. Requires the temp of the Prim and Sec coolants to be > 70 deg F when the pressure of either coolant in the S/G is > 200 psig. 13.7.36. Area Temp Monitoring. The limitations on nominal area temperatures ensures that safety-related equipment will not be subjected to temps that would impact their EQ temps. 13.7.41. In Modes 1-3, CST makeup and reject line isolation valves are required to be operable, except when the CST makeup and reject line is isolated by closed and deactivated isolation valve. 13.9.33. 1) The refueling machine main hoist used for movement of fuel assemblies having: 1) min capacity of 2850 pounds, and 2) overload cutoff limit less than or equal to 2800 pounds. 2) The auxiliary monorail hoist for latching, unlatching, and movement of control rod drive shafts having: 1) min capacity of 610 pounds, and 2) load indicator used to prevent lifting loads in excess of 600 pounds. 13.10.34. Explosive Gas Mixture identifies that the limit for concentration of oxygen in the Waste Gas Holdup System shall be less than or equal to 3% by volume whenever the hydrogen concentration is greater than 4% by volume.  

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    TRM to Remember (con't)


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