SCOPHBuzz | Quiz On Lung Cancer


The vast majority (85%) of cases of lung cancer are due to long-term tobacco smoking. But in 10-15% cases it is caused Not only by smoking but also passive smoking, air pollution etc. So it is very important to aware people and create a mass movement against lung cancer. SCOPH | BMSS plans to take an initiative to create awareness through a quiz competition so that the medical students can be aware enough to put impact on mass people awareness.
Sajib Zaman
Quiz by Sajib Zaman, updated more than 1 year ago
Sajib Zaman
Created by Sajib Zaman almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

1) During Inspiration- Which one is True? a) More energy is expended than during expiration b) Venous return to heart is increased c) Lung expansion is assisted by surface tension forces in the alveoli d) Lung expansion begins when intrapleural pressure falls below atmospheric e) Lung expansion ends when intrapulmonary pressure falls to atmospheric
  • a,c,e
  • a,b,e
  • b,c,e
  • a,c,d

Question 2

Community acquired pneumonia is caused by- a) Streptococcus pneumoniae b) E.coli c) Mycoplasma Pneumoniae d) Salmonella e) Klebsiella Which one is false?
  • b,d
  • a,d
  • a,e
  • c,d

Question 3

Lack of pulmonary surfactant a) Is unlikely in infants born after 30 wks gestation b) Can be diagnosed by examining the fetal amniotic acid c) Increases the effort required for expiration d) Decreases the surface tension forces into in the lungs e) Leads to poor oxygenation of the blood before birth Which one is True?
  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • e

Question 4

Cyanosis- a) Is severe in cyanide poisoning b) May be caused by high levels of methaemoglobin in blood c) May be caused by high levels of carboxyhaemoglobin in blood d) Occurs more easily in anaemic than in polycythaemic persons e) Is seen in fingers of hands immersed in ice water Which one is true?
  • a,b
  • b,c
  • c
  • b

Question 5

Bronchial asthma is likely to be relieved by- a) Stimulation of cholinergic receptor b) Stimulation of adrenergic receptor c) Histamine aerosols d) Glucocorticoids e) Drugs which stabilize mast cell membranes Which one is False?
  • c,d
  • c
  • a
  • a,c

Question 6

Type-1 Respiratory failure occurs in- a) Pneumothorax b) COPD c) Pneumonia d) Respiratory muscle paralysis e) Pulmonary oedema Which one is false?
  • b,c
  • b,d
  • d,e
  • b

Question 7

Coughing a) Is depressed during anaesthesia b) Is associated with relaxation of airways smooth muscle c) Differs from sneezing in that the glottis is initially closed d) Is reflexly initiated by irritation of bronchi e) Depends on contraction of diaphragm Which one is True?
  • a,d
  • b,c
  • a,c
  • c

Question 8

Epitheloid granuloma is seen in- a) Tuberculosis b) Non Hodgkin lymphoma c) Sarcoidosis d) Cystic fibrosis e) Chylothorax Which one is True?
  • a
  • a,c
  • c,d
  • e

Question 9

The following are non small cell carcinoma a) Fibro alveolar carcinoma b) Adenoma c) Large cell carcinoma d) Basal Cell carcinoma e) Squamous cell carcinoma Which one is False?
  • a
  • a,c
  • c,d
  • a,d

Question 10

BCG vaccination a) Contraindicated in neonates b) Killed polysaccharide antigen vaccine c) Provides protection against leprosy d) Should be given to all children who have a strongly positive tuberculin test e) May cause kernicterus
  • c
  • a,c
  • b,c
  • e

Question 11

Identify this physician.
  • Julius Richard Petri
  • Carl Benda
  • Robert Koch

Question 12

Name the pathogen.
  • Pneumocystis jiroveci
  • Pneumocystis carinii
  • Pneumocystis murina

Question 13

Identify the abnormal pattern of breathing
  • Obstructed breathing
  • Cheyne-Stoke breathing
  • Sighing breathing

Question 14

Which one of the five inevitably causes an increased PCO2?
  • Diffusion impairment
  • Hypoventilation
  • Low Inspired PO2
  • Right to left shunt
  • Ventilation-Perfusion mismatch

Question 15

What is the pathogenesis of Pneumothorax?
  • Leak from pulmonary alveoli
  • Oesophageal rupture
  • Ruptured apical bullae on lung surface
  • Underlying asthma
  • Underlying emphysema

Question 16

A 45 Year old beggar is admitted to hospital with a four month history of cough, weight loss & night sweats. A chest x-ray is highly suggestive of military tuberculosis. Which of the following statements is true regarding this condition?
  • A negative tuberculin test excludes diagnosis
  • A normal chest x-ray excludes diagnosis
  • Nodules are typically 4-6 mm
  • Tuberculous meningitis is also seen in 15-20% patients with military TB
  • Anti TB drugs should not be given unless patient is sputum positive for acid fast bacilli

Question 17

What is the diaphragm's main function?
  • Pump blood into the lungs
  • Pump carbon dioxide out of the lungs and pull oxygen into the lungs
  • Pump air out of the lungs and maintain humidity
  • Separating thorax from abdomen
  • Provides Passage for important structures

Question 18

Which of the following cannot be measured by spirometry?
  • Residual volume
  • Functional residual capacity
  • Expiratory reserve volume
  • Inspiratory reserve volume

Question 19

In quiet breathing, the intercostal muscles
  • Stabilize the rib cage
  • Both lift and pull the ribcage
  • Pull the ribcage out
  • Lift the ribcage up

Question 20

Most common causative agent responsible for viral bronchiolitis in infants?
  • Histoplasma capsulatum
  • Respiratory syncitial virus
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Serratia bronchoilitica
  • Streptococcus pneumonia
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