History of Psychology - Introduction


History of Psychology Quiz on History of Psychology - Introduction, created by Brianna Murphy on 27/01/2019.
Brianna Murphy
Quiz by Brianna Murphy, updated more than 1 year ago
Brianna Murphy
Created by Brianna Murphy about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Psychology is considered a 'reflexive' field because:
  • Individuals are able to become aware of and reflect on their knowledge - changes in the field of psychology change the way we think of ourselves, which in turn influences how we view psychology.
  • Individuals in the present are able to reflect on previous research to create new theories in psychology, in exactly the same way someone in the field of physics can.
  • 'Reflexes' are among the only things psychology is said to be measured accurately (along with sensation and attentional processes).
  • It is one of the many fields historians believe were originated by Rene "Reflex" Descartes (as he was known in his time for his interest in reflexes), along with physics and astronomy (also 'reflexive' fields).

Question 2

"How can the mind or consciousness become an object of study when the same mind is the tool with which we are studying it?" This question arises as a result of which concept?
  • Reflexivity.
  • Counter-storying.
  • Neuroimaging.
  • No one has this question.

Question 3

The Founders of Modern Psychology, by G. Stanley Hall...
  • is one of the first American psychology textbooks.
  • was first written in 1952, and has been revised yearly since (current total editions: 66).
  • was written at the turn of the 21st century to celebrate psychology's 100 year anniversary.
  • was not a book that Stanley G. Hall would have had personal stakes in writing.

Question 4

Books on the history of psychology have been standardized, such that they can start no earlier than 1879 and must include specific psychological figures.
  • True
  • False

Question 5

History of psychology had its own division in the APA at the time the APA was founded.
  • True
  • False

Question 6

A chapter in a psychology book listing out the ways World War II impacted the field of psychology would be...
  • taking an internalist approach.
  • taking an externalist approach.
  • taking the zeitgeist approach.
  • taking the presentist approach.

Question 7

Dr. Keturah Whitehurst (1912 - 2000) would be more likely to be written into a textbook by someone using the __________ approach.
  • Great Man
  • Zeitgeist
  • Behavioural
  • Classical

Question 8

"Phrenology, as developed by Gall, was an amazing invention of the time that allowed individuals to determine personality traits by measuring the head!" This is a statement that most closely resembles _________ in its approach.
  • Presentism
  • Historicism
  • Sophisticated Presentism
  • Criticalism

Question 9

In the late 1980s, Laurel Furumoto suggested the 'new history of psychology', or the 'critical history of psychology'. This genre attempted to...
  • Preserve the textbooks of the past by re-publishing them with little to no altercation.
  • Celebrate the history of psychology as it built up to present day knowledge.
  • Contextualize historical knowledge and search archives to ensure accuracy of facts passed down from one textbook to the next.
  • Call out past prominent psychologists by making large lists of flaws in their professional and personal lives to remind readers of their fallibility.

Question 10

When Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote "Psychology has a long past but only a short history", he meant...
  • that he was planning on pioneering psychology as a field, as it was not developed in his time.
  • that though psychology was a relatively new discipline, people had been studying the human condition for centuries.
  • Though psychology is an old field, people have been systematically destroying older information within the field for centuries.
  • to be cryptic: it did not have an actual meaning.

Question 11

According to a psychologist leaning toward the discontinuity side of the continuity-discontinuity debate, the concept of 'personality' has existed long before the term was coined, in forms such as 'psyche' and 'passions'.
  • True
  • False

Question 12

Many histories of psychology only include great white men simply because marginalized groups did not contribute to its history in significant ways.
  • True
  • False

Question 13

Psychology was like many other fields at its conception in that it doubted the fitness of women for studying higher education (as seen in the Royal Society's organization).
  • True
  • False

Question 14

Robert Val Guthrie's book, 'Even the Rat was White'...
  • exposed the racist tendencies of past psychological practices and the exclusion of African Americans from psychological histories, as well as provided counterstorying.
  • exposed the animal cruelty tendencies of past psychological practices, particularly with regards to lab rats.
  • was a textbook about the history of racism in physics that was considered by the APA in examining the biases of the psychological field.
  • was a claim that all previous psychological work was completely invalid, and the field needed to be built again from the ground-up.

Question 15

Behaviourism was considered more important in America than any other country in the world.
  • True
  • False

Question 16

IQ testing not being as popular in France as America demonstrates....
  • indegenization - the contextual needs of each country altering how they respond to/develop certain psychological concepts.
  • how advanced America was for developing it.
  • how psychology generally boils down to fads, and does not have any applications with scientific basis.
  • you can spend your whole career working on a beautiful, cohesive thesis with functional application, and still not have worldwide acclaim :(

Question 17

The textbook 'Pioneers of Psychology' takes a _______ approach to history.
  • personalistic-contextual
  • firmly discontinuous
  • firmly presentism
  • Great Man

Question 18

Which of the following was NOT one of the criterion for inclusion in Pioneers of Psychology?
  • Importance to development of psychological thought or application.
  • Available biographical information.
  • Collective representative sampling of all psychological theory and application.
  • Not having been mentioned in more than 5 major textbooks.
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