Triple Biology Test - DNA, enzymes, respiration, protein synthesis


Year 9 Biology Quiz on Triple Biology Test - DNA, enzymes, respiration, protein synthesis, created by Shannon Bradner on 10/05/2019.
Shannon Bradner
Quiz by Shannon Bradner, updated more than 1 year ago
Shannon Bradner
Created by Shannon Bradner over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What are the correct base pairings in DNA?
  • A - C, G - T
  • C - G, A - T
  • T - C, G - A

Question 2

Tick all that apply about DNA.
  • It is a polymer.
  • It has 6 different possible base pairing combinations.
  • It is made of nucleotides.
  • It has a triple helix structure.
  • DNA is inside the chromsomes which are in the gene.
  • DNA is inside the genes which are in the chromosomes.

Question 3

Each base in [blank_start]DNA[blank_end] forms [blank_start]cross[blank_end] links with their [blank_start]complementary[blank_end] pairs on the other strand, keeping the strands [blank_start]tightly[blank_end] wound together. Complementary pairing also allows and helps [blank_start]protein[blank_end] synthesis.
  • DNA
  • cross
  • complementary
  • tightly
  • protein

Question 4

Protein synthesis takes place in the [blank_start]cytoplasm[blank_end] and is aided by the [blank_start]ribosomes[blank_end]. The order of bases in a gene code for a different order of amino acids in a protein. Each amino acid is coded for by a sequence of [blank_start]three[blank_end] bases called a [blank_start]triplet[blank_end] code. A [blank_start]shorter[blank_end], single strand of DNA (called mRNA) goes through the unzipped DNA and matches each base with their [blank_start]complementary[blank_end] pair. This is called [blank_start]transcription[blank_end]. The mRNA leaves the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm, where the [blank_start]ribosomes[blank_end] read the [blank_start]triplet[blank_end] codes and form the correct sequence of amino acids, joining them together to make a [blank_start]protein[blank_end].
  • cytoplasm
  • nucleus
  • mitochondria
  • lysosomes
  • ribosomes
  • mitochondria
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • double
  • triplet
  • quadruplet
  • shorter
  • longer
  • opposite
  • complementary
  • translation
  • transcription
  • ribosomes
  • mitochondra
  • double
  • triplet
  • quadruplet
  • protein
  • ring

Question 5

Enzymes are [blank_start]biological[blank_end] catalysts. They help to speed up reactions without [blank_start]damaging[blank_end] themselves or getting 'used up'. Enzymes are [blank_start]proteins[blank_end] and are [blank_start]very[blank_end] specific. The [blank_start]lock[blank_end] and key method means the substrate can only enter the active site of the enzyme that has been built to break down that substrate. Carbohydrase (example: [blank_start]amylase[blank_end]) break down carbohydrates into [blank_start]starch[blank_end] and simple sugars. Protease (example: [blank_start]pepsin[blank_end]) break down proteins into amino acids. Lipase (example: [blank_start]lipids[blank_end]) break down [blank_start]fats[blank_end] and oils into fatty acids and [blank_start]glycerol[blank_end].
  • biological
  • environmental
  • pretty cool
  • damaging
  • exploding
  • proteins
  • single amino acids
  • very
  • not very
  • lock
  • door
  • amylase
  • starch
  • pepsin
  • lipids
  • fats
  • glycerol
  • sugar

Question 6

Enzymes all have optimum pHs, temperatures and [blank_start]concentrations[blank_end]. The optimum means the enzyme is working at its [blank_start]highest[blank_end] possible efficiency. Too high or too low of a pH effects the [blank_start]bonds[blank_end] between enzymes and substrates, slowing the rate of reaction. If an enzyme concentration is increased, eventually the rate of reaction will remain the [blank_start]same[blank_end] as all the [blank_start]substrates[blank_end] have been broken down. If the substrate concentration is increased, eventually the rate of reaction will remain the [blank_start]same[blank_end] as all the active sites are [blank_start]full[blank_end].
  • concentrations
  • highest
  • bonds
  • same
  • substrates
  • same
  • full

Question 7

Match the chemical with what they test for and how it is shown. Ethanol tests for [blank_start]fats[blank_end]. It has a [blank_start]creamy precipitate[blank_end] if it is present and clear if it is not. Iodine tests for [blank_start]starch[blank_end]. It is [blank_start]black / purple[blank_end] when it is present and [blank_start]yellow[blank_end] if it is not. Benedict's solution tests for [blank_start]reducing sugars[blank_end]. It is [blank_start]red[blank_end] if it is present and [blank_start]blue[blank_end] if it is not. Buiret solution tests for [blank_start]protein[blank_end]. It is [blank_start]pink[blank_end] if it is present and blue if it is not.
  • fats
  • starch
  • creamy precipitate
  • black / purple
  • yellow
  • reducing sugars
  • red
  • blue
  • protein
  • pink

Question 8

Respiration is the process of [blank_start]transferring[blank_end] energy from the break down of sugar. The energy transferred [blank_start]can't[blank_end] be used directly by the cells, so it is used to make [blank_start]ATP[blank_end]. [blank_start]Aerobic[blank_end] respiration happens when there is plenty of oxygen available. Glucose + oxygen -----> carbon dioxide + [blank_start]water[blank_end] + energy [blank_start]Anaerobic[blank_end] respiration produces less [blank_start]energy[blank_end]. Glucose is broken down to make [blank_start]lactic[blank_end] acid (in animals) or [blank_start]ethanol[blank_end], carbon dioxide and energy (in [blank_start]yeast[blank_end] and fungi).
  • transferring
  • can't
  • ATP
  • Aerobic
  • water
  • Anaerobic
  • energy
  • lactic
  • ethanol
  • yeast
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