Lesson Six - Journey Towards Madinah


💠Journey Towards Madinah https://t.me/umrah1445/118 In English Alhamdulillah, we have created a Telegram Channel for our Umrah Group. We will share Umrah Lectures and Resources to Make the Umrah Trip Spiritually Uplifting and Productive. ان شاء الله If you or any of your Family Members plan to do Umrah soon, you are Most Welcome to Join Our Channel and Benefit. https://t.me/umrah1445
Al Huda Canada
Quiz by Al Huda Canada, updated 9 months ago More Less
Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada 10 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 10 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 10 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Madinah is called Daar (دار) ____________.
  • الہجرت
  • الاحسان
  • المؤمنین
  • السلام

Question 2

Journey to Madinah is _____________ of Umrah & Hajj.
  • A Pillar
  • An Important Part
  • Not A Part

Question 3

The Messenger of Allahﷺ, said: The reward of praying in this mosque of mine Masjid al-Nabawi) compared to other (mosques) is better than _______ prayers. Except for Masjid al-Haram, the reward of one prayer in Masjid Haram is better than a hundred thousand prayers.
  • Fifty Thousand
  • One Thousand
  • One Hundred
  • Ten Thousand

Question 4

The Prophet ﷺ said: _________ loves us, and we love it.
  • Mount Uhud
  • Mount Noor
  • Mount Safa
  • Mount Marwah

Question 5

What is Riyaadh al-Jannah? (A Garden of Paradise)
  • The area between the house of Rasul Allahﷺ and his minbar
  • Masjid al-Nabawi
  • Grave of Rasul Allahﷺ

Question 6

Which of the following should be avoided near the grave of the Prophetﷺ? Hint: 7 Correct Answers
  • Touching the fence surrounding the grave
  • Kissing the fence surrounding the grave
  • Hugging the fence surrounding the grave
  • Performing Tawaf of the grave
  • Chanting Nasheeds/Naats in a loud voice
  • Making Du'as facing the grave
  • Facing the grave with folded hands or bowing and prostrating towards it
  • Sending Salawāt & Salam on Rasul Allahﷺ
  • Sending Salam to Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه) and Umar (رضي الله عنه)
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Lesson Seven - اہم مزارات اور باجماعت نمازیں
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Lesson Two - Pillars of Umrah & Ihrām
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Lesson Three - Pillars of Umrah: Tawaf
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Lesson Four - Pillars of Umrah: Saee
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Lesson Five - Virtues and Etiquettes of visiting al-Masjid al-Haram
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Lesson Seven - Important Sites (Ziyaraat) and Congregational Prayers
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