

renal quiz
peter samuel
Quiz by peter samuel, updated more than 1 year ago
peter samuel
Created by peter samuel over 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question 1

a 21 year old male presents with haemoptysis , afew days later he exoeriences sudden onset of acute renal failure , ureine analysis reveals mild proteinuria , hematuria and RBCS casts , renal biopsy reveals prominent proliferation of the capsular epithelium , which of the following involved in the pathogenesis of glomeruler disease ?
  • anti basement membrane antibody
  • loss of negative charge in the G.B.M
  • epithelial cell injury
  • immuno complex

Question 2

a 48 year old female presents with blood presure 150/105 and impaired renal function , renal biopsy reveals hyaline thickening involving walls of smaller blood vessels with luminal narrowing the most probable diagnosis will be
  • acute pyelonephritis
  • chronic pyelonephritis
  • begnin nephrosclerosis
  • malignant nephrosclerosis
  • renal artery stenosis

Question 3

a 25 year old woman has benn hospitalized for treatment of staphylococcis aureus abscess of her left thigh , two weeks later she developed a fever and a diffure erythematous skin rash on her trunk and extremities , a urine analysis show ph 6.5,+blood,+ protein no glucose , which of the following is the most likely diagnosis
  • acute tubular necrosis
  • analgesic abuse nephropathy
  • drug induced interstitial nephritis
  • post infectious glomerulonephritis
  • urinary tract infection

Question 4

a 40 year old previously healthy man has the sudden onset of severe right flank pain that comes in waves all night along , urine analysis reveals no glucose or protein but many RBCs few WBCS are present which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
  • benigin prostatic hyperplasia
  • membranous glomerulonephritis
  • ureteral calculus
  • renal angiomyolipoma
  • urothelial carcinoma of bladder

Question 5

a 20 year old previously healthy man has been feeling tired for the past 5 days , hw goes to his physician when he passes dark colored urine , on physical examination in blood pressure is 155/90 mmhg , lab studies show his serum creatinine is 4.4mg/dl , a urine analysis reveals ph 6 , +blood + protein and no glucose , on urine microscopic examination there are numerous RBC cast which of the following pathologic findings on renal biopsy is most likely to be present in this man ?
  • glomerular crescents
  • widened proximal tubules
  • polymorphonuclear infiltirate
  • lipiduria
  • IgA deposited in glomerular capillary wall

Question 6

a 43 year old man has increasing malaise for the past 3 weeks , on physical examination he has a blood pressure of 150/95mmhg and mild pitting edema of the lower extremities . a 24 hour urine protein is 4.1mg , serum creatinine is 2.2mg/dl . his hepatitis B surface antigen is postive , which of the following is most likely diagnosis ?
  • membranous glomerulonephritits
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • acute tubular necrosis
  • diabetic nephropathy
  • post streptococcal glomerulonephritis

Question 7

renal biopsy obtained from patient with nephritic syndrome , EM examination has revealed fusion of food processes and denuded irregular basement membrane dire to detachement of eipthelial , which of the following condition give this EM picture ?
  • membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
  • minimal change glomerulonephritis
  • focal segmental glomerulonephritis
  • goodpasture syndrome
  • diffuse glomerulosclerosis

Question 8

a 50 year old man presented with hematuria on examination there was a renal mass , renal biopsy revealed masses of polygonal cells , having dark cytoplasm and clear zone around the nuclei , in addition there are areas of hemorrhage and necrosis what is the probable diagnosis ?
  • oncocytoma
  • angiomyolipoma
  • transitional cell carcinoma
  • lipoma
  • renal cell carcinoma

Question 9

a 11 year old boy was seen by the family physician beacause of increasing lethargy , urine analysis revealed 3+ proteinuria , found to be dure to both albumin and immunoglobulins , a 24 hour urine protein was 2.1gm , his serum complement c3 and c4 were normal , his antinuclear antibody test was negative the child did not improve despite corticsteroid therapy , the most likely diagnosis ?
  • membranous glomerulonephritis
  • minimal change GN
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • focal segmental GN
  • membranoprolifrative GN

Question 10

a 3 year old child dose not want to eat much at meals . the pediatrician notes an enlarged abdomen and can palpate a mass on the right , an abdominal Ct scan revealed a 10 cm solid mass involving the right kidney , the resected mass has the microscopic appearance of small blue cells with primitive tubular structures which of the following neoplasms is most likely to account for these findings ?
  • angiomyolipoma
  • renal cell carcinoma
  • tansitional cell carcinoma
  • wilms tumor
  • medullary fibroma
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