HSC Business Studies Quiz: 2013 Exam Paper


This Quiz provides the multiple choice questions and answers of the HSC Business Studies 2013 exams. Start practicing for your exam now!
Alex Declan
Quiz by Alex Declan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Leyden
Created by Andrea Leyden over 10 years ago
Alex Declan
Copied by Alex Declan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which business function transforms raw materials and resources into finished goods or products?
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Operations

Question 2

An overseas factory sells 200,000 teddy bears a year to toy stores across Australia. What type of market is the overseas factory targeting?
  • Consumer
  • Intermediate
  • Niche
  • Resource

Question 3

A business places a job vacancy advertisement on its website. Which aspect of human resource management is this an example of?
  • Development
  • Maintenance
  • Recruitment
  • Selection

Question 4

What does the expense ratio measure?
  • Efficiency
  • Growth
  • Profitability
  • Solvency

Question 5

Acompany’s policy is to purchase from lowest­ cost suppliers regardless of their location. What is this policy an example of?
  • Global sourcing
  • Global branding
  • Economies of scale
  • Research and development

Question 6

Which of the following would immediately improve the working capital of a business?
  • Increasing credit sales
  • Using sale and lease back
  • Preparing a cash flow statement
  • Repaying debt to creditors more quickly

Question 7

Which of the following includes both an opportunity and a threat from a SWOT analysis?
  • Low interest rates and high gearing
  • Loyal employees and outdated technology
  • Excellent management and strong competition
  • Strong economic growth and increased tax rates

Question 8

What does a critical path identify?
  • The lowest cost path to complete all tasks in a project
  • The highest cost path to complete all tasks in a project
  • The longest time required to complete all tasks in a project
  • The shortest time required to complete all tasks in a project

Question 9

What is the most likely reason that a business would use price skimming?
  • To encourage export sales
  • To achieve market share quickly
  • To gain high profits when demand is strong
  • To reverse the decline stage of the product life cycle

Question 10

Which of the following would improve the financial position of a business?
  • Lower current ratio and lower accounts receivable turnover ratio
  • Higher current ratio and lower accounts receivable turnover ratio
  • Lower current ratio and higher accounts receivable turnover ratio
  • Higher current ratio and higher accounts receivable turnover ratio

Question 11

Sam is asked by a company to participate in a survey on home security. After a few questions, she is asked if she would like to purchase a burglar alarm from the company. What strategy is the company using?
  • Sugging, which is illegal
  • Sugging, which is legal but may be unethical
  • Misleading and deceptive advertising, which is illegal
  • Misleading and deceptive advertising, which is legal but may be unethical

Question 12

A car company advertises its new luxury car as more exciting and fun to drive than its competitors’ cars. What strategy is the car company using?
  • Opinion leader
  • Personal selling
  • Positioning
  • Public relations

Question 13

Full­time, permanent employees in Australia are generally entitled to four weeks annual leave. What is the legal basis for this?
  • Common law
  • Industry awards
  • National Employment Standards
  • Workplace health and safety legislation

Question 14

Which of the following includes two examples of transforming resources?
  • Materials and energy
  • Information and customers
  • Task design and technology
  • Human resources and facilities

Question 15

Company XYZ allocates most of its marketing budget to advertising. What approach has XYZ adopted?
  • Selling approach
  • Market approach
  • Customer approach
  • Production approach

Question 16

Auditors have discovered that the value of legal fees paid has been included in the asset value of a new warehouse purchased by a business. What limitation of financial reports does this show?
  • Capitalised expenses
  • Debt repayments
  • Normalised earnings
  • Timing issues

Question 17

Which of the following combinations would result in the lowest production cost per unit?
  • Limited customer contact, limited product variety and low volume
  • Limited customer contact, limited product variety and high volume
  • Extensive customer contact, extensive product variety and low volume
  • Extensive customer contact, extensive product variety and high volume

Question 18

A businessis experiencing increasing costs for its stock over time. It is seeking to maximise its profit for the current financial period. Which strategy should it adopt to value its inventory?
  • First-­in­-first­-out
  • Just­-in­-case
  • Just-in-time
  • Last-in-first-out

Question 19

The image on the right is an extract from the end of year marketing report for a business. Which of the following is suggested by the data?
  • Salesperson 1 is the least successful salesperson in the least successful region.
  • Salesperson 4 is the most successful salesperson in the least successful region.
  • Salesperson 7 is the least successful salesperson in the most successful region.
  • Salesperson 8 is the most successful salesperson in the most successful region.

Question 20

Which of the following is an example of developmental performance management?
  • Reviewing the reward system for all employees
  • Evaluating an online payroll system for employees
  • Improving an individual employee’s leadership skills
  • Collecting data to manage the human resources function more effectively
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