Verb Tenses - Present, Past, Future


Slide Set on Verb Tenses - Present, Past, Future, created by Lazaro Lima on 28/08/2018.
Lazaro Lima
Slide Set by Lazaro Lima, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Gisele Spada
Created by Gisele Spada over 8 years ago
Lazaro Lima
Copied by Lazaro Lima over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT Fatos, Hábitos E Rotinas Atividades temporárias, acontecendo no momento falado Ações passadas com resultados ou consequências no presente; ações que começaram no passado e acontecem até hoje I live / I don't live I am living / I am not living I have lived / I haven't lived You read / You don't read You are reading / You aren't reading You have lived / You haven't lived He studies / He doesn't study He is studying / He isn't studying He has lived / He hasn't lived They learn / They don't learn They are learning / They aren't learning They have learned / They haven't learned (learnt) Do you live...? Are you living...? Have you lived? Does he live...? Is he living...? Has she lived?

Slide 2

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Every day, week...; today; rarely; often; usually; general; once a month...; sometimes... At the moment; (right) now; while; always; constantly... Ever; never; for; since; yet; just; lately

Slide 3

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT Ações que aconteceram em um dado momento Ações acontecendo em um dado momento passado Ação passada que aconteceu antes de outra ação no passado. É o passado do passado I lived / I didn't live I was living / I wasn't living I had lived / I hadn't lived You lived / You didn't live You were reading / You weren't reading You had lived / You hadn't lived He lived / He didn't live He was studying / He wasn't studying He had lived / He hadn't lived They learned (learnt) / They didn't learn They were learning / They weren't learning They had learned / They hadn't learned (learnt) Did you live? Were you living...? Had you lived? Did she live? Was he living...? Had she lived?

Slide 4

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Yesterday; last week, last month, last year; ago. While; during; when; after... When; until/ till; as soons as; after; before Datas específicas já passadas: in 1994; in January; on Thursday...    

Slide 5

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT Ações que ainda vão acontecer Ações que vão acontecer em um dado momento futuro. Ações paralelas no futuro Ações que se concretizarão ou não em um tempo determinado no futuro. Explicar planos futuros I will live / I won't live I wIll be living / I won't be living I will have lived / I won't have lived You will read / You won't read You will be reading / You won't be reading You will have read / You won't have read He will study / He won't study He will be studying / He won't be studying He will have studied / He won't have studied They will learn / They won't learn They will be learning / They won't be learning They will have learned / They won't have learned (learnt) Will you live...? Will you be living...? Will you have lived...? Will he live...? Will he be living...? Will he have lived...?

Slide 6

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS PERFECT VARIAÇÃO QUE INDICA PLANOS E INTENÇÕES     I am going to live / I am not going to live PALAVRAS-CHAVE:   You are going to read / You aren't going to read when; in; tonight... PALAVRAS-CHAVE: He is going to study / He isn't going to study   when; by the end of the day / week / month / year; by the time... They are going to learn / They aren't going to learn     Are you going to live...? Não é um tempo verbal comumente utilizado. Não é um tempo verbal comumente utilizado. Is he going to live...?    

Slide 7

    SIMPLE CONTINUOUS                     PERFECT PALAVRAS-CHAVE:     Tomorrow; next week, next month, next year, next Friday; tonight; within 10 days...    
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