57. People are inherently lazy


Slide Set on 57. People are inherently lazy, created by Ngoc Le on 20/01/2019.
Ngoc Le
Slide Set by Ngoc Le, updated more than 1 year ago
Ngoc Le
Created by Ngoc Le almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Some people may seem like they're being lazy, when in fact they could just be being very efficient. We have evolved and survived by conserving our energy and only using what we must in order to have the resources we need like food and shelter.
    Caption: : Image from geckoandfly.com

Slide 2

    The word satisfice, coined by Herbert Simon, is about the decision-making process we go through in deciding what we need or don't need. Satisficing is choosing things that are good enough or easy to get rather than something that would be the better or preferred choice (which may involve much more time and energy than we have or need to use).
    Caption: : Image from recruitingdaily.com

Slide 3

    When browsing websites or flipping through magazines, we tend to scan them over and pick and choose what we want to engage with depending on how easy it will be or how much time and energy it takes. So when designing, we should make it easy for the viewer to see the information we're trying to give in the least amount of time possible while requiring the least amount of effort.
    Caption: : Image from henryclarkewebdesign.com
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