88. People make predictable types of errors


Slide Set on 88. People make predictable types of errors, created by Elizabeth Poulin on 21/01/2019.
Elizabeth Poulin
Slide Set by Elizabeth Poulin, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Poulin
Created by Elizabeth Poulin about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    88. People make predictable types of errors
    Decide which possible errors you are most concerned about and which are important to fix first. Collect data on which category of errors people are making. This will help focus your redesign efforts after testing. Use systems like HFACS (slide 4) to analyze and prevent errors, especially if errors may result in injury or death.
    Caption: : https://gph.is/2aEsxuw

Slide 2

    Types of Errors
    Performance Errors Mistakes you make while you’re going through the steps to complete a procedure. Commission, Omission, and Wrong-action. Motor-control Errors Errors you make while using the control of a device. For example, accidentally swiping when you mean to zoom.   Use the flashcards to learn the definitions and get real-life examples.

Slide 3

    Swiss Cheese Model of Human Error
    Caption: : https://stratog.rcog.org.uk/human-factors/clinical-error/swiss-cheese-model
    Caption: : In his book Human Error (1990) James Reason wrote that errors have a cumulative effect. Each error makes a hole in the system until the end when you have swiss cheese.

Slide 4

    In 2000 Scott Shappell and Douglas Wiegmann wrote a paper on The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System for the US office of Aviation Medicine. They worked from the Swiss Cheese Model and extended it to propose a system for analyzing and classifying human errors.   See the video for an in-depth explanation.
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