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Module 4.1 diversity of life
Slide Set on Module 4.1 diversity of life, created by mariam said on 19/03/2019.
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year 9
Slide Set by
mariam said
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
mariam said
almost 6 years ago
Resource summary
Slide 1
A Species is the smallest unit of biological classification.
Capuchino Map (binary/octet-stream)
Caption: : an example of birds and there different species.
what are species?
Slide 2
what are hybrids?
An individual produced by a cross between parents with different genotypes. often used to refer to the offspring of different varieties or species.
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Caption: : Mule is an example of a hybrid.
Slide 3
what is taxonomy?
The science of the classification of organisms into hierarchical grouping based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationship.
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Slide 4
what is Linnaean classification?
A hierarchical system of classifying organisms, aimed at reflecting their evolutionary relationship.
Download (binary/octet-stream)
Caption: : this is the linnaean system.
Slide 5
what is morphology?
The physical forms or structure of a organisms.
Morphology (binary/octet-stream)
Slide 6
What is evolution?
Changes in the characteristics of a species over many generations.
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Slide 7
what are generations?
The time between the birth of an individual and when they produce their own offspring.
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Slide 8
what is Artifical Selection?
The process by which people choose breed particular organisms with desirable features; also known as selective breeding.
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Slide 9
what is cross-breeding?
selective breeding by combining in the offsprings a desirable feature of one individual with different desirable features in another individual.
5660322e 0ef1 4db6 B3fe Fb150f165fbb Crossbreeding (binary/octet-stream)
Slide 10
What is inbreeding?
Selection breeding between two closely related individuals.
Genetics (binary/octet-stream)
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