spanish se conjugation


9th grade Spanish Slide Set on spanish se conjugation, created by Anna Case on 22/11/2019.
Anna Case
Slide Set by Anna Case, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna Case
Created by Anna Case over 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Slide 1

Slide 2

    Reflexive verb rules
    reflexive verbs are the indication that the action of the verb remains with the subject (yo, te, el, ella, nosotros, ustedes, ellos, ellas) or they are directly doing the verb/action to themselves. 1. move the se to the front 2. change the se to the correct pronoun 3.conjugate the leftover verb

Slide 4

    How to conjugate
    1.remove se from the verb 2.make se match the person doing the action yo->me tu->te nosotros-> nos  3. conjugate the verb of choice
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