Six Design Rules for Maximum Motivation


A summary of 6 Rules to Designing e-Learning for Maximum Motivation by Ethan Edwards, Chief Instructional Strategist. This course was created as an assignment from and Instructional Design course from Trevecca University.
Brenda Parker
Slide Set by Brenda Parker, updated more than 1 year ago
Brenda Parker
Created by Brenda Parker over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Six Design Rules for Maximum Motivation
    While instructional design, technology, and project management are crucial, trusting your own experience with your learners and making practical and common sense choices is the most important element in designing e-learning that actually makes a difference.  -Ethan Edwards
    Caption: : Learner motivation is a critical success factor.

Slide 2

    Make a Difference Trust Your Own Experience Make Practical Choices Use Common Sense
    Caption: : Active learner engagement is necessary for learning to occur

Slide 3


Slide 4

    Six Rules

Slide 5

    Rule 1

Slide 6

    Rule 2

Slide 7

    Rule 3

Slide 8

    Rule 4

Slide 9

    Rule 5

Slide 10

    Rule 6

Slide 11

    Action Plan

Slide 12

    Putting it all to work
    Self Assess
    Avoid Pitfalls

Slide 13

    Six Design Rules for Maximum Motivation
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