32. People Interact with Conceptual Models


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Kelsey Pillsbury
Created by Kelsey Pillsbury over 4 years ago
Kelsey Pillsbury
Copied by Kelsey Pillsbury over 4 years ago
Kelsey Pillsbury
Copied by Kelsey Pillsbury over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    32. People Interact with Conceptual Models
    Caption: : src: https://uxdesign.cc/understanding-mental-and-conceptual-models-in-product-design-7d69de3cae26

Slide 2

    Conceptual Model vs. Mental Model
    Conceptual Model   The actual model that is given to the user through the design and interface of the actual product.
    Mental Model   The representation that a person has in their mind about the object that they are interacting with.

Slide 3

    How to Succeed with Conceptual Models
    Caption: : src: https://uxdesign.cc/understanding-mental-and-conceptual-models-in-product-design-7d69de3cae26
    Don't let the conceptual model come to fruition without basing design around the mental model of a user.   If the product is new, or the conceptual model does not fit with the mental model of the audience you need to then provide training, how-to's, etc. for the user to create a new mental model of the product that aligns closer with the conceptual model.
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