research is a systematic investigation that is empirical in nature and is to contribute to public knowledge.
Research questions are the central issues being addressed in the study
Causal studies- at last two major variables of interest that might affect the problem
Descriptive sudies- designed to document what is going on or what exists
relational studies- look at relationships between two or more variables
empirical- based on direct observations and measurements of reality
probablistic- inferences based on probablities
causal- interested in what leads to what
Is it possible to do the study to answer your research question? Feasibillity includes the following : making a trade off between rigor and practicallity, how long the research will take, the ethical constraints, and wheter you can auire the cooperation needed to take the project to a successful conclusion. Determine the degree to which the costs will be manageable.
Slide 2
Studies and Relationships
Observational Studies- understand cause and effect relationships however the researcher can not control how the subjects are assigned to groups or which treatment they receive
cross sectional study- a study that takes place at a single point in time. You are pin pointing one specific event in a series of events.
longitudinal study- a study hat takes place over time, measurement occurs on at least two separate occasions.
When you measure at different time points its called measuring multiple waves. Two or three waves measurements are repeated measures. Many waves of measurement is a time series.
positive relationship- high values on one variable are associated with hih values on another
negative relationshhup- high vaues on one variable are associated with low values on another (inverse relationship)
'The Romans' withdrawal from Britain was a turning point in the development of medicine and public health.' How far do you agree with this statement? (16 marks)