Is God responsible for good + evil?
If God is omnipotent and omniscient, he could stop evil, but he doesn't. If something is within your control, doesn't that mean it is your duty to do something about it if you're the only one that can?
If God sets the moral standard for what is evil, why does he make it so difficult to attain? Also, he is the one who enforces it on pain of punishment, so surely he has some responsibility towards evil?
Natural evil is out of human control, so it cannot be our responsibility. However, natural disasters are more likely to happen as a result of climate change, which is caused by humans, so ultimately, does this mean we are responsible for evil?
God is the Creator of the universe, and as such, he is responsible for all that happens within it.
He gave humans free will, and evil entered the world as a result of humans disobeying God. God could not have revoked giving free will as this would mean he would not be morally good or have perfect wisdom. Also, free will by definition is not controlled by anything, therefore he could not have controlled us, otherwise it is no longer free and God cannot lie (because of his perfect moral nature).
The attribute of God as judge would be biased, because God would have to judge himself. Also, God having to be judged takes away from some of his perfection, as this means there is a standard he may not of met.
God is unable to stop evil; he may have more power and knowledge than anything else in the universe, but perhaps it is impossible to completely stop evil.
God could know something about evil that we don't. He could know about the universal purpose of evil in our lives, and therefore cannot eradicate it because its purpose is important.