

3 Media Theorists
Slide Set by amyawhittingham, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amyawhittingham about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

Slide 2

    The 5 Codes
    Hermeneutic / Enigma Code Proairetic / Action Code Semantic Code Symbolic Code  Referential Code

Slide 3

    Hermeneutic / Enigma code
    This code refers to mystery within a text. Clues are dropped, but no clear answers are given. Enigmas within the narrative make the audience want to know more. Unanswered enigmas tend to frustrate the audience.

Slide 4

    Proairetic / Action code
    This code contains sequential elements of action in the text. Proairetic elements add suspense to the text.

Slide 5

    Semantic Code
    This code refers to parts within the text that suggest or refers to additional meanings. Elements of the semantic code are called Semes. The seme has a connotative function in the text. It has an extra layer of meaning in addition to its literal meaning.

Slide 6

    Symbolic code
    This code is about symbolism within the textIt exercises opposites to show contrast and create greater meaning, creating tension, drama and character development. 

Slide 7

    Referential Code
    This code refers to anything in the text which refers to an external body of knowledge such as scientific, historical and cultural knowledge.

Slide 8

    Vladimir Propp developed a character theory for studying media texts and productions, which indicates that there were 7 broad character types in the 100 tales he analysed, which could be applied to other media: The villain (struggles against the hero) The donor (prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object)
    Propp Theory

Slide 9

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