Grammar Compendium


List of grammar from Integrated Chinese: Level 1 Part 2
Slide Set by jenniferfish2014, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jenniferfish2014 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Lesson 18 Grammar
    Dialogue 11. Duration of Non-Action     Indicates that an action was not performed for a certain amount of time     Time Expression + 没 + v. + 了     e.g. 他三天没上网了。2. 好/难 + v.     Creates a compound adjective (pleasant/not)     好吃/难吃,好看/难看,好受/难受3. 下去 Indicating Continuation     Signifies continuation of an action in progress     e.g. 你别念下去了,我一点儿也不喜欢听。

Slide 2

    Dialogue 24. Duration of Actions     Either repeats verb or place time before obj., with 的     e.g. 他每天听录音听一个小时。     他每天听一个小时的录音。5. 着     accompanying action + 着 + main action     e.g. 老师站着教课,学生坐着听课。6. 被 in Passive-Voice Sentences     receiver of action + 被 + agent of action + v. + other (了)     e.g. 我的功课被狗吃了。     你的网球拍被我压坏了。
    Lesson 18 Grammar (continued)

Slide 3

    Dialogue 11. 不得了(bù déliǎo) - extremely     e.g. 那个地方夏天热的不得了。长城上的人多得不得了。     adj./v. + 得 + 不得了Dialogue 22. Question Pronouns as Indefinite References     Repeating a question pronoun in 2 separate related clauses     e.g. 谁想去,谁就去。(Whoever wants to go can go)3. Numbers over 1000     Order: 千,万,十万,百万,千万,亿,十亿4. Comparative Sentences with 比 (II)     Numeral + m.w. after adj. indicates disparity     A + 比 + B + adj. + numeral + m.w. + n.     e.g. 我们班比你们班多四个学生。     我的房租比你的便宜五百块。
    Lesson 19 Grammar
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