Geographers have traditionally used maps as a source of information about places. We can now use a range of technology to help us find places, eg satellite navigation, GPS and GIS on our computers or mobile phones.
Try to remember the main compass points by using a mnemonic, egNever Eat Shredded Wheat North East South WestThe four main points of the compass are north, east, south and west. Half way between each of these there are four other points: north-east, south-east, south-west and north-west. This makes an eight-point compass. There are a further eight points between these - remember the names of these are a mix of the two closest compass points but they always start with the main compass point, ie north, east, south or west.Ordnance Survey maps are always printed so that north is at the top of the map.
Most maps have a scale. These help us to work out distances on maps. This is given by the scale statement (eg 1:25,000) and/or by showing a scale bar.The scale shows how much bigger the real world is than the map. If the scale is 1:50,000 it means that the map is 50,000 times smaller than the real world. For example, every 1 cm on the map represents 50,000 cm in the real world.
Maps show height in a number of different ways:
Spot heights and triangulation pillars
This map extract shows exact heights by a black dot with a number next to it. The number is the height above sea level in metres. The blue triangle represents atriangulation pillar; the networks of concrete pillars found in the UK that were used to make maps.
These are lines drawn on maps that join places of the same height. They are usually an orange or brown colour. Some contour lines have their height above or below sea level written on them. It is possible to use them to see the shape of the land - if contour lines are close together the slope is steep, if they are far apart the slope is gentle. Contour lines are usually drawn at 10 metre intervals on a 1:50,000 scale map and at 5 metre intervals on a 1:25,000 scale map.
A grid of squares helps the map-reader to locate a place. The horizontal lines crossing the map from one side to the other are called northings. They are numbered - the numbers increase to the north. The vertical lines crossing the map from top to bottom are called eastings as the numbers increase in an easterly direction. Things to remember:
On an OS map each grid square is 1 km x 1 km or 1 sq km.
When you give a grid reference, always give the easting first: "Along the corridor and up the stairs".
Four-figure grid references can be used to pinpoint a location to within a square measuring 1 sq km. To find the number of the square:
Start at the left-hand side of the map and go east until you get to the easting crossing through the bottom-left-hand corner of the square you want. Write this number down.
Move north until you get to the northing crossing the bottom-left-hand corner of the square you want. Look at the number of this grid line and add it to the two-digit number you already have. This is your four-figure grid reference.
In this case, the tourist information office is in grid square 4733.
Sometimes it is necessary to be even more accurate. In this case you can imagine that each grid is divided into 100 tiny squares. The distance between one grid line and the next is divided into tenths.
First, find the four-figure grid reference but leave a space after the first two digits. When you get to the easting at the left-hand side of the grid square you want, keep moving east and estimate or measure how many tenths across your symbol lies. Write this number after the first two digits.
Next, move north from the bottom-left-hand corner of your grid square and estimate how many tenths your symbol is from this point. Put them together to create a six figure grid reference.
In this instance, the tourist information office is located at 476334.