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how people pay attention and focus?
Victor Ramirez-Mirazo
Slide Set by Victor Ramirez-Mirazo, updated more than 1 year ago
Victor Ramirez-Mirazo
Created by Victor Ramirez-Mirazo about 8 years ago
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Resource summary

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    How do we take action? How do we make other people to pay attention and how do we decide on what to pay attention?

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    Society life and life style makes the people to easily get distracted in many situations.  In fact, their attention can often bepulled away from what they’re focusing on. But they can also pay attention to one thing and filter out all other stimuli. This is called selective attention. for example many people pay attention to large photos and colors.

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    Example 1.Imagine you’re at a cocktail party. You’re talking to the person next to you. It’s noisy, but you can screen out the other conversations. Then you hear someone say your name.Your name cut through your filter and quickly came to your attention.
    Example 2. Imagine you’re walking down a path in the woods and thinking about an upcoming business trip when you see a snake on the ground. You jump backwards. Your heart races. You’re ready to run. But wait, it’s not a snake; it’s just a stick. You calm down and keep walking. You noticed the stick, and even responded to it, in a largely unconscious way.

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    People will pay attention to only one thing and ignore everything else as long as you give them specific instructions to do so, and the task doesn’t take too long.A person’s unconscious constantly scans the environment for certain things. Theseinclude their own name as well as messages about food, sex, and danger.

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    Do not expect people to pay attention to information that you have given. Do not make assumptions. Designers have a different outlook of the world in other words do not expect people to understand your designs we have different ways to filter information. In some case you can to improve peoples filtration of information they recommend to use color, size, animation, video and sound to draw attention.

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    If a skill is practiced so much that it becomes automatic, then it can be performed with a minimum of conscious attention. If it’s truly automatic then it almost allows multitasking.I say almost because multitasking doesn’t really exist

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    EXPECTATIONS OF FREQUENCY AFFECT ATTENTIONThe U.S. Department of Homeland Security routinely tests the ability to pass securityscreening with guns, bomb parts, and other forbidden items by sending them through withundercover agents. The U.S. government won’t release the figures officially, yet, but theestimate is that 70 percent of these tests fail. Why does this happen?A MENTAL MODEL ABOUT FREQUENCY.A security officer is working for hours at a time, watching people, and looking at the scanner screen. He develops expectations about how frequently certain errors occur.People will build an unconscious mental model of how often an event occurs.

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    SUSTAINED ATTENTION LASTS ABOUT TEN MINUTESPeople's can maintain focus on a presentation for about 7 to 10 minutes. If the topic is not interesting and boring you might lose their attention.but 7 to 10 minutes is about as long as we can pay attention to any one task.

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    PEOPLE PAY ATTENTION ONLY TO SALIENT CUESMoney is a great example of how we can easily  lose attention on detail, Because handling money cash it is something that we do on the regular basis frequently we do not pay attention to certain attributes of the money for example, its color and size. They are what psychologist called "salient cues".

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    Decide what the salient cues are for your audience.Design so that the salient cues are obvious.Realize that people will probably only pay attention to salient cues.

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    There is only ONE POSSIBLE EXCEPTION.You can do a physical task and a mental talks at the same time. For instance you can walk while speaking. DO AGE AND MULTITASKING EXPERIENCE MAKE A DIFFERENCE?No. Eyal Ophir and Clifford Nass (2009) conducted a series of studies on college students and determined that they were no better at multitasking than the general population. The result said the opposite they are more distracted and the general population.
    Caption: : according with a research It is a fact that people can not muiltitask

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    The True is:
    People will tell you they can multitask but they actually can’t.Those who describe themselves as great multitaskers are probably the worst at it.Driving while having a cell phone conversation is like driving under the influence ofalcohol.

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