Mezzogiorno -- Primary economic activities


Clara Webster
Slide Set by Clara Webster, updated more than 1 year ago
Clara Webster
Created by Clara Webster over 7 years ago

Resource summary

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    Climate has limiting effect on agriculture - most activity carried out in winter with rainfall. Tree crops -- vines, olives and citrus fruits are most common, sheep grazing in upland areas. 10% of workforce involved in agriculture. High dependency on EU grants as farm incomes are 50% lower than EU average. 1/2 of those employed in agriculture work in Mezzorgiorno. Until 1950s, land divided into estates called latifundia, owned by landlords. 25% of people owned their land - little incentive to improve practices. Small plots rented called minifundia, but most people worked on other's estates as landless labourers called braccianti. Land was subdivided ~ 70% of land was > 3 hectares. Overgrazing and overcultivation. Production levels were low and farming was extensive.

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    Agriculture: Cassa per il Mezzogiorno
    1950s, Cassa per il Mezzogiorno was introduced by government and funded by EU to improve farming practices. Positive Effects: Land reform; land redistributed to local peasants. New farming techniques; crop rotation, cash crops and intensive farming styles. Investment in mechanisation. Irrigation schemes; Apulian Aqueduct. Co-operatives. Improvements to infrastructure and ports; Autostrada del Sole - transportation. Communication links and services. Malarial swamps drained -- reclaimed marshes - wheat grown. ~~ Huge improvements -agricultural output has increased tenfold. One of the main producers of citrus fruit and olives.

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    Cassa per il Mezzogiorno contd
    Negative Effects: The reforms introduced to the Mezzogiorno have mainly benefited the coastal plains; 85% in upland -- widened income gap between upland areas and coastal plains. 200% increase in tomatoes grown in region; seasonal overproduction and dramatic fall in prices when sold to European markets. Irrigation schemes; very expensive. New farming practices --pastoral farming-- limited in the region.

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    Mixed hardwoods - oak, cork, cypress & olive trees. Many have been cleared for settlement and farming -- land open to soil and raindrop erosion. Trees more widely spaced than in other regions. Upland slopes covered in a limited amount of scrub vegetation. Forestry not an important economic activity.

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    Not a major activity - Mediterranean not rich fishing ground. Sardines, tuna and anchovies. Small fishing ports and sold to local tourist trade. Fishing trade under threat as Mediterranean is quite polluted. Small continental shelf -- breeding of fish is limited.

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    Energy & Mining
    No coal deposits and HEP production is limited due to permeable nature of limestone bedrock and limited rainfall. Small amount of natural gas off coasts of Sicily, Molise, Calabria and Basilicata. Most gas is imported through gas pipeline from Algeria.
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