Historical Views


AS level History (Weimar/Nazi Germany ) Slide Set on Historical Views , created by Georgia Millinchip on 11/05/2017.
Georgia Millinchip
Slide Set by Georgia Millinchip, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Millinchip
Created by Georgia Millinchip about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Causes of the Second World War
    Other countries Foreign Policies  Policies of appeasement only encouraged Hitler as did failed peace treaties. The fear of communism was spreading worldwide - this caused segregation of Eastern Europe.   USA isolated themselves International Causes International growth of dictatorships Failed attempts at peace = tension regarding war Wounds of WW! never fully healed and remained in the back of countries minds. Social Different social groups wanted revenge Pressure for the Nazi's to go to war                   
    Nazi Foreign Policies Aim for autarky caused isolationism Command economy means that the country was geared for war so HAD to go to war eventually Racial purity (Getting rid of Jews and undesirable's etc) Lebensraum - living space = Expansionism Treaty of Versailles Trying to reverse it Long resented by Germany and the people Countries tolerated expansionism as they felt bad for Germany Economic Depression allowed for Dictatorships to rise 1939 = Economy would have collapsed had they not gone to war.

Slide 2

    Intentionalist & Functionalist
    IntentionalistHitler had a master-plan.Aims to take over were all outlined from the very beginning in Mein Kampf.Racial purity was not a new aim however racial cleansing was.
    FunctionalistHitler took advantage of events going on around him - he was an opportunist.Lebensraum was not a new concept and neither was expansionism - The King, Kaiser and Hindenburg had all previously pursued this.WW2 was long embedded in German History (E.g. The Treaty of Versailles which was resented and around before Hitler came into power).
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