
Slide Set on Untitled, created by Chloe Cotterill on 16/03/2017.
Chloe Cotterill
Slide Set by Chloe Cotterill, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe Cotterill
Created by Chloe Cotterill over 7 years ago

Resource summary

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    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    One way that my audience research reveals that I have met the needs of my audience is through providing 'love and belonging' for example, through promoting competitions on my website such as 'free holidays' which encourages people to feel as though they can get involved with the institution and feel as though they are engaged with society, therefore, supporting the audience in unifying with society. Additionally, another way the product promotes 'love and belonging' is through bringing people together of a similar age group as people in my audience research believed that it was age appropriate, therefore it encourages social solidarity among my target audience as they can come together and feel involved with individuals of a similar age group. Additionally, this can lead to a boost in self-esteem which again makes the reader feel a sense of importance. In my survey, people voted that my product appears 'inspirational' and this means that 'self-actualization' can take place as it allows the audience to explore their creative skills and experiment with their own look, encouraging individuals to become independent. Additionally, in my interview with two teenage girls they agreed with the notion that the models appear natural and realistic, therefore it promotes a 'lack of prejudice' which encourages young women to accept their own look.

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    Uses and Gratifications Theory
    Caption: : Late teen target audience
    The Uses and Gratifications Theory explains that individuals will read media content to be educated, escape from reality, for entertainment, for personal identity and for social solidarity. From the response from my target audience 'Shannon' an interviewee said that in her spare time she likes to go 'clubbing' and 'shopping' and the fact that my magazine and website explore features on night life such as 'Seasonal cocktails at the orange tree' and fashion such as 'top trends of the season' it means that Shannon is assured that she will be entertained, thus, telling me that the features are catered to the target audience. In addition, she said that because the product is Leicester focused, this is a reason that she would purchase it, perhaps building personal identity through a sense of pride of her regional identity, therefore, making her feel important to be from Leicester. Additionally, to make the regional product improved and more beneficial in the future I would perhaps offer free club tickets to a Leicester club such as 'Republic' which would be appealing and accessible to people in Leicester. This ticket offers 'escapism' as a night out will distract my target audience from the stresses of academic work, therefore, fulfilling this need will encourage people to repurchase the product to gain future benefits that make them feel valued, building their personal identity.

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    Uses and Gratifications Theory
    Another way that the product has reached the needs of the Uses and Gratifications Theory is through educating the reader as in my survey, 90% of the audience voted that it is evidently a regional magazine which demonstrates that the product is informative and clear which will create greater awareness of the product and also their is an 'about us' page on the website which gives the reader an insight into what the product is, making it more memorable due to having wider knowledge. In addition, the fact that the product is obviously Leicester related allows social solidarity to take place as the community will come together to share their mutual interests on popular culture, therefore, through being able to relate to people in the region, it will create a sense of unification. Also, linking to the competitions this not only creates social solidarity through creating involvement but it also provides 'escapism' as a 'luxury holiday' ( promoted on the website) is an opportunity for the reader to retreat and relax, therefore, the product is related with calamity, meaning it will be popular for students who suffer from stress due to the burden of exams.
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